Category Archives: Media

UPDATED: Humorless CNN Anchor Berates Border Patrol For Joking With Sainted Separated Kids

Crime, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Media

“How can you EVER EVER make light of separating THESE kids from their parents,” admonishes CNN’s Brooke Baldwin.


“They are just making light of a bad situation,” lady. Making crying kids laugh: Have you never tried that? WTF is wrong with that, you sanctimonious so-and-so.

Besides, lady, their parents started it. They thrust these kids into the most dangerous, exploitative situations imagined. These are unfit parents. The US Border Patrol is dealing with the fall-out from chaotic people.

“Parents who put kids is such precarious a predicament are unfit. Why, then, are unfit parents fit to become Americans?”

More showy self-righteousness.

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Liberals Decry The Collapse of American Foreign Policy. If Only.

Foreign Policy, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Neoconservatism, Russia

CNN’s Don Lemon says that “we are witnessing the collapse of American foreign policy” (7/19/018).

If only. It’s not quite as promising as that.

We Deplorables had hoped to witness the collapse of the American foreign-policy Establishment. But alas, I fear this monster will regroup when Trump The Slayer leaves office. Sad.

The Big E, the permanent state, is just too malignant and invasive. It enervates and innervates everything. It won’t allow change, such as peace with Putin.

Who Cares About Hope Hicks! Why Is The Excellent John Kelly Leaving The White House?!

Donald Trump, Family, Government, Media, Politics

Journalists should be asking (but they don’t) why the most excellent John Kelly is rumored to be leaving the White House. Instead, they are rabbiting about a girl with super-model looks, Miss Hope Hicks, who left the White House.

Why is it of no interest to this incurious lot (the media) that the liberal Kushners had been gunning for White House Chief of Staff Kelly for a long time? As I warned on February 15, 2018:

… if Chief of Staff John Kelly is ousted, it will be the doing of the Goldman-Sachs West-Wing matriarchy. Dina Powel, former adviser to Ivanka and previously on Trump’s National Security Council [she has a BA], is a relic from Goldman Sachs and an Ivanka recruit. The affable Democrat Gary Cohn [he left, too], Trump’s chief economic advisor, is former president and chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs. These “Kushner-Cohn Democrats” ousted Stephen Bannon from the West Wing, and are, no doubt, gunning for John Kelly.

When Powel and Cohn departed, the work to oust Kelly was likely completed by the Kushner duo.

More Kushner exploits:

UPDATED (6/9/018): POTUS Puts America First At The “Crooked” G-7 Summit. Go President Trump!

Donald Trump, Drug War, Europe, Foreign Policy, Media, Nationhood, Trade

“IT’S G6 versus one”:

“It’s never been seen before. This is not normal. Tariffs will kill Americans; they can’t live without Chinese trinkets. No American president has ever behaved like so. Russia? Why would Trump want peace with Russia? North Korea? How dare Trump pursue peace with that rogue regime?”

In a nutshell, this is the static, decontextualized theme of the malpracticing, moron media on their Trump Watch.

And now, in reporting on the G-7 summit, silly women with chipmunk voices dripping with contempt are appalled, but appalled, that POTUS is asserting American interests there, and not acting like the plaything of “our European allies.”

NEWS FLASH, FOOLS: That’s why we elected Donald J. Trump.

UPDATE (6/9/018): Let’s see decriminalization. Enough of Jeff Sessions state-enforced prohibition.

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