Category Archives: Republicans

Tom Brokaw Knocked By Fox News For … Being Too Conservative

IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Race, Racism, Republicans

Tom Brokaw went and expressed a shockingly informed sentiment about immigrants and assimilation—they need to assimilate, implying they don’t—but Fox New’s pious lefty, Geraldo Rivera, was on hand to knock Brokaw down as “shockingly uninformed.”

Brokaw said on “Meet The Press” Sunday that Hispanics “should work harder at assimilation” and that they shouldn’t just be “codified in their communities.” He also said that people have told him they don’t know if they want “brown grandbabies,” although he didn’t clarify who told him this.

After facing fierce backlash on social media, the former NBC Nightly News anchor offered an apology on Twitter. “i am sorry, truly sorry, my comments were offensive to many. the great enduring american tradition of diversity is to be celebrated and cherished.”

Rivera said on “The Story” that Brokaw “probably did” deserve the backlash since he was “shockingly uninformed,” citing Pew Research that showed Latinos have been assimilating “at a rate that’s faster than any ethnic group” in U.S. history.

While he expressed that he didn’t believe Brokaw was a racist, Rivera elaborated to Martha MacCallum how his remarks were not accurate.

Thanks for nothing, you virtue-signalling nincompoop.

RELATED: “Dead By Illegal Alien? You’re Just An Anecdote.

The obsequious Brokaw, whose record as a reported over decades should count for something in this country, mentions Cesar Chavez.

NEW COLUMN: Covington Kid: Hated For The Color Of His Skin

Christianity, Free Speech, Gender, Kids, Racism, Republicans, THE ELITES, The Establishment, The Zeitgeist

NEW COLUMN is “Covington Kid: Hated For The Color Of His Skin.” It’s on WND, the Unz Review and on

WHEN A CATHOLIC BISHOP, Roger Joseph Foys, saw a Catholic boy with a beatific smile, standing athwart an agitated, Amerindian elder and smiling in that pacifist, sweetly Christian way—he and the Diocese of Covington simply had to condemned the kid. Who else? What choice did a man of the cloth have?

The same absurdity typified the reaction of the lickspittle liberal mayor of Covington, Joe Meyer. “Appalling,” he called Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, the boy implicated in that “daring” standoff, on the National Mall, in D.C.

Had not philosophical giants like Cardi B (once a stripper, now a rapper, always illiterate) and Alyssa Milano (illiterate starlet) shown us the way?

Indeed. “The red MAGA hat is the new white hood” was Milano’s catechism. She went on to implicate “white boys’ lack of empathy [toward] the peoples of the world [in] the destruction of humanity.” (Only 12 years to go, predicts Comrade Ocasio-Cortez.)

The camera pans out to reveal Milano’s empathy oozing non-white men, also on the scene. These big and burly bullies are the Black Hebrew Israelites. Imagine what they’d have done to young boys like Nick Sandmann and his friends, if the steps of the Lincoln Memorial were not teaming with spectators and stakeholders.

But since the Memorial was swarming with demonstrators—some for the life of the unborn and others for the rights of the indigenous—the Black Hebrew Israelites stuck to hate-filled speech: “Child-molesting incest babies, future school-shooters, dirty, racist crackers,” hollered Alissa Milano’s home-team.

“The biggest terrorist on the face of the earth is the pale-faced man, woman and child.” The “Black Hebrew” hate group was speaking to the young, fragile-looking, pale patriarchy.

Hard on the heels of the “Black Hebrews” came actress Cher: “No one is safe in Trump’s America unless’ they’re white or wearing a MAGA hat.”

Another classy creature, one Cassandra Fairbanks—she poses as a comedic writer for “Saturday Night Live”—promised sexual favors to “anyone who manages to punch that MAGA kid in the face.”

CNN’s resident philosopher, Reza Aslan, wanted to know if anyone had “ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s [sic].” (His own, perhaps?)

