Category Archives: Healthcare

Me And The Idiocracy

Healthcare, Ilana Mercer, Intelligence, Internet, Media, Politics, Technology

“Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma” must be rather good, if a total of four twitter twits saw fit to “un-follow” me, subsequent to its posting.

I’m used to the Idiocracy! To paraphrase Mark Twain, I can live for two months on a good compliment from worthy, literate people like my editor at Quarterly Review. He wrote:

“Intellectuals are fated to be outcasts.”

And this from the gifted, successful, mystery novelist Sibella Giorello:

“In a word: BRILLIANT.”

Thanks to both. You made my day.

Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma

Africa, Conspiracy, Constitution, Healthcare, Propaganda, Racism, Science, South-Africa, The West

“Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

Africa, Like Trayvon Martin, is extremely important to Barack Obama. “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” the president said famously about the slain teenager.

His fellow-feelings about the continent, the president expressed during the August 4-6 U.S.-Africa Summit, this year: “I do not see the countries and peoples of Africa as a world apart; I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world – partners with America,” he said.

With the wealth of the most industrious, generous and gullible taxpayer at his disposal, the president believes that it is his duty, first, to stop the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, when, in fact, the duty of the president of the United States is to those who pay the piper.

America’s governing elites habitually betray their constitutional and fiduciary obligations to their constituents. The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tom Frieden, and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, claim that restricting entry into the U.S. from the Ebola ground zero is without merit “from a public health standpoint,” and will only worsen matters.

For whom, pray tell, Dr. Fauci? For American nurses? Cui bono Dr. Frieden?

Contrary to the Frieden-Fauci-Obama obfuscations, it is quite possible to both stop at-risk individuals from entering the U.S., as well as assist in curbing the contagion in the hot-spot countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. The two are not mutually exclusive. While the U.S. welcomes, on average, 150 daily travelers from West Africa; dozens of infection-free African nations have done the sensible thing to contain the spread of the dread disease. The most advanced of them, South Africa, has “restricted entry for all non-citizens traveling from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.”

Back in South Africa of the mid 1990s, I trained and volunteered as an HIV/AIDS counselor. My last client, before I decamped to North America, was a lovely gay man who had just been diagnosed HIV positive and whose CD4-cell count was already low. He wept in my arms for hours.

My point: Comparing HIV/AIDS to Ebola, as the Frieden-Fauci duo has repeatedly done, amounts to politically correct theatre. …

… Read the rest. “Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma” is the current column, now on WND.

UPDATED: Is King County Cretin Alisha Griswold Paid To Sniff Out Racists? (Marie Barf Of The Pacific Northwest)

Feminism, Gender, Healthcare, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem Alisha Griswold Smells The Blood Of A Racist (to paraphrase a rather neat column). It’s difficult to make out her acronym-infested tweet, but Griswold, the King County tw-t whose wages we pay, “thinks” that concerns about Ebola are, you guessed it, rooted in racism. So glad this cloistered cretin has gone on a fee-fi-fo-fem’s expedition to sniff out the bad guys.

UPDATED (10/16): Marie Barf Of The Pacific Northwest. FACEBOOK thread: Griswold is worse that “incompetent,” as I wrote in “All The President’s Women (Well, Almost),” schoolmarmish, tartish, intellectually inconsequential.”

UPDATE II: Decouple From Deadly CDC & Central Government (CDC Crusades)

Federalism, Government, Healthcare, Homeland Security, States' Rights, The State

Another government agency, this time a good, more overarching, yet entirely neutral one: Is that really what that cool brain Steve Sailer is advocating to counter “Ebola Guy”? Tell me it isn’t so.

… there is no organized system, no National Immigration Safety Board to “conduct investigations and makes recommendations from an objective viewpoint. … An official government agency issuing an official government report would be extremely useful in terms of media dynamics.

Tweaking the Gulag of government, with its systemic perverse incentives, is not the answer to the corruptions and malfunctions that are inherent to central government.

Less is more.

Decentralizing; decoupling from the deadly CDC and its federal overlords is what it’ll take. States across the country are rediscovering and reasserting the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

If, in the ensuing chaos, states reclaim 10th Amendment rights to manage their affairs, responsibility will be returned to smaller, more accountable units. Watch state officials scramble to deport and quarantine for fear of reprisal from local citizens to whom they are beholden. Privatize healthcare and observe hospitals scramble to put in place the best screening and treatment facilitates, for fear of being put out of business by law suits and by competition.

UPDATE I: Nurse Vinson Vindicated (BREAKING): “The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reportedly told Amber Joy Vinson, the second nurse at the Texas hospital that treated Thomas Eric Duncan to come down with Ebola, that it was okay for her to fly even after she told the CDC that she had a low-grade fever.”

MORE lies from The Center.

UPDATE II: CDC Crusades: “Everything But Disease Control.” Superb investigative journalism from Michelle Malkin:

At $7 billion, the Centers for Disease Control 2014 budget is nearly 200 percent bigger now than it was in 2000. … [some of its] recent crusades: Mandatory motorcycle helmet laws. … Video games and TV violence … Playground equipment … “Social norming” in the schools …


* Ebola-Infected Nurses Amber Joy Vinson and Nina Pham, one of whom was reassured by … the CDC that she could travel.