Category Archives: Republicans

Lie Down With The Enemy, Get Up Without The Presidency

Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Donald Trump is making a HUGE mistake that could cost him the midterms and/or make him a one-term president. He thinks he can defang the snakes he has gathered around him in the administration. President Trump has hired individuals who do not articulate the principles he ran on and jump at every opportunity to stick it to him.

“Hiring different perspectives in business could well be a strength. But it’s not a strength when it comes to politics and policy. In politics, you want a team that shares a political philosophy.”

The main mamba is Paul Ryan, much loved and admired by MSNBC (see: “An Ode To Paul Ryan By MSNBC’s Left-Liberal Lawrence O’Donnell”), CNN and most liberal media. The GOP news media love Ryan, too, but are scared to come out as fans lest Trump Nation retaliate.

Like Pavlov’s dog, Ryan, the Damien look alike (I’m only ever referencing the old, excellent, 1970s-19802 Omen/Damien movies; there is no other, as far as I’m concerned) can’t but appear to please the CNN interviewer while making the president look bad. (See: “Ryan: I’ve seen no evidence wiretap occurred.”)

Poor Damien, purr CNN’s empaneled women. The lovely, wonkish young Ryan [despised by Trump Nation] would rather legislate than have to defend The Donald.

UPDATED (3/15): Things That Haven’t #MAGA, So Far

Business, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Political Philosophy, Politics, Republicans, Russia, UN

Foreign Policy:

We’re peace-keeping on Syria. Policing the world doesn’t make America or the world great again. I thought President Trump promised we wouldn’t be enabling the UN’s ineptitude any longer.

President Trump has hired individuals who do not articulate the principles he ran on. Gov. Nikki Haley, for one. When the rest open their mouths to speak, too many sound nothing like what was promised. The generals scare me. America First? Where? In Yemen? Hiring different perspectives in business could well be a strength. But it’s not a strength when it comes to politics and policy. In politics you want a team that shares a political philosophy.

It’s a mistake to allow Russia mania to ramp-up without decisively and repeatedly articulating the need to get along with powers which share mutual, non-neocon interests.

UPDATE (3/15): The swamp is still swampy.

UPDATE V (6/7/017): Fox News Fluff

Ann Coulter, Conservatism, Critique, Gender, Intelligence, Media, Neoconservatism, Republicans

UPDATE V: (6/7/017):

Thank goodness for periodic outbreaks of so-called sexual harassment at Fox News. It thinned the herd a bit. Some fems left. But now, instead of terrible Tamara Holder, former friend to the Sean Hannity TV show, the eardrums and intelligence are assaulted by the likes of Jessica Tarlov. It wouldn’t matter that Tarlov’s voice sounds like it was squeezed from the nether regions of her anatomy, if she had something to say.

Enough of the 23-year-olds who know nothing. Do hard time as journalists in a war zone, say for 10 years—like Iona Craig—then come back to tell us a thing or two.

Being lectured to by silly fresh-faced Millennials ought to insult adults. Don’t call yourself a cultural conservative if you unleash kids to lecture adults. Commies were big on putting kids in control of the adults and thus inverting the natural social order.

Tucker Carlson turns in outstanding journalistic performances nightly, on Fox News. Topping today’s segment was Ann Coulter, who should have her own show. (But won’t, unless she knocks off 20 IQ points to pacify other egos in the anchors’ chairs.)

But if Tucker starts featuring cretins like Austan Goolsbee and Geraldo Rivera, we’ll switch off. These are Sean Hannity’s regulars, and they’re insufferable. [UPDATE 6/7/017: Tucker UNLEASHED Krystal Ball on the unsuspecting public. A Democrat brainless tart.) And it has nothing to do with their liberalism. It didn’t matter that the late intellectual Christopher Hitchens was a liberal. He was brilliant.

Hannity is crossing over into the light—becoming increasingly libertarian and anti-statism. We love him for it. But at the same time, the popular anchor still insists on featuring a dizzying array of dumb bimbos on his show.

UPDATE I (3/15):

FoxNews’ AWOL on the heroic Julian Assange.

UPDATE II (4/5): No compunction about bringing immorality and mindlessness back. Boobs before brains: On con-servative media, it always ends up that way, on Sean Hannity’s show, too. Michelle Fields is back. A primer.

UPDATE III (4/7/017): Martha Maccallum’s Fox News show is a do-over of Megyn Kelly’s:

UPDATE IV (4/28):

Tucker Carlson Is The Only Immigration Patriot @ Fox News

Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Labor, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Republicans

Tucker Carlson Socratically questions his Republican simpleton guest (6:10 in): “Our current understanding is that foreigners can come here until we can show they pose a danger to us. Shouldn’t our assumption be that nobody has the right to come here until they can show us the benefit of their coming here?”

Tucker went on to observe that “the People whom the congress is supposed to be representing are largely not in favor of resettling Syrian refugees. Only 36% in favor [and likely virtue signalling to the surveyors posing the questions. Survey methodology is notoriously confounded by a bias whereby, from the questions asked, the surveyed sense the “right” reply and oblige the individual questioning them]. People are not for this. Why wouldn’t the congress take this up? They’re supposed to be representing The People.” And, “Do employers have the moral right to low-wage labor?”

Tucker is an immigration patriot because he suggests restricted in-migration based on reasons other than “the security of the American people.” The latter is the sum total of the case made by all at Fox News other than Tucker Carlson.

Moreover, everyone at Fox News currently concurs that we have no problem with legal immigration, only with the illegal variety. It’s now mandatory to pair an objection to the invasion of the American Southwest with an embrace of all forms of legal immigration. The sole emphasis on border security has, in all likelihood, entrenched the status quo—Americans will never assert their right to determine the nature of the country they live in and, by extension, the kind of immigrants they welcome. The security risk newcomers pose is the only permissible topic for conversation. So I wrote in 2006.

Eleven years hence, and Tucker has broken the mold on Fox News.

Give Tucker time, and he’ll question “diversity.”



Deplorables love it. The country’s in favor:

All those Alexander Bells Keep Coming.

Dershowitz would do the job, too; he enjoys a challenge. Thought you hired the best, POTUS: