Category Archives: Politics

UPDATED III (3/31/021): The Developing Orwellian Covid Terminology. Will Vaccine Resisters Be WACOed?

Argument, Canada, COVID-19, Critique, Healthcare, Liberty, Nationalism, Politics, Propaganda

The “vaccine hesitancy” pejorative is an attempt to demonize clear thinking and reasoning.

Apropos the COVID-19 vaccine: Not one TV ego in an anchor’s chair has had the intelligence to ask about longitudinal studies.

The creation of a vaccine involves scientists and medical experts from around the world, and it usually requires 10 to 15 years of research before the vaccine is made available to the general public. [HERE]

There are none! The Covid vaccines are just too new; they were rushed to market. I’m all for well-tested vaccines. (Especially when liability is attached to the manufacturers. This is not the case with Covid-vaccine manufacturers.)

Then there is the Covid variants saga. It is clear to anyone with a critical mind thinks Covid vaccines will go the way of the flu vaccines: An annual affair if one chooses to make it so, because of the natural mutation these clever RNA strands undergo.

Personally, I’ve never taken the flu vaccine. My doctor concurs: The flu shots aren’t very effective.

UPDATE I (3/29/021): Logically, the COVID vaccine is likely to be an annual affair.

Who predicted that, above, on ? The same person who urged you to wear the N95 mask, on 3/5/020, when St. Fauci was cautioning you against protecting your life with a mask (for which that man should stand in the dock).

The planet could have a year or less before first-generation Covid-19 vaccines are ineffective and modified formulations are needed, according to a survey of epidemiologists, virologists and infectious disease specialists. …

Instead of listening to America’s crooked medical talking-head imbeciles, all clawing their way to becoming part of the Biden—or, before that Trump’s—task force—or consultants to the corporate media—here is an aggregated opinion:

The grim forecast of a year or less comes from two-thirds of respondents, according to the People’s Vaccine Alliance, a coalition of organisations including Amnesty International, Oxfam, and UNAIDS, who carried out the survey of 77 scientists from 28 countries. Nearly one-third of the respondents indicated that the time-frame was likely nine months or less.

…“New mutations arise every day. Sometimes they find a niche that makes them more fit than their predecessors. These lucky variants could transmit more efficiently and potentially evade immune responses to previous strains,” said Gregg Gonsalves, associate professor of epidemiology at Yale University, in a statement.

For the evolutionary advantage—mutation—of a clever little RNA coil the experts blame the “vaccine hesitancy” of the population at large. Or, global, systemic racism: Not enough sharing by the developed world.

We vaccinate every year for the flu because of mutations, don’t we? Why would the clever SARS-CoV-2 be less efficient?

MORE:New Covid vaccines needed globally within a year, say scientists.”

UPDATE II (3/31/021): Strokes.

Correlation is not causation, but a person I love dearly had a stroke a few weeks after the vaccine. The individual was NOT AT RISK FOR A STROKE. WTF!

Trace Alex Berenson’s Socratic questions about the correlation of all the new, messenger-RNA technology vaccinations to strokes:

UPDATE III: Will They WACO Vaccine Resisters?

As surmised in this space, the Covid vaccines last as long as the virus’s next mutation.

Israel’s Netanyahoo, however, has floated the freaky idea of a six-monthly vaccine schedule:

“The vaccines we have, no one knows how long they last…We need to prepare for the worst scenario. The worst scenario is that we have to vaccinate every half year.”

Do they plan to intern or force the stuff into the resister community’s veins? Upon arriving in Canada, the newly arrived must submit to being corralled into a government-designated “hotel.” There is an exorbitant shakedown fee, too. The policy was instituted by Justin Trudeau, who is both despicable as he is deeply stupid.

Could they WACO resisters? Will WACO now become a verb? Oh, I forget: the kids don’t learn history, ancient or recent. It might teach them something.

CPUKE: GOP Has The Babes. Nothing More! The Future Belongs To Prouder Boys & Girls

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Elections, Founding Fathers, Politics, Populism, Republicans

On a frivolous note, Kristi Noem’s a pretty woman, but why the Michelle Obama arms? Too awful. All that manly weight-lifting and working out arms a woman with a man’s arms and a ropy neck, too.

On a serious note, the dull, dumb lineup at CPUKE—namely the establishment-approved stars of the GOP—only drives home that Trump alone provides any excitement (and impetus when Ivanka leaves him alone) in the moribund Republican Party. (Where in this lineup is flamethrower Marjorie Taylor Greene?)

