Category Archives: Race

UPDATE II (2/3/022): Will Justine Ape Pappy Trudeau, And Use The Military Against Canadian Truckers?

Canada, Conservatism, Constitution, COVID-19, Individual Rights, Race, Racism, Republicans

Q: “How far would you go …? [Would you] reduce civil liberties?”
Pierre Trudeau: “Just watch me”

I don’t expect any edified reference to history from our plodder, mainstream moron media. But it can hardly escape those of us who’re familiar with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s gleeful invocation of the War Measures Act, in Quebec, that Justine, his weak, simpleton, low-intelligence son, might repeat his father’s feat, this time against the Truckers Freedom Convoy, now stationed in Ottawa.  Justine has always wanted to best his father, who, although an arrogant bastard, was never plain stupid like the son.

On Oct. 13, 1970, Prime Minister Trudeau “[called] in army tanks and men in full gear… his aim was to boost national security. But the military’s presence made some Canadians feel a whole lot less secure.”

Eight days earlier, a Quebec separatist group, the FLQ (Front de libération du Québec), had kidnapped British Trade Commissioner James Cross and Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte.

“What is it with all these men and guns around here?” CBC reporter Tim Ralfe had asked Trudeau, amid a crowd of journalists waiting for him outside Parliament, in raw CBC footage showing Trudeau’s discussion with reporters that day.

Back in the good old days, the national Canadian broadcaster, CBC, was aware of civil and constitutional liberties. Today, the CBC would be cheering Justine.

UPDATE: There you have it. Protest is only for the groups that the retarded Trudeau named, of of which Black Lives Matter is one. Go home, predominantly white Truckers, or else Justine, like his dad, will sic the military on you.

UPDATE II (2/3/022):Military will not be sent to deal with protesters, Canadian govt says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has dismissed suggestions to use the armed forces to disperse demonstrators.

Tucker And The Trucker: Condescending About Canada; Wrong About American South

America, Canada, Juvenal Early's Archive, Liberty, Race, Racism, The South, The State

Tucker Carlson: “Canada, they always steal our ideas and produce a slightly shoddy copy of them.”

Tucker Carlson’s segment, “There’s no more fearful despot than Canada’s Prime Minister,” is an important one. However, as a Canadian (an American too), who grasps very well the fundamental differences between Canada and America—Americans think they are God’s Country and operate with such imprimatur; Canadians don’t—I found it was remarkably condescending, as the famous and important host cackled that, “Canada always steals our ideas and produces a slightly shoddy copy of them.”

I have pinpointed and analyzed the differences I experienced personally between Canada and the US in an interview series with Dissident Mama: “Ilana Mercer, part 1: Roots, writing, & resistance” and “Ilana Mercer, part 2: Lady Paleolibertarian.”

To the extent Canadians have aped American state legislation and cultural trends; they lose. To the extent they stick with their more reserved, understated, quieter, far-better spoken civility and civilization; they win. On the whole, the Canadian State is usually far less menacing to its citizens than is the American State to its legal inhabitants. The US jailed Conrad Black; not Canada. And even when they reproduce their facsimile of the prototypical, American, TV Fox News blonde, Canadians do it better: Witness Lauren Southern versus dummy Tomi Lahren. (Oy! And my Dutch relative tells me Holland is now producing what is considered in The Netherlands déclassé, hackneyed, American-style TV blonds. Tucker already had one on!)

Juvenal Early, a regular writer for Barely A Blog, was furious:

“Tucker disgusted me with his coverage of the truckers last night. He asked one of them to refute the leftist assertion of racism in the crowd. What does that have to do with the vaccine mandate protest? Tucker also continues to demonize the Confederacy and the battle flag. Among real Southern right wingers, that’s a big non-starter.”

The Confederate flag segment is at the 13:00 minute mark.  The trucker interview starts at 16:45 and goes until 19 minutes.

UPDATED (1/31/022): Dispatch From Ottawa, Canada: ‘FUCK YOU, TRUDEAU’

Canada, Conservatism, Constitution, COVID-19, Individual Rights, Multiculturalism, Race

An intrepid, freedom-loving friend traveled from Quebec to Ottawa, Saturday, for the Truckers rally on Parliament Hill. It was, “A wonderful afternoon on Parliament Hill. There were tens of thousands of people, all peaceful and ranging in age from 1 to 91. And trucks galore with blasting horns. It felt more like a Canada Day celebration, but with lots of ‘fuck Trudeau’ chants”

He writes:

Ottawa, January 29, 2022

In Trudeau’s words, the protesters were just a fringe minority. A couple of extremists.

