John McCain issued a jeremiad, just the other day, in which he decried nationalism, or America Firstism, in favor on internationalism and neoconservatism. He had the chutzpah to cloak this decidedly un-American baffle gab in the raiment of constitutionalism—the address was at the behest of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Has the Center read the Constitution? McCain sounds like a French Jacobin, not like an American Founding Father:
“We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil,” McCain intoned. “We have a moral obligation to continue in our just cause, and we would bring more than shame on ourselves if we don’t. We will not thrive in a world where our leadership and ideals are absent. We wouldn’t deserve to.”
As it turns out, two former presidents of the UniParty joined McCain in an anti-Trump message. Barack Obama first (10/19):
“Instead of our politics reflecting our values, we’ve got politics infecting our communities. Instead of looking for ways to work together and get things done in a practical way, we’ve got folks who are deliberately trying to make folks angry, to demonize people who have different ideas, to get the base all riled up because it provides a short-term tactical advantage.”
… if you believe in that better vision not just of our politics, but of our common life, of our democracy, of who we are; if you want that reflected in our government, if you want our kids to see our government and feel good about it, and feel like they’re represented and if you want those values that you are teaching your children reinforced … then you’ve got to go out there.”
Then it was George Bush’s turn. More so than Obama did Bush, a Gold Star neoconservative, trash the elemental idea that a government by the people is for THAT PEOPLE ALONE.
We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, [and] forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America.
Bush’s version of McCain’s propositionalism: “Our identity as a nation, and unlike many other nations, is not determined by geography or ethnicity, by soil or blood. Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility.”
Contra MSNBC bobble-heads who commented, the successor, President Donald Trump, is not taking the country down a road the internationalists abhor; what remains of The People is trying to take the country back.
UPDATE (10/23): The reason lobby stateside is boosted by the UN.