Category Archives: Intelligence

The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror

Critique, Culture, Donald Trump, Feminism, Gender, Intelligence, Media

NEW COLUMN is “The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror.” It’s exclusive to The Agonist.


The particular CNN segment I was watching concerned Fox News personality Tucker Carlson. It was meant to help terminate the controversial anchor’s career. I recognized the sourpuss, dressed in marigold yellow, who was presiding over the seek-and-destroy mission, targeting the ultra-conservative Mr. Carlson. She was no other than Poppy Harlow.

“TV’s empaneled witches and their housebroken, domesticated boys are guided more by the spirit of Madame Defarge than by Lady Justice.”

It transpires that years back, Carlson had routinely called into a Howard-Stern-like shock-jock radio show and made naughty comments, some about women. Women were “extremely primitive,” he had quipped. Yet to watch the countless, indistinguishable, ruthless, atavistic women empaneled on CNN, MSNBC, even Fox News—one cannot but agree as to the nature and caliber of the women privileged and elevated in our democracy, and by mass society, in general.

They are certainly not women with the intellect and wit of Margot Asquith—countess of Oxford, author and socialite (1864-1945). Would that women like Mrs. Asquith were permitted to put lesser “ladies” like CNN’s Ms. Harlow in their proper place!

When asked by American actress Jean Harlow how she pronounces her first name, Margot Asquith shot back, “The ‘t’ is silent, as in Harlow.” Naturally, you’d have to have a facility with the English language to know what a “harlot” is. You’d certainly need an education, as opposed to a degree, to recognize the next character referenced.

TV’s empaneled witches and their housebroken, domesticated boys are guided more by the spirit of Madame Defarge than by Lady Justice. If parents saw to it that children got an education, not merely a degree, the brats would know who Madam Defarge was. But our uneducated ignoramuses no longer seek out the greatest literature ever. This is because most of the best books were penned by the pale, patriarchal penile people. Given this self-inflicted ignorance, few younger readers will know this most loathsome of literary icons, from “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens…

… READ THE REST.  The TV Tarts’ Reign of Terror” is on The Agonist.



NEW COLUMN: Mueller And Mohamad Atta: Fake Intel Runs Through Prague, Part 1

Democrats, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, Iraq, Republicans, Russia, THE ELITES, The Establishment

NEW COLUMN is “Mueller & Mohamad Atta: Fake Intel Runs Through Prague, Part 1.” It’s now on WND.COM and The Unz Review (longer version).

And excerpt:

No, the moral of the Mueller inquisition is not that the Left is incorrigibly corrupt and morally and intellectually bankrupt, although this is certainly true.

And, no. It’s not that the Republicans are meek, more eager for swamp-creature tenure than to save the country. However much state power flaccid Republicans capture, they quickly come to heel when Democrats crack the whip.

The moral of the Mueller inquisition, at least one of them, concerns the alphabet soup of acronyms that stands for the Permanent Security State—FBI, DOJ, DIA, DHS, CIA, NSA, on and on. That this intractable apparatus’ impetus is liberal is hardly new. What is counterintuitive to many is that the Permanent Security State’s modus operandi comports perfectly well with both Republican and Democratic administrations, alike.

When it comes to subverting an “America First,” sovereignty-centered, populist platform—the duopoly acts as one. Have not fans of Mr.  Mueller kept reminding us that the man is a loyal Republican? And he is—Mueller’s a Republican stalwart of the managerial class. (By the way, Mueller fans can find “Mr. Mueller-face earrings and Mueller devotional candles on Etsy, the e-commerce equivalent of a hippie grandmother’s attic.”)

To make sense of the Russia Monomania and the Mueller time we all served, it is essential to grasp the anatomy of American state power.

In particular, to comprehend the mass hysteria that is the war on Trump, it’s crucial to trace the contours of that other war, “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” and the way it was peddled to the American public.

The manufacturing of Fake News by the Deep State, circa 2017, is of a piece with the anatomy of the ramp-up to war in Iraq, in 2003. Except that back then, Republicans, joined by many a diabolical Democrat like Hillary Clinton, were the ones who dreamt up Homer Simpson’s Third Dimension in Iraq.

