Category Archives: Racism

UPDATED (7/22/019): NEW COLUMN: Do We Still Have A Country? Part I

English, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Individual Rights, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Law, Nationhood, Natural Law, Private Property, Racism

NEW COLUMN, on, is “Do We Still Have A Country? Part I.” It’s accompanied by an abridged YouTube clip.

An excerpt:

How do you know you don’t have a country?

Simply this:

Every single passive, non-aggressive act you take to repel people crossing your borders is considered de facto illegal, or inhumane, or in violation of international law, or in contraventions of some hidden clause in the U.S. Constitution.

So say the experts and their newly minted jurisprudence.

You may tell a toddler, “You can’t go there.” But you may not tell an illegal trespasser, “Hey, turn back. You can’t come into the U.S. at whim.”

Please understand that not giving someone something they demand or desire is a negative act. Or, more accurately, an inaction.

You are not actively doing anything to harm that person by denying them something.

Unless, of course, what you are denying them is their right to their life, their right to their liberty, their right to their property. Those are the only things you may not deny to innocent others. These interlopers do not have a right to, or a lien on, your liberty and property.

But if you cannot say to millions of people streaming across your border, into your turf, “Hey, you can’t go there.” Then it’s simple:

We don’t have a country.

Oh sure, we have a territory. America is a market place for goods and services. A mighty one at that. It’s a market place to which millions arrive each year to make a living and engage in acts of acquisitiveness. ….

… READ THE REST. “Do We Still Have A Country? Part I” is on

UPDATE (7/22/019): pointing out that language and civics knowledge are not required to pass the US citizenship test: that amounts to bashing. Are you sure it’s not also racist?

Trump, on the other hand:

Tower Of Babel:

Once upon a time:

NEW COLUMN: Driven To Blackface By Systemic Anti-White Bias

Family, Kids, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism

NEW COLUMN is o”Driven To Blackface By Systemic Anti-White Bias.” It’s on The Unz Review. It revisits the sad case of Rachel Dolezal, aka Nkechi Diallo, casting her “as the white face of parental and societal racial displacement.”

An excerpt:

Nkechi Diallo was recently charged with welfare fraud in Spokane, Washington State. Back in 2015, Diallo was better known as Rachel Dolezal. She has since rechristened herself.

Rachel Dolezal, if you’re from Deep Space, is the lily-white woman who, in 2015, dared to “identify” as a black woman.

The “Racism Industrial Complex” is populated with frauds, shysters, imposters, phonies and morons; black, white and 50 shades of gray.

Ms. Dolezal had been posing as all of these, teaching mambo-jumbo studies at the bush college of Eastern Washington University.

Our American Idiocracy confers the respect and the authority of a pedagogue on many like her, allowing them to spread the disease to college kids and beyond. So, why not Rachel?
Why, the Age of the Idiot sees killers exculpated, just because they kill. As the faulty reasoning goes, if an individual has murdered, raped, robbed or defrauded—then he or she must have been abused, neglected, racially oppressed (if black or brown); not wealthy enough, mentally ill, lacking in self-esteem.

Anything but plain bad, slothful, sociopathic or parasitical. The more aberrant the crime; the more thrill-seeking, vulgar, immoral or wicked the conduct—the more elaborate, fanciful and scientifically baseless the excuse-making.

This is if B then A, backward, erroneous reasoning. Around it an industry has arisen. It’s called psychiatry. The psychiatric endeavor—voodoo, really—is premised on the medicalization of misconduct.

These days, it is de rigueur to consider everyone who acts immorally to be medically impaired.

But not Rachel Dolezal. Alas, the country is still barking mad at her, forever poised to heap scorn on her box-braided head.

The reason Ms. Diallo, aka Dolezal, has been denied the benefits of this excuse-making industry is that she has encroached on black supremacy’s turf. …

… READ the rest. Driven To Blackface By Systemic Anti-White Bias” is on The Unz Review.


Black Men In America Are Living Almost As Long As White Men

America, Crime, Healthcare, Race, Racism

With the constant complaints about the perils of being black in America, the following data will come as a surprise to some:

The chasm in life-expectancy that once existed [between blacks and whites] has nearly closed.

“Criminologists still do not know why violent crime and homicides began to decline [for blacks]in the mid-1990s. A wide array of theories have been proposed.” A strong contender: “mass incarceration actually working as intended.”

