Category Archives: IMMIGRATION

Candace Owens In Immigration Wonderland, ‘Discovers’ Demography

Africa, Conservatism, Critique, IMMIGRATION, Media, Republicans

Candace Owens says we should welcome more black immigrants from Africa, because they constitute only 2 percent of the United States’ immigration intake.

At the same time, she complains about a plan she has documented—and is happy Tucker Carlson is finally discussing—to change the demographics of the USA.

Hmm. I wonder what Peter Brimelow, Michelle Malkin, Steve Sailer, Ann Coulter or myself have been writing about for decades?

I recall, when first I wrote about immigration, in 2002, I had read and referenced Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow,  because I considered that without it—one could not write about immigration with any credibility. I still think this.

Next, Candace will discover that, “legal immigration is the real catastrophe.” (from “IMMOLATION BY IMMIGRATION,” 2003.)

A media conservative has no intellectual history or coherent philosophy; he or she is but a grab-bag of talking points. The GOP circus goes on—on TV.

For the media conservative, the history of ideas begins when he or she gets their TV gig. All is tabula rasa before that.

Dick Cavett And Enoch Powell: Civilized, Edifying Discussion That Would Never Take Place Today

America, Britain, IMMIGRATION, Race, Racism, Reason

“‘Racist’ is one of the modern terms of abuse,” Enoch Powell tells Dick Cavett. “The term of abuse is more effective the less defined it is. Then you can throw it at anybody and anything.”

“It all sounds reasonable,” replies Cavett, to Mr. Powell’s lucid explanation as to the question of which people belonged in England, given the British Empire’s reach and diffuse definition of citizen vs. subject.

I’ve repeatedly made the point in columns and to my friend David Vance, who lives in the UK, that all the racial nonsense the British are agonizing over is imported from America—doesn’t belong in Britain—so I love that this is Powell’s first point: The race baggage is American; not British.

Before him, explained Powell, nobody in government had cared enough to give voice to the sorrow Britons were feeling to over the possibility of losing their home, England, as they knew it. Powell was giving context to his 1968, “rivers of blood” speech.

READ more Barely-A-Blog Posts about Enoch Powell.

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UPDATED (5/7/021): NEW COLUMN: On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D. Vance Elites Become Elites

Celebrity, Conservatism, Critique, IMMIGRATION, Morality, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, Relatives, Republicans

NEW COLUMN IS “On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D.-Vance Elites Become Elites“. It’s currently on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

“On The Backs Of Poor Whites?” was briefly featured on the American Greatness, to approving reader commentary—then it vanished. Pulled? As the column indicated, Soy Boy Vance has some powerful friends. Nothing else would muscle my brave publishers. Con Ick. (Conservatism Inc.) likely wants to run Vance as a political candidate. This likely means Con Ick. has no time for Appalachian Aunt Ruth’s bitter feelings about his kind of elites.

An excerpt:

The country is fast descending into a Dantean hell.

The Circles of Hell into which we’ve been signed, sealed and delivered are mass migration, diversity, multiculturalism, and zealous, institutionalized anti-whiteness, with its attendant de-civilization and inversion of long-held societal morals and mores.

The guiding ghost of Virgil is nowhere to be found. To ostensibly shepherd us out of hell, however, assorted serpents have slithered forth.

Beware! All the more so when they speak to you from bastions of the establishment—Newsweek is one—as J. D. Vance does in, “True ‘Compassion’ Requires Secure Borders and Stopping Illegal Immigration.

His is the typically conciliatory, “conservative” argument we’ve come to expect from the gilded elite, regarding America’s promiscuous immigration policy, under Republicans and Democrats alike.

Vance is the best-selling author of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis, which is a culturally compliant—namely unflattering—account of poor, white America.

Provided your thesis allows for a cozy convergence of agreeable storylines—you are well-positioned to peddle a national bestseller to the approving the left, libertarian, neoconservative and pseudo-conservative smart-set.

Yes, Vance is a sellout. Not that they were asked for their take, but the archetypal folks depicted in Hillbilly Elegy contend, justifiably, that “Vance [is] not an authentic hillbilly or an example of the working class.”

Cassie Chambers Armstrong’s Aunt Ruth, for example.

Aunt Ruth didn’t think much of Vance’s endeavor. Her niece is an Appalachian and author of a redeeming tale, Hill Women: Finding Family and a Way Forward in the Appalachian Mountains.

Hillbilly Elegy’s portrayal of Appalachia,” explains Chambers, “is designed to elevate Vance above the community from which he came … it seeks to tell his story in a way that aligns with a simplistic rags-to-riches narrative. Think critically about how that narrative influences the way we are taught to think about poverty, progress, and identity.”

Chambers is perceptively correct. It’s cringe worthy—Uriah Heep slimy—but Vance all but advertises that the Indian-American Brahmin he wed has helped “rid him of his hillbilly ways.” To that end, he tells of a mild exchange with his wife: “Don’t make excuses for weakness. I didn’t get here by making excuses for failure,” he “hollers” at her.

These unremarkable, muted words Vance had with wife Usha Chilukuri he frames, self-servingly, as “the baggage of his tumultuous upbringing.” Wow!

Self-deprecation over nothing much at all amounts to very clever self-aggrandizement. Vance’s casuistry resembles a kind of Argument From Fake Modesty.

Indeed, in smug self-aggrandizement, Vance slimes his hillbilly relatives, even naming names. Credits and kudos go to the Chilukuris, wife Usha’s relatives, for “[teaching] him what a functional family looked like.”

From family unit to family unification policy: When discussing immigration, J. D. Vance is just as nimble …

…Read the rest. NEW COLUMN IS “On The Backs Of Poor Whites? How J.D.-Vance Elites Become Elites“. It appeared on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

Columns are always published eventually on  Sign-up.

*Image via CapX

UPDATE (5/7/021):


Biden Out House (Oops, White House) To Border Invaders: Not Now, My Lovelies. Please.

Argument, Democrats, IMMIGRATION, Republicans

Says the Biden Administration to the invaders of the southern border: “This is not the time to come” and invade the United States.

The premise of such soft whispers of love between the Democratic Party and its growing constituency: There will be a time to breach the US border. Or, in the breathy language of love, “Not now, my lovelies. Bide your time. Let me catch my breath first.”

The leaders of our country are, frankly, a farce, the laughing stock.

The farce determination is extended to the Republicans, who are MIA (Missing In Action). From the GOPers it’s basically, “We love you kids. But do it legally.”

And Jen Psaki, spokeswoman for Biden, was all over conservative torpor:

To the question from a Republican journalist about, “OMG, smugglers are throwing kids over a wall into the desert,” Psaki shot back:

MS. PSAKI:  “And are you concerned more about the kids safety or are you concerned about kids getting in? Or tell me more about your concern here.”

Q: “Kids’ safety is, as you just mentioned, the main concern.”

Not mine.

MORE HERE on what my answer would have been: “Open Sesame: The Piss-Poor ‘Conservative,’ Immigration Positions That Admit You Into Polite Company

*Image credit