Category Archives: Family

No Offense ‘Caged Kids,’ But Your Parents Probably Don’t Want To Get You Back (Humor Alert)

Comedy & Humor, Democrats, Donald Trump, Family, IMMIGRATION, Literature

Without question and with deep conviction, the moron media repeat the storyline about kids being ripped from their parents’ arms, and caged on entering the US illegally (by a president who—OMG!—enforced US immigration law, for the benefit of the American People):

Federal court filings made this week by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Justice Department say that the parents of some 545 migrant children who are currently in the United States have not been found. These parents were separated from their children at the U.S. border by border officials under President Trump’s zero tolerance policy from 2017 to 2018, and the filing says the parents are now unreachable.

Kids are not what they are cut out to be (joke alert #1).

And these particular kids? I don’t know. I’ve searched the Internet for images of tender toddlers caged. All I found are images of large, hirsute young adults, who look like they can stand on their own feet, maybe even join a gang.

Besides, what kind of parent can’t call a US government agency to locate his kid? An incompetent parent or, joke alert #2 for the mirthless, a parent who is not too keen on getting that “kid” back, a sentiment I understand. Completely. They don’t make kids the way they used to.

In “Why Are Unfit Parents Fit To Become Americans?” it was pointed out that “bad parents will continue to deploy children as human shields to gain entry into the US”; and that “it’s unfortunate that children are born into disorganized, chaotic families. But a child is either the responsibility of his parents or of the state.”

The judicial trend of the state as parens patriae has seen the family usurped by the state as the primary socialization agent. The state-as-parent is the purview of progressives, not conservatives.

This question was posed: “Parents who put kids is such precarious a predicament are unfit. Why, then, are unfit parents fit to become Americans?”

I’m with the Mexican parents. You win some, you lose some–kids, that is (joke alert #3).

Once upon a time, American writers shared this sense of humor (wow; I am apologizing for wit). Remember the classic short story by William Sydney Porter, aka O. Henry’s (1862-1910)?

My all-time favorite fictional kid has to be the kid in the “The Ransom of Red Chief.”

Not only is “The Ransom of Red Chief” an American classic (written by a Southerner, of course)—it hearkens back to a time when kids had character; kid character.

Basically, the kidnapped kid, “Red Chief,” is so imaginatively naughty—never evil or wicked—that his traumatized kidnappers end up paying his wealthy grandad to take him back.

Grandad just sits back and waits. He knows the score.

* Image via Associated Press

UPDATE (10/24): ANTIFA IS US: Crappy, Corrupt Kids From The Burbs

Conservatism, Crime, Education, Family, Kids, Private Property

I have long-since maintained (in this interview and in this column, for example) that “looting is local.”

We refuse to accept that the little snots vandalizing lives and livelihoods are America’s sons and daughters; these vandals are the products of longstanding institutional rot—helped by progressive parents and pedagogues.

From “Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality,” September 17, 2020:

By now, the Critical Race rot is institutional; it is the handiwork of progressive—regressive, rather—parents, pedagogues and politicians.

Indeed, the youth rioting on our streets are not outsiders and interlopers; they are us. It is not insignificant that the whiter the city, the worse the riots have been. The protests that have engulfed more than 2,000 American cities have been the worst in “Minneapolis (64 percent white), Seattle (66 percent), Portland (77 percent), and Kenosha, Wisconsin (67 percent).”

Via “Looting Is Local — Courtesy Of Leroy & Lakisha

Another of our deformed society’s Big Lies kicked in when, like locusts, rioters and looters descended on America’s cities—from Minneapolis to Miami, from Los Angles to Louisville.

The specter of looting and rioting is another case of, “Who are you going to believe, me or your own lyin’ eyes?

Fake Newsers, Fox News Included, then began energetically, sans evidence—other than some bricks in a trash can—to promote a fake conspiratorial narrative:

Looters were never local, but always mysterious outside agitators; well-organized “Antifa.” The fiction was promoted as enthusiastically by Fox News as it was by CNN and MSNB.

Anything to avoid the reality of crime, while signaling your own virtue.

Even John Robert Lewis, a black civil right leader, got fed up and told MSNBC that looting was local.

Seattle’s Komo New, at one point, divulged that 82 people had been arrested, after the city center was destroyed. All were homeboys.

If rioters everywhere are from somewhere not here, what’s the logic?

