Category Archives: Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

A Sizeable Number Of White Americans Are Realizing They Too Belong To A Race

America, Democrats, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Multiculturalism, Race, Racism, Republicans

“White racial consciousness comes out … in such beliefs as the evil of reverse discrimination—whites being discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. Such views are NOT racist in the classic sense of white superiority.”—The Economist

The Economist, to which I subscribe because of its impeccable, intelligent reporting, offers quite a fair and incisive look into “the souls of white folks,” a glimpse you’ll not find in an American liberal magazine or other parrot-cage liners.  (Palatial parrot cage, in the case of Oscar-Wood)

The story of race in America is usually about African-Americans and, more recently, Hispanics and Asians. But it is also about whites.

I excerpt from The Economist’s “White Americans are beginning to realise that they too belong to a race: Anxiety about their country’s demography is fuelling the politics of racial backlash” (May 22, 2021):

“… When it comes to their own race, white Americans divide into two tribes. As left-leaning whites become more conscious of racism, they also think more about what it means to be white. Six months after Mr Floyd’s death, 30% of whites told a poll run by Ipsos that they had “personally taken actions to understand racial issues in America”. …
widespread is a feeling of some responsibility for the plight of African-Americans. Between 2014 and 2019, the share of whites who thought the government should spend more money on improving the conditions of African-Americans increased from 24% to 46%.

The second white tribe is different. Over the past decade, according to calculations by Bill Frey of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, the number of Americans who describe themselves as Latino or Hispanic, Asian, African- or Native American (plus those who identify as from two or more races) has risen by 53%. Over the same period America’s white population grew by less than 1%.

When he was running for the Senate in Texas in the mid-1960s, George H.W. Bush opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act because it “was passed to protect 14% of the people”. He said “I’m also worried about the other 86%.” Ronald Reagan took the same line when running for governor of California. Richard Nixon, while pushing policies that benefited African-Americans, said that minorities were “undercutting American greatness”, a familiar refrain. An unease over demographic transformation now plays a similar role in politics to the backlash against civil rights 50 years ago.

By 2005 the Republican Party had disowned its “southern strategy” of prising white Southerners away from the Democrats. “Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarisation,” the party chairman told the NAACP pressure-group. “I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.” Three years later America elected its first black president. Michael Tesler of the University of California, Irvine, notes that Barack Obama’s victory set off a fresh exodus of whites away from the Democrats. “It took the election of the first black president for some white Americans to work out that the Democratic Party is the party of non-whites,” he says. By 2020 the Republican Party’s lead among white men without a college degree was huge: they backed Mr Trump by a margin of 40 points.

These voting patterns did not reflect only fondness for tax cuts or a dislike of immigration, the most recognisable bits of Mr Trump’s pitch. They also reflected a view of race. According to Ashley Jardina of Duke University, 30-40% of whites say their racial identity is “very important”. This is far lower than the share of black or Hispanic Americans saying the same. But this group of race-conscious whites, who also say they have “a lot” or “a great deal” in common with other whites, numbers about 75m people of voting age. That makes them more numerous than any minority.

White racial solidarity has a murderous past. Recently it has been associated with tiki torches, neo-Nazis and the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Yet only a tiny fraction of white Americans share such extreme views. The sense of solidarity among whites described by Ms Jardina is broader. In her book “White Identity Politics”, she says that “white identity” is not a polite way of saying “dislike toward other racial or ethnic minorities”. White racial consciousness comes out instead in such beliefs as the evil of reverse discrimination—whites being discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. Such views are not racist in the classic sense of white superiority. Those who hold them reject anti-black stereotypes. But they are likely to discount the effects of past racism, and to believe that African-Americans would catch up with whites if only they worked harder. Like Mr Kroll, the police-union boss, who complained that Democrats accuse those who disagree with them of being racist, or Mr Trump, who claimed to be “the least racist person anywhere in the world”, many are acutely sensitive to accusations of racism.

As America becomes more multiracial, and whites lose the status of dominant group, their sense of racial solidarity may grow and the taboo against white pride may fade. A recent attempt to launch an Anglo-Saxon caucus by Republican House members could be a portent. Already many rural and suburban whites, who in Minnesota might have defined themselves as Swedes or Germans as well as Americans, define themselves as white. They, not Minnesota’s African-Americans, now live in the most racially segregated places of all.

This second white tribe thinks more like a minority than part of the country’s biggest single group. Geographic separation can lead to a reflexive bias that is different from racism in the 1950s but still lethal.”

MORE: “White Americans are beginning to realise that they too belong to a race”

* Image via The Economist.

UPDATE III (5/3/021) LETTERS: On ‘Sovereign Nation’ With Michelle Malkin

Critical Race Theory, Ilana Mercer, Ilana On Radio & TV, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Morality, Political Economy, Political Philosophy, Race, Racism, Republicans

The short segment aired on Michelle Malkin’s Sovereign Nation, on News Max TV, at 8:00 PM Eastern Time, Saturday, May 1.

Here is the video.

It was a great honor to be asked on: Michelle doesn’t sit comfortably in an anchor’s chair like the other egos, feeding off the public’s (justifiable) fear and hopelessness; she acts. She fights for deplorables. She’s a warrior.