Borrowing a line from the great Johnny Cash, I came, I saw, and behold, I did see extremists on that frigid day of January in Ottawa… tens of thousands of them! And trucks as far as you could see with horns blaring, sounding like the last stand at Helm Hammerhand. What I saw was a multitude of amazingly good people who are:

Extreme in their love of Canada and their fellow citizens.
Extreme in their appreciation and respect of the Canadian constitution and Charter of Rights.
– Extreme in the defence of freedom of speech.
Extreme in the belief that mafia-style threats and coercion by government is an unacceptable way to rule.
Extreme in their conviction that forcing people to get injected with an experimental mRNA drug might not be a good idea, especially for kids and young adults who are not significantly affected by covid SARs-2, and anyone else, for that matter.

So yep, these were extremists, but that kind of extremism gives me hope that we, the people of Canada, are indeed a resilient, united, and spiritually healthy society that will outlast the ruling elite and keep in check their penchant for subversive, corrosive ideologies.

UPDATE: Justine Trudeau is on the run, fleeing like a girl…

UPDATE (1/31/022): Tucker Carlson, who has exposed Justine Trudeau in all his phony, moral and mental flaccidity, nevertheless will still persist in pretending the Trucker rally ending in Ottawa, Canada, was purely class based. Race is another variable—a blind-spot papered-over by conservatives who just want to be nice.

So, this Hard Truther, yours truly, put the question to our friend and correspondent, who had sent us the above touching impressions and images from Ottawa:

Question: The rally looked pretty white. Was there a noticeable multicultural participation?
Reply: I also noticed the majority white presence at the protest. There were North American Indians beating drums and chanting, which was pretty cool. They hate Trudeau even as he bends backwards trying to absolve the white man’s past crimes.

Indeed. “Conservatism’s perennial piñata,” our Amerindians, whose influence over our politics is pitifully negligible, still drum for freedom, somehow maintaining their hatred of the oppressive federal authorities, stateside, too—despite the nonsense neoconservative deity Dinesh D’Souza (and other like him) spouts about them.

READ: Conservatism’s Perennial Piñata


NEW COLUMN: Enough About The Uyghurs! Speak Up About America’s Liberties Lost

Britain, Christianity, COVID-19, Crime, Foreign Policy, Individual Rights, Jihad, Race, Racism

NEW COLUMN ISEnough About The Uyghurs! Speak Up About America’s Liberties Lost,” in which I take you through the FBI’s perennial, standard operating procedural outrages, tennis player Novak Djokovic’s strength in the face of bullies and busybodies, and the tedium of Anus Kanter Freedom’s moral preening on Fox News.

Enough About The Uyghurs! Speak Up About America’s Liberties Lost” can be read now on WND.COM,, and the Unz Review.


“… When in recent memory has the FBI stopped an attack on the homeland other than attacks originating in its own entrapment schemes, where a low-IQ Abdul is persuaded to purchase explosives from the FBI “for Jihad” and then is “caught” in the act. A presser follows.

That said, had the rabbi not welcomed the stranger into the inner sanctum of his synagogue, throwing caution to the wind—heroics would have been unnecessary. More material, the incident could have been prevented had the country’s derelict “principal federal law enforcement agency” not welcomed Akram into the country.

The FBI has no shame. As standard operating procedure, not a day goes by when FBI agents or local law enforcement don’t tell a supplicating white America that the loss of their beautiful sons and daughters to focused and furious black hatred is entirely random, merely a function of mental illness, as that murmured mantra goes. Lies.

Duly, when the dust settled on the Texas synagogue incident, one of the FBI agents announced pro-forma that the attack on Beth Israel was … “not specifically related to the Jewish community.”

Jewish leaders were having none of it. They were quick to put the errant FBI in its place. Would that Christian leaders did the same, for they never pipe-up in the matter of the country’s black-on-white, daily deluge of hate crimes. Warn the flock that a pale, often-beautiful face can get them killed, will you?

At the mercy of a different kind of mediocrity was Serbian Novak Djokovic, the best tennis player in the world and a holder of 20 Grand Slam titles. Covid has given cover to legions of mediocre busybodies whose tentacles have enervated all fields; sports included. Under the cloak of Covid control, these tyrannical state stooges are suppressing and taming individuality and excellence. …”

…. READ THE REST. “Enough About The Uyghurs! Speak Up About America’s Liberties Lost” can be read now on WND.COM,, and the Unz Review.

* Image credit