In fact, “the emergence of the opioid epidemic, which kills whites at higher rates than other races, has also hastened the racial convergence.”

BACK IN 1980 when Harlem was still a byword for poverty, criminality and the decline of New York City, black men in the neighbourhood had a worse chance of living to the age of 65 than men in Bangladesh did. At that time Harlem’s residents—almost all of them black, and many of them poor—died of heart disease at double the rate of whites. They died of liver cirrhosis, brought on by alcoholism or hepatitis, at ten times the rate of whites. And they were 14 times likelier to be murdered.


… the persistent gap in life expectancy between whites and blacks has closed substantially, and is now at its narrowest ever. In 1900, … the life expectancy for black boys at birth was 32.5—14.1 years shorter than for white boys. Put another way, the typical black boy had 30% less life to live. Incremental progress, however fitful, was made for the next century, but epidemics of crack, HIV and urban violence threatened to reverse [progress]. By 1993, a peak year for violent crime, the life-expectancy gap between black and white men had widened again by nearly three years, to 8.5 years.

… But then it began a sustained, steady fall. In 2011 the black-white gap had narrowed to 4.4 years for men (5.7% less) and just 3.1 years (3.8% less) for women. Though progress then levelled off until 2016, the most recent year available from the CDC, the trend is stable and not reversing.

… A wide array of theories have been proposed: the eroding appeal of crack cocaine, mass incarceration actually working as intended, legalisation of abortion, less lead poisoning of children and the improving economy. But the public-health consequences are abundantly clear, particularly for black men who were and remain the most frequent victims of murder. …


MORE: “Black Lives Longer.”

Ann Coulter’s RIGHT: Legal Immigration Policy In Europe Is More Conservative Than America’s

America, Ann Coulter, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Labor, Race, Racism

In “U.S. ISN’T BECOMING EUROPE. WE’RE BECOMING ROME,” Ann Coulter blows a hole in the delusions conservatives hold about North African immigration into Europe: The influx into the US, and the attendant demographic changes, are worse.

Conservatives regularly point to the mass migration afflicting Europe as if it’s the Ghost of Christmas Future for America. Since waves of Third World migrants began sweeping into the European Union, we’ve seen terrorism, knifings, rape gangs and riots popping up all over the birthplace of Western civilization. Sweden has gone from a country where rape was essentially nonexistent to the Rape Capital of the World.

It’s sweet of Americans to be so concerned about Europe, but maybe they should look at their own country. On account of a mass immigration policy imposed on us by our government, the United States has undergone a transformation unprecedented in all of world history.

From 1620 to 1970, the U.S. was demographically stable — not to be confused with “a nation of immigrants.” The country was about 85% to 90% white, almost entirely British, German, French and Dutch, and 10% to 15% African American. (The American Indian population, technically in their own nations, steadily plummeted — an example of how vast numbers of new people can displace the old, both accidentally and on purpose.)

In a generation, the white majority has nearly disappeared, while the black percentage has remained about the same, with more than 90% of African Americans still native-born. White Americans are one border surge away from becoming a minority in their own country. …


Take Germany, for example.

Leave aside the refugee debacle, and Germany, to cite The Economist, has only NOW “opened up a crack,” and is “cautiously recruiting more workers from outside the EU.” Yes, actual legal immigration policy in Germany is more conservative than that of open-borders America:

German parliamentarians are discussing the country’s first attempt to regulate the immigration of semi-skilled workers from outside the European Union. If passed, the Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz (“Skilled workers immigration law”) will from 2020 extend the rules covering foreign graduates to vocationally trained workers. Firms will no longer have to favour EU citizens for such jobs, meaning they can hire non-EU immigrants so long as they speak decent German and have been trained to German standards. The restriction of immigration to “bottleneck” occupations is to be scrapped. Some foreigners will be able to come to Germany and spend six months seeking work or a training contract, albeit with conditions.

The law is a hard-fought compromise between Germany’s “grand coalition” of centre-right and centre-left. Hubertus Heil, the labour minister, calls it a “milestone” in German history. …

the skilled-worker law is accompanied by a controversial bill to toughen deportation rules.

The German business lobby is pulling a fast one on the German working-class. Where have we seen that before?

* Image courtesy of The Economist.

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