Our polity, state and civil society, is now based on anti-whiteness (ethnocidal levels thereof), plain and simple; not communism or identity politics.

UPDATE II (5/2/021) Fascinating LETTER From a Ms. Malkin fan:

*Dear Miss Mercer,*

* I just had to make contact with you by way of this electronic
mail message. My name is …. I tuned again to-day May 2nd, 2021 to
the Newsmax television news show, “Sovereign Nation”, hosted by Misses
Michelle Malkin. I caught you yesterday, the 1st of May, 2021 when it first
was telecast, and I just had to watch the rebroadcast this afternoon.*

* You prove that you’re a person who just does not remain satisfied
with knowledge but you pursue it, not afraid to bear the cross it can have
for one, yet you come out on top for your lack of fear. This is what I

* A few years ago Mister Graham Ledger host of One America News’
“The Daily Ledger”, made popular the erroneous definition of Black Lives
Matter and AntiFascist as THE FASCIST LEFT. Quite a number of Conservative
news hosts such as Mister Sean Hannity jumped on the lack of effort
bandwagon. Likewise,there were and are others who would call
President Barack Hussein Obama a Communist, and going back in the years
many would be called Nazis, and by almost everyone then and now who do not
even know it’s an acronym for National Socialism. And this is where I must
compliment you, truly, for your understanding as to how mistaken these
persons are, and many like them by perpetually adopting terms inexactly. *

* They are lazy with language, many outrightly ignorant, with the
monikers they apply to ideas and persons. Anti-Fascist and Black Lives
Matter aren’t The Fascist Left, or are those in political power of the
Left. I coined a term, perhaps not 100% correct, that they are
Neo-Bolsheviks. The Fascist Left refers only to a two year period in Italy
beginning March 23rd, 1919 when Mister Benito Mussolini founded Fascism
and didn’t reemerge to be a prominent factor until the Italian Social
Republic from 1943-1945. I am keeping this simple. *

* You’re ever so right when you intelligently discard and call out for
the disuse and misuse of euphemisms such as Communists and so forth for the
mentally unstable Far Left in this country and elsewhere. I have said to my
wife and some friends that if one continues to use these
shibboleths such as the many cerebrally slothful and witless politicians
and news commentators-interviewers of the Myopic Right, both Conservative
and Libertarian, what they’re actually doing and accomplishing is
the anesthetization of the people, **Americans and perhaps others,** into
a state of inactivity except only to enact their revolutionary, heavens,
patriotic duty of casting a vote in democratic elections. The average
person is clueless as to what they are really having to confront, and in my
opinion even more brutally so, are the victims of it. It’s as if on a
silver platter gilded in gold they gladly accept what these political hacks
and pundits of deliberate dumbing down misinform them, which procreates
disinformation, ergo the real nature of the enemy will never be understood.

The lack of comprehension of what the reality of the situation is, oddly
enough gives birth to a comfort and security that people assume to know
what they are really up against, and conversely only assists the Left
opposition which, in fact, accurately states that these political extreme
labels are scaremongering and witch hunt tactics. *

* May God Bless You Ilana Mercer

UPDATE II (5/3): The same gentleman is galvanized to spread the word about the work done here:

Dear Friends,

What a find! And another exceptional woman with a mind! I discovered her when [watching] Misses Michelle Malkin’s show “Sovereign Nation” on the television network, Newsmax. She is for absolute freedom, of course outside the boundaries of true crime being permitted, and isn’t without a moral criterion. A different type of Libertarian, Paleo-Libertarian. Now, I am not a Libertarian, I’m an Eclectic and I do not categorize myself except for being Christcentric, but please give this highly cultured and very positive individualistic lady a chance. I can tell you right now, with her as a Head Of State, persons some of you know and have known or anyone for whatever free speech, would not at present be incarcerated or have their civil liberties abused, as long as it is not promoting crime, such as homicide, and sexual child abuse, and similar.

The following three LINKS are for the Misses Malkin show, where Misses Mercer is interviewed beginning at the twenty-first minute fifty-first second (21:57). NOTA BENE: Misses Malkin was refused to appear and speak at The Conservative Political Action Conference. She’s banned!

The second is for a very likable Englishman whom I am delighted to be introduced to by Misses Mercer, Mister David Vance. This interview runs thirty-seven minutes and twenty seconds (37:20)

The third LINK you should study through. She’s unique even amongst Conservatives, Libertarians, and any of The Traditional Right. Very very close to my views. A great find; take your time to read through her writings:

God Bless

UPDATE III (4/9): NEW COLUMN: The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?

Argument, Comedy & Humor, Conservatism, Education, English, Free Speech, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Literature, Race, Racism, The West

The The Argument from Freedom means arguing process, not content.–ilana

NEW COLUMN IS either “The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?” Or, “How Tucker Could Have Crushed His Dr. Seuss Segment,” currently on WND.COM, the Unz

How Tucker Could Have Crushed His Dr. Seuss Segment” is on CNS.News, too.

And American Renaissance, where the conversation is lively.

And, the great American Greatness, the voice of next-generation conservatism.