Besides which, remember this: With control of both Chambers, the presidency and the gubernatorial scene across the country—Republicans delivered nothing much for ordinary Americans.

Time to quit buying the fiction that all you need do to have relief is vote Republican. Nonsense on stilts!


The future of The Struggle belongs to men and women who speak like this:

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Most recently, the man to channel Thomas Jefferson—for this piercing and beautiful aphorism belongs to said Founding Father—was Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio.

The man echoed the sentiments yours truly articulated more carefully on 01/21/2021, in “A Hardcore Libertarian Take On The Storming Of The Capitol Building.

“I’m not gonna cry about people who don’t give a crap about their constituents. I’m not going to sympathize with them,” he continued. “When they support drone-bombing children in the Middle East … [and] those people are dead and they’re just cowering because a group of misfits came into the Capitol, I’m not going to be sympathetic.”

*Image I credit here.
* Image II credit here.

UPDATE (2/28):

From LinkedIn:

Immutable truth: “With control of both Chambers, the presidency and the gubernatorial scene across the country—Republicans delivered nothing much for ordinary Americans.” Time to quit buying the fiction that all you need do to have relief is vote Republican. Nonsense on stilts!
So, GOP, RIP.”
Time to secede–dissociate from the dual-party game conducted for the benefits of Rome on the Potomac. Build self-determining societies of like-minded; seceded from politics.

NEW ON YouTube: DEEP TECH’S Economic Terrorism

Capitalism, Economy, Individual Rights, Internet, libertarianism, Liberty, Media, Natural Law, Paleolibertarianism, Politics, Technology

“… I touch on financial deplatforming, which certainly verges on violating the natural right of individuals to make a living. …

… Telling people they can’t open a bank account teeters on informing your victims they might not be able to make a living, despite the fact that they are innocent; their only offense being a thought crime, namely typing or wafting words into the air.

How do you make a living if you can’t bank, or contact your clients electronically? Do you go back to a barter economy (a book for some bread)? Do you go underground? Cultivate home-based industries? Do you keep afloat by word of mouth? Go door-to-door? Go back to stamping envelopes? How can you when your client base is purely electronic? …”


NEW COLUMN: MAGA Patriots: The Best Of People In the Worst Of Times

Democrats, Donald Trump, Government, Politics, Republicans, Technology, The State

NEW COLUMN, “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times, ” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review and American Greatness.

ABOUT “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times,” Patriot caliber .357×6 writes:

“Finally, someone has the guts and the brains in the media to put forth the proper perspective. All the whining and propaganda is morphing into actual threats in a matter of hours against the patriot; go ahead, make our day.”


Why repeat hackneyed phrases about annus horribilis 2020?

Recall the opening paragraph of “A Tale of Two Cities,” a classic by Charles Dickens? Interspersed in that epical introduction are countervailing, sweetness-and-light words. Excise these—and you get 2020:

“… it was the worst of times…it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch…of incredulity, it was…the season of darkness… it was the winter of despair. … we had nothing before us.”

MAGA men and women are just that: The best of people in the worst of times.

These good people converged on D.C., Jan. 6, to protest the certification of the Electoral College vote.

They, who have “nothing before them,” had come to demand that something be done by those who had “brought [them] forth into this wilderness,” yet sit “by the fleshpots [on the Potomac] and [eat] bread to the full.” (My adaptation of Exodus 16:3.)

Cassandra Fairbanks, of the Gateway Pundit web-hub, framed her report about the protest that ensued just right: “Patriots Have Stormed the Capitol Building — Masses Breaching Federal Barriers — Cops Losing Control.”

Yes, patriots. Rage that had been simmering over an election whose results lacked constitutional credibility had finally come to a boil. …

…  The thread that runs through fatuous TV debates, among Lincoln Project founder Steve Schmidt and his ilk, is the failure of the Grand Old Party (GOP) to stand up to Donald Trump.

Unmentioned are the 74 million people who prop President Trump up. These solipsistic, vain TV degenerates—Bush-era operative Nicolle Wallace, the gaseous Ana Navaro, celebutante Margaret Hoover, and many more—have simply “disappeared” or cancelled 74 million Americans. …

… READ On. NEW COLUMN, “MAGA Patriots: The Best of People in the Worst of Times, ” is  on WND.COM, The Unz Review and American Greatness.