Category Archives: Media

Not Even Democrats Want To Be Governed By Demonic Females, Who Behave As Though Permanently On The Rag

Democrats, Elections, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Propaganda

It looks like the only group routing for the demented, intersectional, social injustice succubus demons standing for president in 2020 are members of the media. Only media was turned on by Kamala Harris, that insufferable scold with her nasal twang.

Regular Democrats are gravitating toward the old white guy.

Smart. There is great comfort to be had in the concept.

Joe Biden has amassed a formidable 27 percent lead over the field of Democratic hopefuls in South Carolina, buoyed by solid support from African American voters, a poll released Thursday showed.
The former vice president has 39 percent of support, putting him far ahead of his closest challenger, Sen. Kamala Harris, at 12 percent. (New York Post.) 

Biden’s lead is holding up in the national polls: “Fox News Poll: Biden holds commanding lead for Democratic nomination.”

Most “analysts” put down Biden’s lead to support for a candidate who can beat Trump. I wonder.

Not even Democrats want to be ruled by demonic females, who behave as if they’re permanently on the rag (as my grandpa Jack would have said).

* Image courtesy

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UPDATE (10/22/019): Has Tucker Gone Soft On Immigration, Which Is A True Existential Issue?

Conservatism, IMMIGRATION, Media, Nationhood, Political Correctness

Has Tucker Carlson gotten The Talk from the bosses at Fox News? By The Talk I mean the injunction against discussing the national question: mass immigration and the survival of the majority that dare not speak its name.

The show today, 6/11/019, was vanilla—Tucker’s correspondent decamped to the the Dominican Republic, to check out the safety of the minibars, instead of to the southwest to check out America’s wide-open border.

Tucker then interviewed a legal immigrant with permissible views on immigration—legal good; illegal bad.

Tucker oozed praise for said legal immigrant with permissible views. (Which were not exhaustive, because Harvard’s George Borjas showed that immigration in its totality has become an economic drain, not only illegal immigration.)

And, a short time back, on the day President Trump declared we hunger for many more “geniuses” in this country (ask the IEEE how many American engineers are unemployed)—the 2nd item on the Tucker Carlson Show was the latest SAT swindle, as if the affirmative-action swindle that is college admission is anything new.

Immigration experts in-the-know, like the Federation for American Immigration Reform, understand that unfettered legal immigration, even more so than the illegal torrents—is what has transformed the country beyond the tipping point. (Read “Understanding Chain Migration.”)

By the way, Tucker and Dana Perino smirked about the overuse of the existential adjective. (The word “narrative” is way worse.) Existential is a nice adjective when used sparingly and judicially.

If anything is an is an existential issue it’s immigration, both kinds, but especially the legal kind. It’s the defining issue of our time.  That’s why, once-upon-a-time, a president even ran on the immigration platform.

UPDATED (10/22/019):

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Chris Christie: Another Effective Attack Dog Dismissed By Javanka

Donald Trump, Intelligence, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Republicans

Quit calling prosecutors who colluded against Trump apolitical. They are political as hell.

That’s the paraphrased gist of Gov. Christ Christie’s delicious admonition to MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle, today.

Can’t locate the exact clip or quote, because MSNBC has a website designed for illiterate cretins. Big pictures, nada data.

Forget his ideological impurity, Chris Christie, with all his faults, is as quick as a whip and is a gifted orator. Christie can think on his feet, and uses his faculties to expose the workings of a blinded, willful, low-intelligence arrogant media.

If nothing else, Christie would have delighted and regaled us as Press Secretary Christie.

ALAS, via CNN:

“Jared Kushner, the husband of Ivanka Trump and the son of the real estate developer Charles Kushner, a man [Christie] once sent to prison,” was behind the termination of Christie’s tenure in the Trump administration. (Let us start blaming the person who makes the final decision, not those who bend his ear.)

Another opportunity to kick ass lost by our president.

TV’s Intersectional, Girly Femboys

Feminism, Gender, John McCain, Media, Sex, The Zeitgeist

“Let me be clear. When I allude to the women of TV, I include those with the Y Chromosome.”—TV Tarts: Cringe Factor Ad Infinitum, Part 2.

Indeed, as ghastly as the TV tarts are (read about them here), TV’s “girly boys” give them a run for their money.

Think Gabriel Debenedetti of Politico or Chuck Todd of MSNBC’s MTP Daily, of course.

Arms and hands windmilling like any network woman, Chuck’s every sentence is prefaced with that most feminine of affectations, “I feel like.”

Mr. Todd’s pouty exclamations are complemented by wild gesticulating and a habit of swaying back-and-forward energetically in his little swivel chair.

Todd is easily able to take up an entire segment riffing about the audacity of not liking John McCain.

“So many of the Trump base think of McCain as a traitor,” Chuck pondered. “Can you believe it?” The point being that it is not the attack on a dead man that our “girly boy” condemns, but a difference of opinion about John McCain.

Today, little Chuck issued an apology to a self-styled identity group: Tourette’s syndrome sufferers.

That makes Chuck a PC perfect little femboy.