Fact: The Steel Dossier, which launched the Mueller inquisition, was as fantastical a fabrication as were the documents that fed the Bush administration’s will to war.

As it is, intelligence report-writing is more art than science; more flare than fact. It’s executed by many of the same, tinny, dogmatic, ex-CIA feminists whom we see plonked in CNN studios, ponderously pontificating about Our Russian Enemy.

From the CIA to CNN, the youthful talking heads (and their shapely keisters) have only ever gone from a swivel chair at the Langley headquarters to a seat in a CNN studio, in New York City.

It’s not at all unfair to conclude that the “intelligence” these cartoon characters produced as CIA or FBI agents is as intelligent as their commentary in the TV studio.


Did no one but this writer have PTSD-related flashbacks when Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, was floated during the Mueller madness?

During his testimony before the House Oversight and Reform Committee, the bewildered Michael Cohen—a tragic figure, really—was asked in all seriousness whether he had liaised with “Kremlin officials” in Prague. “I’ve never been to the Czech Republic,” Cohen shot back.

Curiously, Prague is umbilically linked to another notorious intelligence hoax. …

... READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “Mueller & Mohamad Atta: Fake Intel Runs Through Prague, Part 1.” It’s now on WND.COM and The Unz Review (longer version).

Russiagate: Republicans Had Better Work It

Conspiracy, Donald Trump, Intelligence, Media, Russia, The Establishment

Some of the spook terms the mad-hatter media had applied to President Trump, a rather provincial New Yorker, over the two plus years of Russiagate. Via Matt Taibbi:

The New Yorker asked, Was Trump “meeting his handler” in Helsinki? The Daily Beast asked why he dodged the question: “Is he a Russian asset?”

The New York Times didn’t even end this sentence with a question mark: “Trump Is Compromised by Russia,” read a not-unusual editorial in the New York Times last November.

“What Robert Mueller knows — and Isn’t Telling Us,” proclaimed Wired.

Dan Rather told us that “what Mueller knows” will make the Cohen/Manafort pleas “pale in comparison.”

Now, the mad media is hanging everything on “The report’s most-quoted line:

” … while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’” …

Hope springs eternal.

MORE: “Taibbi: As the Mueller Probe Ends, New Russiagate Myths Begin. Donald Trump couldn’t have asked for a juicier 2020 campaign issue.”

Beto The Boor

Barack Obama, Culture, Democrats, English, Intelligence, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Pop-Culture

Stream-of-consciousness Beto O’Rourke is so embarrassing to watch and to listen to; he makes one almost miss Barack Obama, whose prose was aimed, at least, at an eighth-grade level. (See: “Obama’s Very Elementary Thinking—Eighth-Grade Elementary.”)

Are we getting dumber as a people or what!

Here is Beto dressed as a bunny, “playing” in a band called “The Sheeps.” (Sic: “sheep” in the plural is … sheep.)

Beto’s animal fetishism (or abuse) and penchant for the English language have surfaced in the form of a poem:

“Wax My Ass”: A Poem By Beto O’Rourke is brutish, disgusting, impoverished, bovine erotica by Beto, ?your next president, if the Fourth Estate (media) has its way. The dramatic reenactment is delicious; the lyrics, if you can believe it, are authentic. Dung-brain Beto wrote ’em. ??

Writing under the now-exposed pseudonym “Psychedelic Warlord,” a teen-aged O’Rourke appears to be the author of a poem titled “The Song of the Cow,” published in 1988 by “cDc (Cult of the Dead Cow) communications.” “I need a butt-shine,” the poem begins … and it really all just goes downhill from there

“The Song of the Cow” By Beto O’Rourke 

I need a butt-shine,

Right now

You are holy,

Oh, sacred Cow

I thirst for you,

Provide Milk.

Buff my balls,

Love the Cow,

Good fortune for those that do.

Love me, breathe my feet,

The Cow has risen.

Wax my ass,

Scrub my balls.

The Cow has risen,

Provide Milk.

O’Rourke “windmills his arms” and is “your garden-variety demagogue,” who “stands in the shallow end of the Democratic pool.” And that’s how a friendly liberal describes dung-boy. (“The Semigoguery of Beto O’Rourke.“)