Category Archives: Media

Trump Creates New Political Bedfellows (Or Bedbugs)

Barack Obama, Law, Media, The Courts

The “dreaded” Donald Trump has forced some unlikely partners to slip between the sheets together. After a seven-year, petulant boycott, President Barack Obama has rewarded the Fox News Channel’s sustained anti-Trump campaign by granting Chris Wallace an interview. Megyn Kelly’s efforts in the same department have earned her high praise from Hillary Clinton, who called Kelly “a superb journalist.” Just the other day, HuffPost and MSNBC, left-liberal outfits, converged in proposing a … Clinton-Kasich ticket:

Hillary Clinton should ask John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio, to join her in creating a “unity ticket.” It’s time for a national ticket that reflects our national desire for a new type of politics for our modern America.

Sounds like an ideal gathering for Terminix pest control.

In any case, here’s Wallace’s ‘Fox News Sunday’ interview with President Barack Obama. In it, “constitutional scholar” Obama continues to insist, apparently in error, on the Republicans’ constitutional obligation to go through the confirmation process with Justice Merrick Garland.

One suspects Obama might be gearing up for the equivalent of an executive order to fill the SCOTUS vacancy. It’s called a recess appointment, and we know enough about President Barack Obama to know he’ll use it to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Antonin Scalia’s death, in the teeth of Republican opposition.

CNN Goes Back 30 Years To Try & Smear Trump; Achieves The Opposite

Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

It was charming when the sainted John F. Kennedy expressed what the girly media term “vengeful” sentiments, but not when it’s Donald J. Trump.

JFK said, “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”

DJT advised, “If you do not get even, you are just a schmuck!” Or, “”When people wrong you, go after those people, because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it,” he writes. “I always get even.”

“When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades” and “Go for the jugular so that people watching will not want to mess with you.”

Very Old Testament.

In fact, Trump says as much: “I believe in an eye for an eye — like the Old Testament says,” he wrote in “The Art of the Comeback.”

All normal humans bear grudges. Members of the media have a list of emotions and states-of-being they’ve stigmatized in the hope of shaping others in their feminized, PC, milquetoast images.

Most people harbor these sentiments but lie about them. Trump is truthful about who he is and is hard on himself, to boot.

Trump sounds like he belongs in an Ayn Rand novel, opting to build “skyscrapers instead of affordable rental units”:

“I love to see the crowds of people oohing and aahing at the stunning marble and the breathtaking 80-foot waterfall,” he wrote. “In truth I am dazzled as much by my own creations as are the tourists and glamour hounds that flock to Trump Tower … or any of my other properties.”

MORE in “How Donald Trump sees himself.”

April Fields’ Day: Michelle Fool & Journalism’s Feminization

Feminism, Gender, Journalism, Media, Pop-Culture, Republicans

“April Fields’ Day: Michelle Fool & Journalism’s Feminization” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

In the 1990s, broadcaster Charles Sykes wrote an important book called “A Nation Of Victims: The Decay of the American Character.”

Fast forward to 2016, and Mr. Sykes is defending a character on grounds he once rejected in his trailblazing book.

When Mr. Sykes lamented the “The Decay of the American Character,” no reader was under the impression it was the mettle of reporter Michelle Fields he was hankering for and hoping to see restored.

I’ve watched the grainy footage that has fueled the hysterics of Ms. Fields and her shameful sisterhood, housebroken males included. The whole world has watched.

In it, Donald Trump can be clearly observed recoiling defensively, as Ms. Fields presses up against him.

Invisible to the naked eye was the assault Fields alleges.

Still, if Hillary Clinton’s flesh were being pressed by a reporter like Fields, and sidekick Huma Abedin forcefully flicked the reporter aside, I’d say the same. No assault occurred. No litigation should follow. Leave Huma the heck alone.

In other words, a reasonable individual can easily accept—even in the absence of visual evidence—that a protective campaign manager, former cop Corey Lewandowski, might have instinctively shoved the pushy reporter away from Mr. Trump.

To frame this melee as an assault and manufacture a national incident is beneath contempt; is disgraceful.

Unacceptable is that the law rushed to validate Fields’ hurt feelings by charging Lewandowski with a misdemeanor battery.

As unacceptable was the reaction of Ms. Fields and her solipsistic sisters—those with the Y chromosome included.

Ms. Fields is not a victim and her conduct demonstrates decay of character.

Were she a reasonable professional, Ms. Fields would’ve grasped that there was no intention to harm her; only to protect a man who is in constant, real danger. (A bruised massive ego aside, Fields was unharmed.) …

“April Fields’ Day: Michelle Fool & Journalism’s Feminization” is the current column, now on WND.

Tweets: New Book Cover, Trump News, Neocons & Kelly Knaves, SCOTUS, Pope, Sealed With A Woof

Donald Trump, Ilana Mercer, Jihad, Law, Media, Republicans, The Courts

Title change: The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed