Category Archives: Healthcare

UPDATE III (11/27/021): Institutional Rot: Post-Vaccination Myopericarditis Could Be Linked To Fauci-Recommended, Rotten Injection Technique

Affirmative Action, COVID-19, Gender, Healthcare, Intelligence, Science, The State, The Therapuetic State

Idiot anchors like Pamela Brown of CNN, who speaks with a childish lisp and is unable to pronounce her “ings” (as in, “We’re not goin’ to question Fauci ‘science’, I’m just sayin’), are naturally incurious. Worse: They do not brook any questioning of received “wisdom” or authority.

To the aura of a petulant, lisping baby, Brown and her feminist network colleagues at CNN and MSNBC add an authoritarian aura. So, don’t expect these news gatekeepers to delve into any area that might empower their viewers to control some aspect of their vaccine experience, should they opt to succumb to pressure and get the Covid-19 jab.

In particular, don’t expect petulant Pamela or the CNN Covid doctors to bring to your awareness a credible hypothesis that post-vaccination myopericarditis could be a consequence of shoddy injection technique, in the Age of The Idiot, whereby a jab aimed at the  muscle hits a blood vessel.

Some old-timer, solid, primary care practitioners are warning that a tried-and-true injection technique, aspiration, well-within your control to demand, is being flouted:

A paper, “Intravenous Injection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine Can Induce Acute Myopericarditis in Mouse Model,” hypothesizes quite credibly that post-vaccination myopericarditis could be exacerbated because,

“… current CDC … and WHO guidelines … no longer recommend precautionary measures during intra-muscular vaccine administration. Brief aspiration for blood return during intramuscular injection of medication as a preventive measure against accidental IV injection.”

The reason the Idioicrats recommend against a life-saving, old, precautionary technique?

PAIN!!!! “The CDC Pink Book 2020 and WHO 2015 position paper have recommended against aspiration prior to vaccine injection so as to minimize pain”!!!

Aspiration: “An important part of injecting medicine is aspirating a needle prior to releasing the fluid. Doing this properly will protect you from unwanted side effects and infection.”

Aspiration means to draw breath, or air from a needle. This simple process can make a big impact though. It protects you from hitting a blood vessel or artery and accidentally injecting fluid into one, which can result in a variety of different side effects.

Via “Intravenous Injection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine Can Induce Acute Myopericarditis in Mouse Model“:

Both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have clearly stated
that their vaccines should only be given via IM route [30, 31].
However, current CDC [6] and WHO guidelines [5] no longer
recommend precautionary measures during IM vaccine administration.
Brief aspiration for blood return during intramuscular
injection of medication as a preventive measure against accidental
IV injection was previously present in most guidelines
[32]. This practice becomes controversial as scientific evidence
of the perceived benefit of this procedure is lacking for IM injection
of vaccine. The CDC Pink Book 2020 [6] and WHO
2015 position paper [5] have recommended against aspiration
prior to vaccine injection so as to minimize pain [33]. The veins
and arteries within the reach of a syringe needle in the deltoid
region are considered too small to allow a rapid IV injection of
vaccine without blowing out the vessel [6]. However, this speculation
also lacks supportive scientific evidence. Another possibility
of getting a high blood mRNA vaccine level is the rapid
movement of the vaccine through the lymphatic system into
the venous circulation. Thus changing the vaccine injection site
from deltoid to the vastus lateralis muscle of lateral mid-thigh
may reduce the amount of vaccine lipid nanoparticles reaching
the venous circulation due to enhanced uptake by the dendritic
cells and macrophages at the regional inguinal, iliac and paraaortic
lymph nodes.

Our study indicates that IV injection of vaccines might partially contribute to this clinical phenotype, thus warranting a reconsideration of the practice of IM injection without aspiration, which carries the risk of inadvertent IV injection. Increasing the size of mRNA-vaccine lipid-nanoparticle or decreasing the vaccine dose in normal adolescents to reduce  risks of myopericarditis warrant further investigations.


UPDATED I (10/5): Indian press is more open to inquiry than the American presstitutes. Reporters are asking questions:

Is faulty injection technique behind rare clot disorder reported post Covid vaccination?

