UPDATED (10/16/018): Dina Powel, Floated To Replace Nimrata Haley, Is ALSO Ivanka’s Liberal, BFF Recruit

Donald Trump, Family, Neoconservatism, UN

We dodged a bullet: The ambitious, liberal Ivanka Trump won’t be replacing neoconservative Nikki Hailey as UN ambassador.

But was POTUS floating an Ivanka trial balloon? Pray not. There is no winning when the Jarvanka duo is in charge.

One thing is certain: Jared Kushner is NO “hidden genius.” But as she exited the door, neocon Nikki Haley (herself no genius) has been proclaiming Jarvanka to be geniuses. Why? And what’s going on?!

As I’ve warned in past posts, “Haley, is a provincial idiot—a smalltime politician—whom President Trump has turned into a global power broker.” Likely at the behest of his daughter Ivanka. Haley is her close pal.

The same can be said for the woman rumored to replace Nimrata Haley: Dina Powel. She is “former adviser to Ivanka and now on Trump’s National Security Council.” As I pointed out in “The Matriarchy Is Gunning For John Kelly,” Powel “is a relic from Goldman Sachs and an Ivanka recruit.”

Powel is not only a liberal, but a member of the “‘Kushner-Cohn Democrats’ who ousted Stephen Bannon from the West Wing, and are, no doubt, gunning for John Kelly.”

Watch your backs, Deplorables.

UPDATE (10/16/018):

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UPDATED (10/16/018): Christine Blasey Ford Is A Hero, Says Professor Ho From University Of North Carolina

Cultural Marxism, Culture, English, Feminism, Gender, Human Accomplishment

Jennifer Ho is a professor of English (not the English I love and know, but a thing called “Critical Theory”) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill’s Department of English and Comparative Literature. Yes, the appropriately named Ho teaches your kids (and you, alas, allow her to have at them).

Ho instructs young people about literature—but also about who they should and should not hold up as heroes.

And a hero, to Prof. Ho, is an individual like Christine Blasey Ford, “the college professor who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were in high school in the early 1980s.”

Ho implored on Twitter:

PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING AND RE-TWEETING IF YOU ARE UNC AFFILIATED (alums/students/faculty/staff): Signatures supporting the nomination of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for a Distinguished Alumna Award at UNC Chapel Hill.”

Do these females even understand the meaning of heroism? Clearly not.

A self-styled victim who makes claims against others with little proof is no hero.

UPDATE (10/16/018):

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UPDATED (10/10/018): Kavanaugh ‘Gang Rape-Rooms’ Fantasist Julie Swetnick: A Vetted, Decorated US Government Worker

Affirmative Action, Comedy & Humor, Donald Trump, Egalitarianism, Feminism, Gender, Government, Labor

The most preposterous of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers was Julie Swetnick, who is or was a career federal-government employee and a “decorated” one at that.

What does this tell Americans about the quality of the civil servants in their government?

You might counter that the Swetnick case is an isolated incident, but the following is axiomatic; we all know this to be true:

The American government is riddled with set-asides, preferential hiring practices and affirmative action, which compromise an already compromised institution (The State).


Swetnick  holds “active clearances” for her work with the US Department of Treasury, US Mint and Internal Revenue Service.

She said she also previously had security clearances with the US Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection.

An active security clearance means Swetnick has been subjected to a stringent background investigation that deemed her qualified to have access to “classified national security information … so long as the person has a need to know the information,” according to the State Department website.

More shameful is that The Economist (a real news organization) was uncritical about Swetnick’s credentials. If they were minted by the US government, well then, her credentials must be stand for something:

… the latest of [the judge’s accusers] has multiple security clearances and signed an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that she was gang raped at a party that Mr Kavanaugh attended.

See “Truth and consequences: American politics after a year of #MeToo.”

UPDATE (10/10/018):

Scary to be a boy:

FBI Report:

Senator Collins shone:


So did the “Sergeant-at-Arms:

Diane Feinstein:

You can’t fix ugly:

Or diabolical: NOT SURE WHY THE WRITER WON’T state the obvious: “THIS IS WHAT WOMEN OF THE LEFT SOUND LIKE.” Still, good enough for an incomplete deduction

Ana Navarro:

Appeasement already?

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Is CNN’s Chris Cuomo A Dumbo?

Intelligence, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

One of the dumbest people on TV is probably CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey got really short with dumbo the other day, because of Cuomo’s labored comprehension.

But in addition to his regular dumb input into debates he moderates—Cuomo loses his train of thought when having to talk, standing up against a touchscreen wall of data. He’s getting a little better, though, but nothing like a brainy liberal, like, say, CNN correspondent John King.

King is very nimble, standing against the Magic Wall, speedily deciphering election results, trends and other complex data.

Don’t try being a wizard on the Magic Wall, Chris Cuomo.