NEW COLUMN: U.S. Business Itching To Import Cheap Labor

Business, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Labor, Outsourcing

“U.S. Business Itching To Import Cheap Labor” is the current column. It’s now on, the Unz Review and

Adroitly, President Trump has optimized outcomes for the American Worker. His is a labor market like no other.

Long overdue in the U.S., a labor market is one in which firms compete for workers, rather than workers competing for jobs.

“For the first time since data began to be collected in 2000, there are more job openings than there are unemployed workers.” By the Economist’s telling (Jul 12th 2018), “Fully 5.8 million more Americans are in work than in December of 2015.”

Best of all, workers are happier than they’ve been for a long time.

Not so business. For American business, it’s never enough.

Big or small, business is focused on elephantine-like expansion.

Big and small, business is nattering about labor shortages: “Ninety percent of small businesses which are hiring or trying to hire workers report that there are few or no qualified applicants, according to the National Federation of Independent Business.”

With blaring headlines, the megaphones in the financial press are amplifying a message of dissatisfaction:

“The shortage is reaching a ‘critical point’ … A lack of applicants for blue-collar jobs such as trucking and construction has received particular scrutiny, as have states like Iowa where the unemployment rate is especially low (it is just 2.7 percent in the Hawkeye state).”

August 31 saw President Trump sign an executive order meant to further boost small businesses. These will be permitted “to band together to offer 401(k)s.”

Again, nice, but not enough. It never is. A businessman present piped up about “a very tight labor market … causing us a little bit of a problem.”

Contrast this gimme-more-forever-more attitude, with the patriotic perspective of your average Trump supporter: “I’m willing to take my lumps for the good of the country,” a farmer told broadcaster Laura Ingraham. “The Scottish in me says to the death.”

Look, a labor market allows wages to rise and productivity to grow, for unprofitable firms will soon fold when they find they can’t pay enough to attract workers. Scarce resources—labor and capital—are then “put to better use.” …

… READ THE REST on On the Unz Review and, too.

Deep State: Spreading Socialism From Within The Bowels Of The Bureaucracy

Democracy, Government, Socialism, The State

It’s impossible to fire a government employer, so, for Stuart Karafa, subverting the will of the people is a perk of the job.

Karafa works for the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), while being paid by the State Department. That’s YOU.

Here is Project Veritas on how Deep Statists spread socialism from within the bowels of the bureaucracy:

Tim Fitton thinks the Deep State is real. But we already knew that.

American Justice: See If You Can Plea-Bargain Yourself Out Of Jail

Criminal Injustice, Justice, Law, The State

From Paul Craig Roberts comes the most important sentences you’ll read today. It encapsulates the fate of Paul Manafort and so many others:

Justice no longer exists in America as 97% of felony convictions result from self-incrimination—plea bargains in which the defendant, innocent or guilty, advised by his attorney that a fair trial is impossible, admits to some offense in exchange for a watered-down sentence.


Decades ago when there was still some semblance of justice in the American justice system, police had to provide sound evidence for their case in order for the prosecutor to take up the case. The reason was that prosecutorial budgets were limited, and the career interests of prosecutors was to get as many convictions out of their budget as possible. Today, however, when even the innocent prefer to admit a crime rather than run the risk of a trial, prosecutors have endless strings of “convictions” without having to spend days or weeks in trial.

Today prosecutors no longer have to prove a case before a jury. They only negotiate with the defendant’s attorney a crime, whether committed or not, that settles the case. …

MORE: “Evidence Is No Longer A Western Value.”

UPDATE II (4/22/019): Immigration Lawyers Admit (Sort Of) The H-1B Visa Was Always Meant To Displace Americans

Business, Labor, Law, Outsourcing

For years, consumers of the H-1B visa (multinationals) insisted they were bringing in the best and the brightest because America had too few, if any at all.

At the time, starting in 2008 (see: “Why Aren’t The H-1B Hogs Satisfied With The O-1 ‘“Extraordinary Ability’ Visa?” (11/18/2008), I tried to inform readers that the same H-1B visa brought in ordinary workers to displace Americans.

“More significantly, THERE was a visa category reserved exclusively for individuals with extraordinary abilities and achievement. It doesn’t displace ordinary Americans. It’s the O-1 visa.  There is no cap on the number of O-1 visa entrants allowed. Access to this limited pool of talent is unlimited. More recently, I revisited the topic, explaining that,

“Extraordinary ability in the fields of science, education, business or athletics,” states the Department of Homeland Security, “means a level of expertise indicating that the person is one of the small percentage who has risen to the very top of the field of endeavor.”

Ten years on, in 2018, immigration lawyers who make their living by “outsourcing American lives,” admit to the same. Via Forbes magazine:

“The drumbeat of an H-1B being intended to only bring the best and the brightest has been incessant the last three years or so. The problem is, of course, that was not the purpose of the H-1B and we already have a temporary visa for that – the O-1.”

MORE: “The Next Harmful Move Against H-1B Visas By Stuart Anderson.”


“Why Aren’t The H-1B Hogs Satisfied With The O-1 ‘“Extraordinary Ability’ Visa?”

UPDATE (3/14/019):

UPDATE (4/22/019):

What a disgrace. Stephen Moore, Trump’s right-hand labor economics man, is championing that huge high-tech hoax known as THE H-1B VISA. ?




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