PLASTIC POLLUTION: Bans vs. Recycling Solutions

Business, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Regulation

Independent Institute: |

… One need only compare Disneyland, for example, with a
national park or a public beach to see the environmental
benefits of privatization.

EPS (expanded polystyren) producers themselves have little incentive
to invest in recycling technologies, since creating
new EPS is cheaper than recycling it. Foam takeout
packaging is cheaper than most paper alternatives,
making it appealing to food vendors (particularly
small vendors).

Governments that already manage waste disposal have some incentive to try to control
the problem, but they may not be best equipped
to do so, or the most efficient at handling the
problem. As mentioned above, blanket bans of EPS
products in food service can generate economic
and environmental costs, and thus it may not be an
effective solution to pollution.
Private Action

Private recyclers and companies have made progress
in reducing the impact of EPS pollution. Some private
companies are making decisions to move away from
EPS of their own accord. Other private companies
are looking at making recycling more efficient and
more accessible.

Several large retail companies—Dunkin’ Donuts,
Target, McDonald’s, Crate and Barrel
, and others—
have announced or implemented plans to phase out EPS
packaging in favor of paper and more easily recyclable
plastic options. Dunkin’ Donuts says that the shift is
“part of its commitment to serve both people and the
planet responsibly,” which echoes the sentiments of other
companies moving away from EPS.

Starbucks® recently announced a $10 million grant to encourage development
of a new, more environmentally friendly coffee cup.

Larger companies that can afford to shift away from
EPS products to more expensive alternatives may do so
in response to public pressure and in an attempt to be
better corporate citizens. If local governments are intent on
implementing EPS bans, they would do better to focus on
large companies that can afford to make the change, rather
than small, local businesses that get hit hard by EPS bans.

Other private groups are working to advance EPS
recycling efforts. Since most municipal recyclers do not
recycle EPS, most of the material ends up in landfills
or wherever the wind takes it. Some private companies
will pick up used, clean EPS and recycle it for a small
price. Unfortunately, most of those recyclers accept only
uncontaminated EPS and, even then, frequently operate
at a loss. Sedona Recycles, a nonprofit recycler in Sedona,
Arizona, says that recycling EPS costs them $725.85 per

They continue to recycle, using donations, and
try to reduce EPS pollution with every pallet they process …

READ THE REST: “PLASTIC POLLUTION: Bans vs. Recycling Solutions.”

Israel: Wildly Successful Country, But Too Jewish, Hints Leftist Magazine

Economy, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Multiculturalism, Nationhood

The quintessential ethno-state, Israel, is increasingly coming under attack from within and without for being … a Jewish State.

Israel at 70, grumbles The Economist, is a wildly “successful country.” Having made a successful “transition from a centralized economy,” it also sports a highly skilled labor force (May 19th-25th, 2018).

Israel’s only major problem (no, it’s  not the Palestinians aka the MOPE—the Most Oppressed People Ever): The country is marred by “xenophobia towards non-Jews and African refugees.”

AND: Israel’s “concept of citizenship, based on serving as a haven for all Jews, is hopelessly outdated.”

Time for a change, Israel! Get with it.

To retain respectability in polite circles, a developed nation-state cannot identify as a nation, or remain a nation in any meaningful way. So say the globalists, in not so many words.

It doesn’t occur to this idiocracy that Israel’s success in a failing region may have something to do with its … dominant ethnic composition.

POTUS Is Right: ‘Country-on-Country’ Trade Deals Are Better

Donald Trump, Economy, Europe, Free Markets, Media, Trade

A laudable sentiment unreported (except here) was expressed by President Trump, on June 1.

It is that the US would be far better off if it negotiated bilateral trade agreements, instead of multilateral deals. Of course, “county-on-country” agreements, as the president put it, are preferable to the multilateral maze we currently negotiate.

If you can’t have free trade—and we don’t!—smaller and less unwieldy agreements are preferable.

If you find a quote, please send it along. The rule is that the malpracticing media neglect or twist everything substantive Trump does or says.

POTUS & Pompeo Make Great Strides On North Korea, Are Rewarded With Double Negative Headlines

China, Critique, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Free Markets, Trade

June 1, President Trump was impressive on North Korea, sharing a significant development with the media. He would “be meeting with Kim Jong-Un in the coming weeks as we seek to denuclearize the North Korean area and the entire Korean peninsula.”

“I think it is a getting-to-know-you meeting-plus. And that can be a very positive thing,” said the president.

POTUS and Mike Pompeo, U.S. secretary of state, had just met with Kim Yong Chol, a high-ranking North Korean, in talks to salvage the summit.

At the same time, the president indicated that he viewed China and South Korea as neighbors who should do the dominant policing of North Korea.

In addition to non-stop sneering during “programming,” the headline President Trump received from CNN today was a double negative, something along the lines of:

“North Korea Summit No Longer Cancelled.”

Why not run a positive headline?

“North Korea Summit is On.”


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