Category Archives: Media

Gloomy Media Happy, Gloating Over Trump Healthcare ‘Failure’

Democrats, Donald Trump, Healthcare, Media, Politics, Republicans, War

Media have taken a break from chasing down and inventing imagined Trump-Russia connections. The tail-chasers are no longer gloomy, but are now happy, celebrating their nemesis’ healthcare failure.

It’s almost a relief to have these miserable media bitches emerge from their brain-addled Russia monomania and laugh a bit. The crazy Russia rants were the stuff of straitjackets (where CNN’s Brian Stelter belongs).

It’s no joke. This same moronic media has taken America to wars with the frenzy it’s able to muster when its members don’t get their way. When the world these media elites inhabit ceases to make sense, they become dangerous. So a respite in these paroxysms is welcome and even relaxing.

Some of the “happy” headlines celebrating the failure to pass the American Health Care Act:

“GOP abandons health-care overhaul as Trump ultimatum fails to save it”

“‘The closer’? The inside story of how Trump tried — and failed — to make a deal on health care”

Trump learns that dealmaking is not the same as leadership

“Trump tastes failure as healthcare bill collapses”

Major Setback for Trump in First Big Legislative Clash

If the Trump healthcare bill was no good, why is its failure so bad? Throughout, Republican and Democratic TV hosts said not a word about the contents of Trump’s healthcare Bill. They’ve failed to explain it to their audiences. The empty debates on TV and radio have been devoted to lamenting a strategic loss, nothing else.

UPDATE V (6/7/017): Fox News Fluff

Ann Coulter, Conservatism, Critique, Gender, Intelligence, Media, Neoconservatism, Republicans

UPDATE V: (6/7/017):

Thank goodness for periodic outbreaks of so-called sexual harassment at Fox News. It thinned the herd a bit. Some fems left. But now, instead of terrible Tamara Holder, former friend to the Sean Hannity TV show, the eardrums and intelligence are assaulted by the likes of Jessica Tarlov. It wouldn’t matter that Tarlov’s voice sounds like it was squeezed from the nether regions of her anatomy, if she had something to say.

Enough of the 23-year-olds who know nothing. Do hard time as journalists in a war zone, say for 10 years—like Iona Craig—then come back to tell us a thing or two.

Being lectured to by silly fresh-faced Millennials ought to insult adults. Don’t call yourself a cultural conservative if you unleash kids to lecture adults. Commies were big on putting kids in control of the adults and thus inverting the natural social order.

Tucker Carlson turns in outstanding journalistic performances nightly, on Fox News. Topping today’s segment was Ann Coulter, who should have her own show. (But won’t, unless she knocks off 20 IQ points to pacify other egos in the anchors’ chairs.)

But if Tucker starts featuring cretins like Austan Goolsbee and Geraldo Rivera, we’ll switch off. These are Sean Hannity’s regulars, and they’re insufferable. [UPDATE 6/7/017: Tucker UNLEASHED Krystal Ball on the unsuspecting public. A Democrat brainless tart.) And it has nothing to do with their liberalism. It didn’t matter that the late intellectual Christopher Hitchens was a liberal. He was brilliant.

Hannity is crossing over into the light—becoming increasingly libertarian and anti-statism. We love him for it. But at the same time, the popular anchor still insists on featuring a dizzying array of dumb bimbos on his show.

UPDATE I (3/15):

FoxNews’ AWOL on the heroic Julian Assange.

UPDATE II (4/5): No compunction about bringing immorality and mindlessness back. Boobs before brains: On con-servative media, it always ends up that way, on Sean Hannity’s show, too. Michelle Fields is back. A primer.

UPDATE III (4/7/017): Martha Maccallum’s Fox News show is a do-over of Megyn Kelly’s:

UPDATE IV (4/28):

Some Trump-Nation Triumphs

Donald Trump, Drug War, Foreign Policy, Hollywood, Labor, Media, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry, States' Rights

Reducing another bastion of the establishment to rubble.

The next is Hollywood.

Keep a watchful eye on CPUKErs. Ann Coulter is:

Steve Bannon:

We love you, but stop potting around. In a libertarian world … but we’ll settle for States’ Rights:

Related to the above. Did he just say States’ Rights? Joy!

The Freaks of the Therapeutic State:

Tied up in knots by Fake News:


Bosom buddy Lindsey Graham:

Miners are the epitome of tragic heroes:

It Takes Quite A Nation To Produce Such A President: Donald J. Trump’s Greatest Presser

Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Media, Russia

President Donald Trump speaks directly to the people, both by-passing and smacking a hate-filled press during a lengthy press conference. This is a volunteer president; working for free.

“I’m not ranting and raving; I’m having a good time. You, dishonest media will say I’m ranting and raving.”

“I’m changing it from Fake News to very Fake News.”

“If you were straight and told it like it is, I’d be your biggest fan.”

“There’s zero chaos in the administration.”

“Half of our job is given over to refuting lies by the press.”

“Chief of staff Reince Priebus, a real good guy, is kept busy putting out Fake-News fires. The administration would rather be working on the issues.”

“The whole Russian thing is a ruse. [Great word.] I have nothing to do with Russia.”

“The hatred at CNN is palpable.”

“You are making it impossible to get on with Russia with your fake Russia story. It’s a shame for the American people.”

Putin assumes he can’t make a deal with the US, so he’s up to mischief. Putin is not testing America, he has concluded he can’t make a deal with us, because of the Fake News onslaught.

“Doing the right thing for America is getting on with Russia, even though you want me to blow them out of the sky, water, etc. I won’t do it. I’ll do what’s right for America.”

On BBCNews: “There’s another beauty.”

Travel ban: “We had a bad Court which gave us a bad decision for the American people.

Love the way POTUS disciples the noisy voluble reporters who deliver a soliloquy, instead of asking a question. “Quiet, sit down.”

PBS News Hour’s reporter talks like reporter, asks a fair question, just as a reporter of old would have done, and is acknowledged as such by the president. He replies to her question:

“We will show a great heart. DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is a difficult case for me. A very tough subject. I have kids. I have grand-kids. I love kids. The existing law is very rough.”

As to the new Executive Order (“travel ban”); it will be tailored to avoid new challenges such as the Ninth Circuit imposed.