Category Archives: Healthcare

Peter McCullough On The Greatest Failure In American Medicine: COVID-19

COVID-19, Healthcare, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Intelligence, Science, THE ELITES, The Establishment

Peter McCullough: The most brilliant, independent thinker on Covid19, speaks with the fluidity of a savant on the greatest failure in American medicine.

Group think gripping Americans, in general, institutionalized, intellectual atrophy and ineptness stopped doctors from doing what medicine had always done: come up with a combination of drugs to treat outpatients, and treat them early, so as to reduce hospitalizations and mortality.

Other than a few thinkers like this man and our friends at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Jane Orient’s org., and America’s Frontline Doctors, nobody could muster an original idea of how to put drugs together to treat the illness early. Not a single innovator, independent doctor, academic medical center; not the venerable NIH or CDC helped a single outpatient. Covid was so obviously treatable within the outpatient paradigm.

Nobody in the medical community (overrun by obedient authoritarian women worriers, not warriors) said, “Do the best you can for your patients with what you have.” If anything, early treatment was suppressed—globally—even criminalized, despite the immutable medical fact that just about every single disease does better when treated. “Wait until you can’t breathe, then go to the ER,” patients were instructed.

Medical maleficence!

Dr. McCullough has published over 40 peer-review papers on COVID alone.

Long version:

Abbreviated presentation:

MORE: “Pathophysiologic Rationale for Early Ambulatory Treatment for #COVID19 as an Emergency Response to the Pandemic.”

By The Numbers: The Biggest Losers From Covid-19

COVID-19, Economy, Healthcare, Labor, Populism

The Economist on “The biggest losers from covid-19,” by the numbers:

… death rate from covid-19 in the neighbourhood with the most essential workers was more than twice as high as in the one with the fewest. A study in California found that people of working age saw a 22% increase in mortality from March to October 2020. But bakers saw mortality rise by 50%, and line cooks by 60%. One class of people stayed home in their pyjamas; others went into workplaces that probably killed them.

“DURING THE pandemic one part of the workforce did not get to wear pyjamas during the day or join in marathon sessions of ‘Tiger King’. The people known as ‘key’, ‘frontline’ or ‘essential’ workers had to be in public spaces and often in close proximity with their colleagues. Many died. …”

“…Describing a worker as ‘key’ is an arbitrary exercise (the label covers most journalists, for example). It usually includes occupations necessary to meet everyone’s basic needs—food, heating and transport, not to mention health care. Most such jobs cannot be done from home….”

“…The pandemic has reminded key workers that without them society would grind to a halt. …”

“…A study in Toronto found that the death rate from covid-19 in the neighbourhood with the most essential workers was more than twice as high as in the one with the fewest. A study in California found that people of working age saw a 22% increase in mortality from March to October 2020. But bakers saw mortality rise by 50%, and line cooks by 60%. One class of people stayed home in their pyjamas; others went into workplaces that probably killed them.”


*Image courtesy The Economist

Going Underground For God: A Liberty-Based Approach To Worship By Ron Strom

Christianity, COVID-19, Free Will Vs. Determinism, Healthcare, Private Property

“I caught COVID at church – praise God!”–Ron Strom

That’s a peculiar sentiment, I suppose – but one that expresses my gratitude for the opportunity I have had to worship with other Christians, maskless (shhh!), over the last few months, mindful of the risk.

Despite specific and quite arbitrary restrictions the governor of my (unnamed) state has demanded of churches, and the First Amendment implications of those rules, my own (unnamed) church decided to prioritize the Word of God over the word of the State. (By the way, do you remember when we didn’t need to hide information when we expressed opinions because our government overlords had far less power to hunt us down and punish us?)

While some churches in town were either shut down for in-person worship or were meeting but with nearly unworkable COVID restrictions, my church took a simple, liberty-based approach to in-person worship: The main room has no social distancing, and face masks are optional; another room, where the service is video-fed, requires masks and social distancing; and online streaming of the service is an option for those who choose to stay at home.

The church leadership, without consulting the latest restrictions from the governor’s office, made a decision that gave the people a choice of how to participate – while still having an in-person worship service every Sunday.

