Category Archives: Political Correctness

Trevor Noah And Barack Obama Get Together To … Complain

Barack Obama, Political Correctness, Race, South-Africa

It’s quite telling that Trevor Noah, an inauthentic South African—he brings with him nothing authentic from the old country—is a household name in America.

Noah is not funny. He has no wit. He’s PC. He’s left-liberal. He’s a cliche. All the attributes that are needed in an imported talent. The Atlantic thinks nothing of a comedian being unfunny, writing that Noah is a “late-night host who will often choose to swerve away from an easy laugh in favor of a more even-handed dialogue.”

Time magazine is likely jealous of Noah’s access to Barack Obama, but it does at least correctly appraise his talent as “a host who’s been touted lately as both a combative interviewer and deep thinker [but] had little to say.”

Obama, with whom Trump has been too cozy, for some reason, told Noah that President-Elect Trump had invited a Russian hack attack, which, asserted Obama, had indeed happened. (Obama then went on to lament racism and colonialism and to remind us all why we can’t wait to see him exist center stage):

“What is it about our political ecosystem, what is it about the state of our democracy where the leaks of what were frankly not very interesting emails that didn’t have any explosive information in them … ended up being an obsession, and the fact that the Russians were doing this was not an obsession?” He said the emails were “fairly routine” but they got “breathless coverage” and were “depicted as somehow damning in all sorts of ways,” lamenting how emails overshadowed every single big policy issue.


… we have, by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow and colonialism and racism, but that the progress we’ve made has been real and extraordinary, if I’m communicating my genuine belief that those who are not subject to racism can sometimes have blind spots or lack of appreciation of what it feels to be on the receiving end of that, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not open to learning and caring about equality and justice and that I can win them over because there is goodness in the majority of people.”

White House press secretary Josh Earnest took a cue from his boss, Obama, and got in on the banana republic act, putting it out there, on Wednesday, “that ‘there is ‘ample evidence’ the Trump campaign both knew about and encouraged the actions behind the DNC hacks. Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former campaign manager, blasted Earnest’s ‘irresponsible’ statement Thursday morning.”

My column this week is “The Russians Are Coming.”

UPDATED (12/13): Trevor Noah Applies The South African Experience To The US

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Pop-Culture, Propaganda, Race, Racism, South-Africa

“Rioting and looting: That’s what happens when there is protest, a lot of the times,” asserts the unfunny, South African, Trevor Noah, to Tomi Lahren. He is the imported host of The Daily Show. (After all, there are not enough left-liberal, black, talented comedians in the US.) She a young, pretty, enormously popular, rather humdrum, internet broadcaster. Nothing Lahren says is particularly original or controversial. Conservatives have been mouthing the “diversity of thought, not color” line for over 40 years.

And Noah: Rioting and looting happen in South Africa* all the time. When they happen here in the West on a regular basis; we worry about the rule of law and the future of ordered liberty.

Noah is not exactly fast on his feet, but then the right response to, “Why are you so angry,” a question he posed to Lahren, should have been: “There is nothing wrong with righteous anger.” Anger shaming is a common liberal tactic. See “TESTOSTERONE, Going, Going, Almost Gone …”

Does this tedious Noah add anything original to the storyline of eternally oppressed blacks? Import a talent such as the late Christopher Hitchens. Not this idiot.


*See:When America Becomes South Africa”

UPDATE (12/13): Obama joins Noah.

PC Police Kills Humor; But Not For Long

Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Media, Political Correctness, Race

“I could just put on some bronzer, get on a dingy boat and show-up in Sicily”: So says broadcaster Lauren Southern (at 6:12 minutes) about the ease of immigration if you’re … brown and illegals.

“No, no, no, no. We’re not saying things like that on my program,” recoils the self-righteous, Sky News anchor at Southern’s humorous reductio ad absurdum.

My guess is that our sanctimonious, Sky libtard will be out of a job sometime in the future. Mass media will be finding out who their audience would rather watch and hear. My money’s on Southern (as it was on President-elect Trump all along.)

UPDATED: 2016 VP Debate: Prepare To Be Bored, Uninspired & Pelted By Political Correctness

Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Political Correctness, Republicans

I’ll be tweeting the debate between Mike Pence and Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, Hillary Clinton’s nullity of a running mate. (Yes, “Speak English To America, Mr. ‘Si Se Puede’ Hip-Swaying Kaine!”)

Just as sure as the supercilious Kaine will speak Spanish—expect Pence to be unfaithful to the foreign policy of Donald Trump. I’ll be surprised if Pence utters the words “America First!”

Pence, however, will garner media accolades, for he won’t say one politically incorrect word.

He’s a nice enough man, but from where I’m perched, the “Pro Wars, Pro Islam, Not-So-Pro-Private Property” Mike Pence is a perfect fit for Demopublican politics.

UPDATE: As predicted, overall, useless Pence did little for Trump, other than look OK:

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