Category Archives: Race

Republican Rep. T. Massie: ‘More Bureaucracy To Go After Domestic Terrorism Is Probably A Good Thing’

Argument, Conservatism, Constitution, COVID-19, Individual Rights, Race, Racism, Republicans, Terrorism, The State

‘We have a bill that’ll go after domestic terrorism, and that’s probably a good thing.’—Thomas Massie, Republican from Kentucky

Rep. Thomas Massie has found his voice on the still-extant Covid tyranny. Like all things Republican, it’s better than nothing, but nothing much at all.

The Kentucky Congressman … called for an amendment to be included in H.R. 350, a domestic terrorism bill, that would prevent the government from using funds to “monitor, analyze, investigate or prosecute” an American citizen on the bases of their refusal or opposition to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The fact that moms are going to be targeted as domestic terrorists because they think their 5-year-old doesn’t need a freaking vaccine because they’ve looked at the data. They’ve seen that the flu presents more of a risk to their child than COVID does — any of the variants,” said Congressman Massie.

While the “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act” did not initially include language regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, Massie is forcing the issue to add text that provides protections to parents who oppose vaccine mandates.

Such dissembling as that of Representative Massie is deceptive. For one, he is right. Covid-19 has no place in a bill on domestic terrorism. But neither does a Bill against domestic terrorism have a place in the repertoire of a Republican legislator who considers himself hip to the infringements on liberty that such State overreach portends. Yet Massie declared,

… More bureaucracy to go after domestic terrorism is probably a good thing.

Moreover, self-ownership such as that exercised by sovereign individuals, in a free country, means that each and everyone of us has the right to reject the Pharma-State’s hemlock, no matter the reasons, scientific or not. The right to refuse the jab is not reserved for moms and their toddlers, for whom Massie exclusively advocates. What a dumb argument.


Nowhere is a rights-based argument being made [by Republicans], or an argument based on the right to question the safety of the vaccine. Nowhere are individual sovereignty and self-ownership mentioned.

Indeed, Republicans prattle about religious exemptions (state granted!) and natural-immunity based exemptions (state granted!)—but they have not the faintest urge to defend the natural, God-given right of self-ownership.

Enough then of the cheering for the ineffectual GOP and its front men and women, who arrive in the Idiocracy’s version of Rome, only to do nothing, decade after decade. Oh, yes, they turn in appearances on TV and before congressional committees; get lucrative book deals, and consolidate political and corporate power for a lifetime.

But as the West careens toward the Covid-centered anthill society, nobody identifies and defends the individual’s dominion over his body and his right to reject the Pharma-State’s Hemlock prescription for that body. As emphasized, Republicans’ case against Covid mandates indirectly capitulates to coercion.

SOURCE: “Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock,” Ilana Mercer

H.R. 350, the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act was so far rejected by House Judiciary Committee Republicans.

UPDATED (4/10): NEW COLUMN & VIEWING: U.S. Cancels Countries, Kills Ancient Concept Of Neutrality

America, Ancient History, Foreign Policy, Globalism, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Race, Russia, The West, War

NEW COLUMN  IS “U.S. Cancels Countries, Kills Ancient Concept Of Neutrality.” It is now featured on WND.COM , The Unz Review, The New American, CNSNews. and American Renaissance, where “Ukrainian Refugees and Race” as a “Look-Away Issue” was the focus.


… what do you know! Some countries have opted for political neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, choosing the classically liberal position—it opposes sanctions, as these are as useless in achieving political ends as they are ruthless in their effects on the most vulnerable. As far as their ultimate outcome—embargoed are counterproductive. What works is high-level diplomacy.

Chief among the countries that wish to remain politically neutral toward Russia and commercially engaged with it—while urging a diplomatic resolution to the conflict—are Hungary, Serbia (which sagely “bans its citizens from fighting in conflicts abroad”), China and India.

Spurred on by puppet President Volodymyr Zelensky and his American puppeteers, these countries, especially China and India, have been menaced by the Biden administration for maintaining military and commercial ties with Russia.

The concept of neutrality is an important part of Western Civilization. As expounded in one scholarly tract, “the concept of respect for neutrals appears early in Greek history and remains a nearly constant feature of Classical wars.”

By threatening to punish nations for practicing detached political neutrality in the matter of Ukraine and Russia, even as these neutrals call for comity between countries, and urge a diplomatic, peaceful resolution to the conflagration, things China and India have done—The Empire is working to sunder, as in obliterate, the time-honored, civilizing concept of political neutrality. Judging from its silence, the Stupid Party seconds the Evil Party on the matter. …

… THE REST. U.S. Cancels Countries, Kills Ancient Concept Of Neutrality” is on WND.COM and The Unz Review, The New American, CNSNews and American Renaissance.