UPDATE II (10/26/021):

UPDATE III (11/27/021):
Injection technique: The first South African injector does NOT aspirate the needle. The second is commendably careful and DOES aspirate. If you get jabbed, insist on aspiration, which ensures a jab aimed at muscle doesn’t hit a blood vessel.

It’s Taliban Tube, Not YouTube (And Gab’s Torba Is Truly Free)

Conservatism, COVID-19, Free Speech, Healthcare, Internet, Kids, Media, Technology, THE ELITES, The Establishment

Intelligent people have lost trust in mainstream medicine for many reasons. Cool heads have no trouble detecting sub-intelligent “argument” for the power-play and propaganda that it is.

Put it this way: When I hear an outstanding, empathetic clinician and academic such as Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, author of “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” and tens more peer-reviewed publications on COVID—and then I hear TV’s tenured medics, or the mediocre, unquestioning medics manning the clinics into which we are all herded—losing my lunch is not the only response.

The McCullough medical school of thought saves lives; the rest contribute to iatrogenic death. (Look iatrogenic up.)

Deep, abiding, irredeemable contempt springs eternal for the thought process in these mediocre medical minds and the attendant abuse of power and harm to patients.

Now, David Vance, my partner in the Hard Truth podcast, has exhorted that, “If It’s On The Mainstream Media, You Should Ignore It.” David had published these mild words on Taliban Tube, aka You Tube, and was promptly sent to the dog house for the next 2 weeks: banned.

Fuck the DemoPublican Establishment’s war to civilize the Taliban, when an exhortation to think critically about media, the mediocre medical establishment, and experimental treatment is marginalized and punished. A society of social casts is being created, says David: Those who obey blindly, and those who cling to the freedom to question.

But, he says, “The sheep are delivering us straight to the abattoir.” And the young people have, sadly, been a cohort readily inclined to accept authority and follow orders at all time.

Thankfully, Rumble has featured David’s apparently subversive common sense, “Never trust ANYTHING the lame-stream media says!

Gab’s Andrew Torba, however, has observed, in a quibble with Dan Bongino, that Rumble is NOT free; It has Hate Speech “codes.” Likewise Parler. In fact, for me, being on Parler has been like being coffined. I like Twitter much more, even though I am shadow-banned there.

In fact, since I’m a Candace Owens critic, I strongly suspect I’m shadow-banned by Parler, owned by Mr. Owens. The feeling I get from feedback or lack thereof on Parler is Establishment Republican. There is no place on Parler for true dissidents and free thinkers.

Gab is absolutely and truly free. There, people connect and keep connecting. Parler, as I said, is like being coffined. If the GOP Establishment think making Parler hostile to people like me is good for their endeavor; think again. The numbers of thinking conservatives and paleolibertarians who hate what Ned Ryun called the “credentialed Idiocracy,” on TV and in DC—is growing.

NYC EMT & Fire Department Union Boss Presents Cogent, Comprehensive, Factual, Rational Argument Against Vaccines For Members

Argument, COVID-19, Critique, Ethics, Healthcare, Intelligence, Judaism & Jews, Labor, Race, Reason

I believe uber-progressive anchor Alex Witt, of MSNBC, likely went easy on Oren Barzilay because she must have believed the president of Emergency Medical Services Local 2507 of District Council 37 (President of Uniform EMTs, Paramedics & Inspectors – New York City Fire Department) to be a working-class man of an acceptably exotic ethnicity.

To me of course, the name screamed Israeli. As did the clear, comprehensive argument style, and cogent replies to everyone of the woman’s arguments for vaccine mandates.

Barzilay argued against mandates for his members. These are arguments that not one of the dimwits usually entertained on the idiot’s lantern (the TV) has proven able to rattle off.