Watch a video version of this column on YouTube.

And excerpt:

… Tucker’s mistake was his contents-driven defense of these kiddie books:

“Dr. Seuss was not a racist. He was an evangelist against bigotry,” pleaded Tucker. “He wrote an entire shelf of books against racism, and not in a subtle way. They were clearly, explicitly against racism. That was the whole point of writing them, to teach children not to be racist.”


Even if Dr. Seuss was the pedagogic, sanctimonious bore Tucker makes him out to be—actual racism in the targeted literature should be a peripheral issue, or no issue at all.

The Argument from Freedom means arguing process, not content.

Whether he intended it or not, the premise of Tucker’s defense of Dr. Seuss is that if we do detect “legitimate” racism in literature—there is a case for banning it. (Now, Tucker might not have meant it that way, but, this is what the structure of his argument portends.)

By contrast, freedom makes the case for an unfettered free market in ideas, good and bad. Freedom argues for politically impolite books to be published and read freely.

Banning books, moreover, assumes a lack of choice and agency among individual human beings. It’s also predicated on a higher authority that decides for the rest of us which cultural products are fit for our consumption.

The Argument from Freedom means arguing not over the contents of Mein Kampf or McElligot’s Pool, but for their publication irrespective of their content.

Which is why I say freedom’s argument is an argument from process, and not content.

Mein Kampf, and any offensive literature, needs to be available in a free society to free men and women who want it. And not because of history; so that we don’t forget it or repeat it (blah, blah, blah, as I heard it enunciated by Seattle’s radio mouth, Jason Rantz, the other day).

Alas, in the face of the cancellation of people and publications, cancelled conservatives just keep these logically weak and, frankly, loser mea culpas coming. Like the Argument from Hitler, which is a kind of “WhatAboutism”:

“Amazon and eBay sell Mein Kampf, why not Dr. Seuss? I want what Hitler got, Amazon and eBay. Me too. Boo-hoo.”

Tweeted “Musil Protégé”: “Conservatives [inadvertently] condone presentism. As Audrey says in Whit Stillman’s Metropolitan: ‘Has it ever occurred to you that our world judged by the standards of Jane Austen’s time would (look ridiculous)?’”

Most great literature doesn’t meet the sub-intelligent standards of the woke illiterati, who control the intellectual means of production—the schools (primary, secondary, tertiary), the press, publishing houses, think tanks, Deep Tech and the Deep State. …

NEW COLUMN IS either “The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?” Or, “How Tucker Could Have Crushed His Dr. Seuss Segment,” currently on WND.COM, the Unz Review and

How Tucker Could Have Crushed His Dr. Seuss Segment” is on CNS.News and American Renaissance as well.

Watch a video version of this column on YouTube.

UPDATE II (3/16): Facebook
Ray McClendon:

I’m a big Tucker fan too Ilana. Your article pointing out his arguments along with others who made the same argument give rise to mixed emotions. On the one hand, he (and they) are not wrong. There is some validity to their logic. After all, truth is often multifaceted. Plus, we’re all on the same side fighting side by side as allies in a common cause. On the other hand, you perform a great service when you point out there are far more substantive, powerful, and relevant arguments to be made, reminding me of that axiom, “Great minds may think alike, but greater minds think alone.” It’s why you’ve always been in a class by yourself. Thank you…

Ilana Mercer

No! I point to he fact that the argument from racism is irreverent if one is arguing classical liberal freedoms. Tucker, whom I love, was arguing from the leftist premise. The End. No argument. You can both love Tucker, and agree he presented a weak case for freedom. I do. That’s not wrong.

UPDATE III (4/9): When Adult humor is allowed:

Ed Powell:
“You are my favorite African-American.”
“That’s good ‘adult humor’. I am an African-American Jew.”
“@ILANAMERCER, LOL, Hitler wouldn’t have known what the hell to do with you.”
“I think he would.”

Woke Whites Tripping Over Each Other To Be Black, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism, Propaganda, Race, Racism

Chris Cuomo (white) to Don Lemon (sepia-tinted): “I’m black on the inside“.

Woke Whites are tripping over themselves to be black. It’s called systemic racism: systemic anti-White racism.

Were not people like Rachel Dolezal driven to blackface by systemic anti-White racism? Indeed  they were.

America is not racist. In America, black is beautiful. To be black is to be more righteous, nobler; carry the heaviest historic baggage—heavier than the Holocaust and the Trail of Tears—and be encouraged to perpetually and publicly pick at those imagined, oozing injuries.



Many have assimilated the erroneous thinking about the “racism” construct.

I have written about 4 essays to refute the fallacies.

Political racism is, however, properly deconstructed in these columns:

‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?
Was The Cop’s Knee On George Floyd’s Neck ‘Racism’? No!
Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice
Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality

If the reading is hard, I’ve made a series of YouTube videos, which track closely with the essays:

Systemic Racism Or Systemic Rubbish? By ilana mercer:

Racism Is A Thought ‘Crime.’ Thought Crimes Are The Prerogative Of A Free People

Critical Race Theory Rapes And Loots Reality

It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s ANTI-WHITE POLITICS