Never original, South African expat Trevor Noah, a privileged celebrity who took “The Daily Show” from funny to facile, riffed on the same theme: “Everyone ‘wants to punch that kid.”

Some regret for joining a mob that went after minors was expressed by the producer of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” “Let’s focus on shitty adults turning out shitty kids,” was his sage suggestion.

The boors of National Review checked Ana Navarro’s Twitter feed and hastened to match her gratuitous hatred for the Covington kids. The gaseous Navarro is a CNN Republican identity-politics activist, a hand-me-down from one of John McCain’s failed campaigns.

On the “Today” show, inquisitor Savannah Guthrie  peered down at Nick Sandmann, a mere slip of a boy, with studied contempt. In her grave, vocal-fry tones she inquired: “Do you feel like [cringe phrase] you owe anybody an apology? Do you see your own faults?”

Does this lily-white lady not know any young boys like Nick?

Poor child, so full of hope and faith. With his big blue eyes and rosy cheeks, Nick Sandmann imagined he was safe, so long as he did the right thing. But then Sandmann discovered he was hated for something he couldn’t right: the color of his skin. And while formative figures around him will hide this fact—for his sake, let us hope young Mr. Sandmann remains hip to it. 

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “Covington Kid: Hated For The Color Of His Skin.” It’s on WND, the Unz Review and

UPDATED (3/6/019): Republican Women Over 65 Are The Most Anti-#MeToo Group. SMART.

Conservatism, Democrats, Feminism, Gender, Republicans, Sex

Believe it or not, liberal Republican women berate their older, #MeToo skeptical sisters. Beware Republican Women for Progress, especially. Just as Democrats do, these prog Republican fems patronize older Republican ladies, depicting them as afraid to even talk to progressive GOPers like themselves. Republican Women for Progress also claim older ladies who vote Republican are afraid to break free, instead, letting “their (Republican-voting) husbands fill in their ballots.” Needless to say, there is little daylight between prog Republicans and Democrats.

#METOO And Conservatism
The Economist

NO GROUP HAS swung against #MeToo more than older women who voted for Donald Trump. They have gone from barely worrying about false accusations of sexual assault, with only 8% agreeing in November 2017 that these were worse than unreported assaults, to 42% saying so, according to two polls conducted for The Economist by YouGov, a pollster. They are now the most likely group to agree that a man who harassed a woman 20 years ago should keep his job, and that a woman who complains about harassment causes more problems than she solves.

Two things stand out. First, even though Americans on average, and Republicans in particular, have become more negative about #MeToo over the past year, the change among this particular group is spectacular (chart). Second, a generational gap now yawns between Republican women who are over 65 and those under 30, the cohort least hostile to #MeToo within the Republican Party.
Latest stories

One obvious difference between the two groups is that many of the over-65s have grown-up sons. In 2018 some of them fell off their pedestals as hundreds of men were publicly named and shamed over sexual misconduct allegations. Many more feared that “some lady” from the past could, with one accusation, destroy them and their family. This lady became personified in Christine Blasey Ford, when in September 2018 she accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, threatening to derail his nomination to the Supreme Court. All this helped fuel a backlash against #MeToo, and not just among men. Many Twitter threads on #HimToo, the hashtag about false accusations, were posted by worried mothers.

“We saw the split among Republican women widen around the Kavanaugh hearings. A lot of the rhetoric illustrated the generational gap,” remembers Jennifer Pierotti Lim, from Republican Women for Progress, a campaign group. “There’s a feeling amongst that generation that a little light sexual assault is no big deal. For women of our generation that’s hard to understand.”

Carrie Lukas of the Independent Women’s Forum, a conservative advocacy group, recognises what the movement has done in encouraging people to speak out against prominent men who “people have known were problems”, but wonders whether it has gone too far. “I don’t think the mantra ‘believe all women’ is sufficient,” she says. “Men need to be able to make mistakes, and have conversations with women and not be walking on eggshells.”