In arguing against the mandates, Barzilay told Witt:

        1. No conclusive evidence exists to show the vaccines are not harmful. On the contrary, the CDC website reports over 12,000 deaths from these vaccines and thousands injured, or having sustained some medical issues.
        2. The vaccines are not FDA approved and clinical trials have been limited and of short duration; no longitudinal data.
        3. In reply to Witt’s idiot question—which nobody in American media seems capable of refuting, and it is, “Have you and family not received the mumps, measles, polio vaccinations, and once the vaccines move from Emergency Authorization to FDA approved status, will you instruct your guys to take it?”—Barzilay did not miss a beat. He returned to Witt’s first point, emphasizing that older vaccines (I’ve recently gotten two Shingles shots) have over a decade of data behind them. The COVID vaccines went to market and into arms after 6 months of production, and even less time devoted to data collection and analysis.
        4. He is not telling his people not to get vaccinated; all Barzilay is insisting on is choice for his members, as to what they place in their bodies until the data are in.
        5. He wants to know (asking in a cynical, rhetorical manner) if the City will cover the expenses of those who have an adverse reaction. That’s unknown, argued Barzilay. I would argue one better: When admitted into hospital following vaccination, with a plethora of symptoms, you are more often than not subjected to batteries of tests that always appear aimed at ruling-out correlation with vaccination, instead of treating what could be dangerous symptoms.
          In the zeal to avoid implicating the vaccine in a reaction—individuals who suffer a reaction in proximity to vaccination might not even receive antidotes as soon as they need them. The aim of untrustworthy medical personnel seems to be to exonerate the vaccinators rather than assume a reaction and prevent a patient from dying.
          Essentially, medical personal have lost our trust that indeed they can spring into action, in the event we suffer adverse reactions to their ill-researched vaccines.
        6. Oren disputes that all his members are, as Witt assumed, grateful for the vaccines, since some have died following vaccination. He cannot definitively prove causation, but they died shortly thereafter. Two of Oren’s Local members died within 4 days of receiving the vaccine.


    1. RELATED READING: “Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO’d?”

Finally, A Free-Market Awakening: The Market For Medicine For The Unvaccinated Is HUGE

Argument, COVID-19, Critique, Healthcare, Propaganda, Science, The State

Medical maleficence! Medical malpractice—and a testament to the incurious, mediocrities most doctors are: This is how Peter MuCullough, as fine a thinker as he is a clinician, has characterized a consensus among the medical community that, for some reason, COVID-19 (unique among all diseases) is, and must remain, impervious to treatment.

Group think gripping Americans, in general, and institutionalized, intellectual atrophy and ineptness, in particular, have stopped doctors from doing what medicine had always done: come up with a combination of drugs to treat outpatients, and treat them early, so as to reduce hospitalizations and mortality from COVID-19.

Well, rays of freedom are peeking through the clouds. There is a large enough segment of the population which has reserved the right to question vaccines behind which are two months of clinical safety data (most vaccines can take years to approve), no formal FDA approval process, and  whose manufacturers are exempt by a corrupt state from liability.

These “foolish,” “irrational,” vaccine-resisters have also surmised rather rationally that, following the vaccination edict will come bullying about a booster, given the waning immune response conferred by Covid vaccines.

So, as corrupt as state-co-opted medicine has become; some free-market incentives are still in operation. All the more so in Japan, where an intelligent population has chosen not to vaccinate, for the most: at about 8%, rates of vaccination in Japan are extremely low.

A Japanese company sees an opportunity; a market for sensible treatment.

Via Daily Beast:

The race to develop an oral cure for COVID-19 has just heated up with the announcement that Japanese pharmaceutical company Shionogi has started human trials for its once-a day tablet meant to neutralize the virus in patients. Pfizer and Merck are already in later-stage trials for similar treatments, which are presently missing as a tool to battle the pandemic. Pfizer’s twice-daily treatment could be available by the end of 2021. The advent of a reliable cure would be especially important for those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons, say medical experts.

Pfizer, too:

Pfizer has said its twice-daily pill could be ready to hit the market as soon as this year. It is preparing to enroll more than 2,000 patients in a test of the antiviral pill combined with a booster antiviral drug against a placebo.

All three companies aim to fill one of the biggest gaps in fighting the pandemic. Vaccines remain effective at preventing serious illness from known strains of the Covid-19 virus including the contagious Delta strain, studies have shown. But some people don’t want to get vaccinated, and cases can occur for those who do get their shots.

Of course, thanks to the pockets of free-market medicine extant in the USA, there are already heroic frontline doctors, fine, courageous and imaginative clinicians—the best of the best—who’re acting to treat patients with an existing arsenal of well-tested and already approved medicines.

*Image courtesy Reuters.