Could my pastor and elders have been fined or even jailed for defying the governor’s edicts for all this time? Sure – as was a pastor in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Pastor Jacob Reaume spent five weeks in jail for refusing to close his church. And this is “free” Canada we’re talking about – not China, Saudi Arabia or Eritrea.

By “obeying God rather than men” (Acts 5:29), Pastor Reaume, my local church leadership and countless other shepherds are faithfully prioritizing God’s Word and its command not to forsake meeting together (Hebrews 10:25).

At my church, the “no-distancing-mask-optional” room, not surprisingly, is more popular than the “social-distancing-masks-required” room. So, are all those maskless worshipers irresponsible or even foolish, as the “experts” might claim? Or, rather, are they doing what everyone does every day when it comes to weighing risks and benefits and making decisions accordingly? The latter approach is what Americans had the liberty to do in many contexts – before COVID.

If you go to the grocery store, for example, you take a risk. You might slip on some spilled guava juice on the floor and crack your tailbone; you might have a store employee accidentally roll over your foot with one of those heavy-duty carts; you might suffer a spider bite from a bold arachnid hiding in the green bean bin; or you might catch a virus from another shopper, even SARS-CoV-2.

I knew the risk of worshiping close to other Christians, but decided to take that risk. I knew the risk of inhaling and exhaling in unison with other Christians as we sang praise to God, but decided to take that risk. I knew the risk of looking a brother in the eye – and, maskless, in the nose and mouth – greeting him and offering a firm handshake and smile, but decided to take that risk.

Despite the risk and despite my having endured COVID-19 after taking that risk, I would do it all over again. For me the gathering of God’s people in weekly worship and fellowship is too valuable an activity to put on the shelf for months on end. And the beauty of liberty is that other people can choose to do otherwise. Others can take different risks to participate in other activities, church-based or not. It’s called living life.

While I mentioned Christians’ struggles in Canada, we’ve also experienced some high-profile battles here in the U.S. Pastor John MacArthur has waged a consistent, admirable and successful war to keep his congregation worshiping in California, and, shockingly, a pregnant mother was cited and removed from a church recently for failing to don a mask … in Dallas, Texas.

So, why do I praise God that I caught the virus at church? Because, unlike so many, I had the opportunity to take the risk to worship corporately with the Body of Christ, and in that activity God has blessed me immeasurably. Unlike the leaders of the church in Dallas, those leading my church decided to gather in a way that respects their people, their responsibilities and, most importantly, their God. And for that I am most grateful.


I caught COVID at church – praise God!” was published here with permission from the author (also my editor, since 2006).

Ron Strom is commentary editor of WND, a post he took in 2006 after serving as a news editor since 2000. Previously, he worked in politics. @RonStromWND

Before COVID Cartel, Scientific Skepticism Of Messenger-RNA Technology Voiced, EXPECTED

Business, COVID-19, Healthcare, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Science, The State

*trials of mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases were somewhat modest, leading to cautious expectations.
*blood coagulation and pathological thrombus.
* local and systemic inflammation.
*autoimmunity issues.

From a peer-reviewed journal article, published in January 2018, I scatter below for your edification a candid, matter-of-fact documentation of known reservation about the mRNA vaccines, intended for healthy individuals.

Clearly, “science” was freer as recently as 2018, in credible medical journals, and prior to the consolidation of a consensus around the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, a consensus driven by the COVID cartel.

“…… extracellular RNA promoted blood coagulation and pathological thrombus formation… the paradoxical effects of innate immune sensing on different formats of mRNA vaccines are incompletely understood.

“… recently published results from two clinical trials of mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases were somewhat modest, leading to more cautious expectations about the translation of preclinical success to the clinic… .”

A possible concern could be that some mRNA-based vaccine platforms induce potent type I interferon responses, which have been associated not only with inflammation but also potentially with autoimmunity167,168. Thus, identification of individuals at an increased risk of autoimmune reactions before mRNA vaccination may allow reasonable precautions to be taken.

I think I distilled the main concerns. But do READ:

mRNA vaccines — a new era in vaccinology,” Norbert Pardi, Michael J. Hogan, Frederick W. Porter & Drew Weissman, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery volume 17, pages261–279 (2018)

*Credit to artist here.