Yet the biggest split on #MeToo, as with any question pollsters ask about gender is not between genders or generations but between political affiliations, says Juliana Horowitz from the Pew Research Centre. Democrats have barely changed their views on #MeToo over the past year, even as Republicans have grown more sceptical. No split separates the generation of Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren from younger female Democrats. In fact boomer Clinton-voting women have increased their support for #MeToo over the past year.

The partisan gender gap has already widened. In 2016 Hillary Clinton won 54% of women voters; in the 2018 mid-terms 59% of women voted for Democrats. Republicans appear unconcerned: a recent poll found that 71% of likely primary voters expressed no concern that only 13 of the party’s 200 House members are women (the lowest number in 25 years) and 60% said nothing had to be done to recruit more female candidates.

One explanation of this partisan gap is that it reflects a difference of opinion over what true feminism is. Some conservative women resist what they see as special treatment for women as vaguely patronising. There is another explanation, too. Ms Pierotti Lim of Republican Women for Progress remembers campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan in 2016 and being astonished by the number of older women who were afraid to even talk to her and who let their (Republican-voting) husbands fill in their ballots.

RELATED: “Truth and consequences: American politics after a year of #MeToo.

UPDATE (3/6/019): R. Kelly.

UPDATED (3/14): Tucker Suggests That POTUS Has Not YET Delivered On Equality And Freedom For Deplorables

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Elections, Free Speech, Individual Rights, Justice, Law, Republicans, Technology

Will his Republican viewers punish Tucker Carlson for his brutal, journalistic honesty, rather unusual on Fox News?

The remarkable Tucker suggested that POTUS has done precious little to stop the intimidation, firing, hounding, de-platforming, doxing, and marginalizing of those who do not follow the herd.

(I was shadow-banned by Twitter. I think I still am, as my hashtags go nowhere, mostly. Nobody stood up for me …)

Tucker Carlson asked Trump voters Wednesday to assess whether or not they feel more confident to express their beliefs since the president was elected.

Carlson said that whether or not President Trump is able to build a wall or effect infrastructure legislation, how the president handles the attempted suppression of free speech may be more important.

He said that conventionally conservative beliefs in the years leading up to Trump’s election are now described as “terrorism,” while actual terror by the left seems to go unnoticed.

Among other examples, he noted a former community college professor who in 2017 allegedly hit Trump supporters with a bike lock during a “free the speech” rally.

Charges were dropped against the professor, Eric Clanton, although he was initially charged with a felony.

Carlson then asked viewers to imagine how former President Barack Obama would have responded if similar incidents happened to his voters while he was in office.

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“You think Obama would have done something about that? Hell yes. … You would never get away with threatening an Obama voter for supporting Obama,” he said.

He said that society is becoming “less free,” something the current administration should fight back against.

“Fighting for speech is always the right fight,” Carlson stated.

Ahead of the 2020 election, Carlson added that Trump can exercise his executive powers to defend the Bill of Rights.

He said that if Trump can credibly say in two years that he fought to make sure all Americans are treated equally under the law, he’ll be remembered as a “genuinely great president.”

SEE: “Tucker: Trump Will Be Remembered as ‘Genuinely Great’ If He Fights for Free Speech.”

On the Unz Review, Fred Reed, long since ousted from establishment conservatism, independently (and less diplomatically) seconds Tucker’s thinking:

Curiously, despite the seething antipathy, Trump hasn’t done much that would not have been expected from any Republican. He engineered large tax breaks for the rich, reversed environmental regulations to benefit corporations, and growled about immigration while doing little. He is firmly in Israeli pockets, as any Republican would be. He appointed Bret Kavanaugh, a mildly conservative judge, to the Mini-Legislature of the Nine Cadavers. Whoopee do.

UPDATE (3/14/019):  On being “shadow-banned, follower-throttled, and sensitive content-blocked because the Twitter police don’t want your tweets seen.” (Check)

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