If so-called organized, George Soros-activated ANTIFA terrorists intend to ignite the country and operate networks and chapters across it—why would they need to migrate, to lob rocks at a Macy’s in a town away from home? Why not riot in your home town if so organized?

Indeed, the little shits might just be more white than they are black:

This AP report confirms that,

Very few of those charged appear to be affiliated with highly organized extremist groups, and many are young suburban adults from the very neighborhoods Trump vows to protect from the violence in his reelection push to win support from the suburbs.

Attorney General William Barr has urged his prosecutors to bring federal charges on protesters who cause violence and has suggested that rarely used sedition charges could apply. And the Department of Justice has pushed for detention even as prisons across the U.S. were releasing high-risk inmates because of COVID-19 and prosecutors had been told to consider the risks of incarceration during a pandemic when seeking detention.



UPDATED (10/8): Oscar-Wood Gets COVID Clean For World Animal Day, 2020

Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Family, Parrots

Happy World Animal Day to my favorite little guy, Oscar-Wood.

Here mama’s cherub makes himself COVID clean. It’s pretty rare for a parrot to wash each foot with such focused intent. He doesn’t quit until he has gone through 4 fresh dishes of water.

You can hear mama’s exclamations of pride in the background.

Happy World Animal Day to all animals and their pet people.

UPDATE (10/8):  Oscar-Wood used to pluck his feathers before his rescue. As explained, parrots are the only creatures to self-mutilate out of depression, in captivity. Some parrots go as far as to drill holes in their chests. It’s too sad for words. Oscar-Wood only ever plucked himself. Here is what he once looked like:

Interview: Ilana Mercer, Part 1: Roots, Writing, & Resistance

Canada, Conservatism, Critique, Ethics, Etiquette, Family, Ilana Mercer, Journalism, Paleoconservatism, Paleolibertarianism

Interview: Ilana Mercer, part 1: Roots, writing, & resistance, By Dissident Mama on Friday, September 25, 2020.

I gave an interview to an up-and-coming young star, Dissident Mama, aka Rebecca Dillingham. She writes:

“It’s been a long time in the making, but here it is: the first installment of my two-part interview with the always provocative and poignant Ilana Mercer. Part 2 should be published on Monday. Keep your eyes wide open for that – it promises to be explosive!”

The tagline at Ilana Mercer’s website is “Verbal swordplay for civilization.” Ain’t that the truth. The self-described paleolibertarian has been wielding words and fighting the good fight since well before I even thought about fleeing the clutches of feminism-atheism-socialism. She’s both provocative and poignant – a difficult thing to pull off anytime, much less in our postmodern dystopia.

I remember first stumbling upon Mercer at World Net Daily back in my neocon “daze” in the early 2000s. I recall being moved by not only her tenacity, but her cerebral style. Being such a prolific essayist, I then found her articles during my libertarian/ancap phase. And again, her writing spoke to me. Now, I’m what you’d call a paleoconservative/Southern traditionalist, and yet, there she is again: writing articles that say things we all want to say but don’t know how, or planting seeds for new thinking.

Now, I don’t always agree with Mercer. I’d say she speaks my language on most matters, but that’s really not what draws me to her work. When you read Mercer, you know that she’s coming to her conclusions through principled inquiry, deep research, a passion for justice, and an impatience with the insanity. In other words, she’s rational but on fire!

And Mercer can see through so many of the charades. Perhaps this is due to her years of experience or because, as Jack Kerwick says, “Ilana is in much greater supply of that ‘manly virtue’ than are most male writers today.”

As Southern stalwart Dr. Clyde Wilson explains of Mercer, “This is one libertarian who knows that the market is wonderful, but it is not everything.” Intellectual honesty like that is hard to come by these days, and that’s why Mercer’s writing is so damn good: it’s fearless and succinct. Bold and challenging. Accessible and engrossing.

Moreover, anyone who’s forever banned from Facebook, pegged as a hater by the SPLC, and given accolades by everyone from Peter Brimelow and Vox Day, to Tom Woods and Paul Gottfried, well, they’re pretty cool in my book. Plus, Mercer has become what I would call a mentor and a friend. So, for those of you who don’t already know her, please meet the never-to-be-duplicated Ilana Mercer. And folks who are already familiar with her and her independent streak, get ready to have your socks knocked off.

MORE… Ilana Mercer, part 1: Roots, writing, & resistance, By Dissident Mama on Friday, September 25, 2020.