WATCH “U.S. Cancels Countries; Kills Ancient, Civilizing Concept Of Neutrality” & SUBSCRIBE:

UPDATED (4/10): Recommended is the geopolitical analysis of Brazilian Pepe Escobar, once an analyst for quite a few leftist publications, now confined to the few outposts of critical thinking remaining.

UPDATED (3/24/022): NEW COLUMN: Hard Racial Truths About WHO Trudeau And Biden Despise

Canada, Conservatism, Democracy, Gender, Individual Rights, Race

NEW COLUMN is “Hard Racial Truths About WHO Trudeau And Biden Despise.” It is on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

An excerpt:

… Conservatives persist in pretending the Canadian Convoy for Freedom, which has served as a lodestar for liberty lovers across the West, was purely class-based and a multicultural affair. The anti-white impetus convulsing the Anglosphere continues to be a blind-spot papered-over on our side, although it is an unspoken reality.

We believe that the crackdown in Canada is antiwhite in essence and that such an assertion is axiomatically true. Was it not self-evidently clear every time the camera panned out? Put it this way: Do you think Trudeau would have boiled over with such bile as he has done, bringing the full weight of the Security and Surveillance State down upon these good, hard-working trucker families if this protest were brown and black in sizeable numbers? Please!  …

… Do you think that the “man,” Justine, would have labeled and libeled the truckers as racists, extremists, misogynists, insurrectionists and confederate sympathizers if a good chunk of them were brown and black? Neva! In operation is the bias that dare not speak its name—for to finger antiwhite racism is itself considered racist.

… READ ON. Hard Racial Truths About WHO Trudeau And Biden Despise” is on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

UPDATE (3/24/022): Now this is what is meant by a strong woman—Christine Anderson, clearly a phenomenal woman, in the sea of mindless mediocrity that is womanhood—upbraids that excuse for a man, Trudeau, in the European Parliament. (Forgive my typo on “an eloquent.”)


Alex Berenson Gets A Fail For Blackening Joe Rogan For His Impolitic, Impolite Speech

Conservatism, Cultural Marxism, Culture, Etiquette, Free Speech, Intellectualism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Media, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Race, Racism

Serious libertarians and conservatives will study and absorb the following principles articulated about the thought crime that is racism and the attendant impolite and impolitic speech that often accompanies it:

  • “Racism—systemic or other—remains nothing but thought crime: Impolite and impolitic thoughts, spoken, written or preached.”—ILANA Mercer,‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?” August 6, 2020.
  • “Thought crimes are nobody’s business in a free society.”—ILANA Mercer,‘Systemic Racism’ Or Systemic Rubbish?” August 6, 2020.
  • “A lot of establishment libertarians and conservatives have joined the neoconservative and neoliberal establishments in the habit of sniffing out racists. Sniffing out racists is an absolute no-no for any and all self-respecting libertarians (and conservatives). True libertarians don’t, or should not, prosecute thought crimes or persecute thought ‘criminals.’ Period.”—ILANA Mercer, Big League Politics, Interview With Ilana Mercer, November 23, 2018.

Consider those fundamentals and, in commitment to liberty, you will shrug off Joe Rogan’s speech of many years back as rude and uncouth, albeit rooted in a realistic stereotype, and leave it at that—no more rude and uncouth than the plethora of “cracker”-hating, anti-white pejoratives emitted approvingly by blacks, who are cheered when they rail against a group that isn’t remotely associated with high crime and social disruption.

Rogan was referencing a video compilation that features him in various contexts using the racial slur. It also includes him comparing being in the presence of Black people with the film Planet of the Apes. The video has gone viral online and was highlighted by musician India Arie in an Instagram Story she posted Thursday.

Thus when Alex Berenson acts as a racism-spotting scold-–an old biddy deploying cliches like, “I don’t know what’s in his heart” (oh, fuck off; it matters not. Rogan is a peaceful, productive human being)—Berenson deserves and earns contempt.

Rogan’s use of the n-word – and that Planet of the Apes story – are indefensible and humiliating and will haunt him for the rest of his career.
Our woke revolution has brought lots of linguistic rules I’ll argue. Not this one. That word has a unique history and power that give it a unique ugliness. The only slur remotely close might be “kike,” though even it doesn’t compare.

Fox News darling Alex Berenson has a pattern—has already proven to be a self-promoting weasel, using a TV segment to try and take out Robert Malone, who shot him down with a smile, no sweat, like the high IQ, classy gentleman and scholar he clearly is. Watch.

For his part, Rogan must get off his knees and quit apologizing. He’s worth $100 Million (it is an intellectually impoverish market place that has resulted in that sorry reality).  Rumble is pleased to pay that sum–as well as reinstate his verboten speech removed by the illiberal scolds.