UPDATED (2/4): Centralized Judicial Tyranny: Bush-Era Judge (& Tech Execs) Moves Against Trump Immigration Order

Bush, Business, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Justice, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Technology

A George-Bush era judge acts against the wishes of the president, as expressed in an Executive Order, no less, and the 61,900,651 who voted for Donald Trump and stand behind him. Why the surprise at The Hill?

Neoconservative Bush nominated Harriet Miers, whom even staunch Bush supporters said was deeply stupid. That nomination was aborted, but a lot of others weren’t (See “Bush-appointed judge who halted Trump travel ban nationwide.”)

The sickening “temporary nationwide restraining order, stopping President Trump’s executive order banning citizens of seven countries from entering the United States,” is courtesy of my sickening State of Washington.

Judge James Robart, who was appointed by former President George Bush in 2003, ruled the executive order would be stopped nationwide, effective immediately.
“The Constitution prevailed today,” Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said in a statement after the ruling. “No one is above the law — not even the President.”
“It’s our president’s duty to honor this ruling and I’ll make sure he does,” Ferguson added.
The ruling, made at the request of Washington and Minnesota, is the broadest to date against Trump’s executive order.

When these two lawyers claim economic harm has been inflicted on our state, you know they’re speaking for Microsoft and Amazon, ideologically motivated entities both. Yes, conservative prattle about cheap labor is simplistic. The tech execs are way worse than businessmen vested in the wealth of their shareholders. That would be a good thing and a belssing.

The truth is that the tech execs are true believers, true radical leftists. They believe all cultures are equal, they enjoy diminishing western culture, and they take sadistic pleasure in replacing local employees with imported ones, banishing Christian bibles and erecting Islamic pray-rooms. By so doing, tech exec keep the locals pliant.

UPDATE (2/4): A Centralized Judicial Tyranny.

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UPDATED (2/5): Gavin McInnes Dishes Old News About Fox News

Conservatism, Media, Neoconservatism, Political Correctness, Republicans

Gavin McInnes has discovered what I’ve chronicled for 15 years: Fox News is NOT rightist, the network pussyfoots around the Left, cares more about showcasing boobs than brains, practices affirmative action, for women and minorities (they cowered before “Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy”), is hell of a timid about daring opinion (yes, where’s Ann Coulter, Fox News?), and hated on Donald Trump. You know all that and more if you’ve been reading this space  (for example: “The Murdoch Media: Root ‘N Branch For Marcobot”).

That’s why you’ll find the adjective “banal” paired with Fox News in all books and writings originating here. Neoconservatives all, with few exceptions.

A pity McInnes sounds a little desperate. Red Eye, which he seems to lament losing, is unwatchable (ditto the Greg Guttfeld Show). It stinks of smarmy, unfunny idiots. The only good moments were when McInnes ranted in character. Scottish character. Once upon a time the show allowed this outrageous female comedian to host. She was so brutally wonderful that … they never had her back again.

UPDATED (2/5):

Greg Gutfeld? I don’t think so.

President Trump Vs. The Democrat Dunce-Cap Lobby

Critique, Democrats, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

“President Trump Vs. The Democrat Dunce-Cap Lobby” is the current column, now on The Daily Caller. And excerpt:

Donald Trump is the gift that keeps giving. The week is still in its infancy, but the president has already made Chucky Schumer cry, fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates within hours of her acting up, and caused the Forgotten Man to go even harder for their president. This Trump accomplished by inadvertently exposing the Democrats as firmly in the camp of Hollywood harridans, tech execs, the immigration lawyers lobby, the global refugee industry; and in the grip of the international human rights octopus.

The Democratic constituency can no longer hide. It’s as though all these ghastly people are wearing the pussy dunce-caps adorned by the Madonna and Ashley Judd protesters. …

… Read the rest. The complete column, “President Trump Vs. The Democrat Dunce-Cap Lobby,” is now on The Daily Caller.

Related: “About The Republican ‘Facile Argument’ That Obama Halted Immigration. Just Like Trump”

UPDATED (2/5): When I First Began To Suspect That Muslims ‘Embellish’

Islam, Israel, Middle East, Multiculturalism, Terrorism

Call me biased—lowlife lefties will—but it started when I was very small. (I certainly had, still have, a good memory, because I remember it all.) With no warning, the 1967 Six-Day War began. It was quite safe for an Israeli child to wander about alone along the paths of the Yishuv, in which we lived. That’s what I was doing at the time. A man grabbed me and carried me down to the underground shelter. The border with Jordan was close by back then, and we could hear the artillery. Someone switched on the radio. We tuned into the infamous broadcasts out of Cairo, according to which Israel was losing the war.

Even as the Egyptian air force was wiped out, and its ground forces were getting slaughtered in the deserts of Sinai, Egyptian radio was broadcasting its glorious victories: They were bombing Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, destroying the enemy with impunity, etc.

“Itbuch el yuhood” were the words most frequently deployed. (“Slaughter the Jews.”)

Translating the rest, the grown-ups explained that the crazed broadcaster was saying that the Jews were being thrown into the sea, but not to worry, children, the Arabs were lying for a change.

Yes, I confess. I heard that a lot when I was growing up in an Israel that was once non-leftist and patriotic, reality oriented (today, thanks to American influence, it’s more like America).

We won the war in six days and no Jew was thrown into the sea. Of course, it was also true, against common Israeli myth, that many on the other side fought valiantly. Nevertheless, stereotypes are often supported by evidence.

That’s what crosses the mind when I see the many tall tales about how many Muslims have already died en route because of President Donald Trump’s travel ban. For one of many instances, see “Fake news: Iraqi-American lied when he claimed that his mother died due to Trump ban.”

Do you get the impression immigrants you don’t necessarily want here will do anything (including to play guilt-riddled, gullible Americans), in order to gain unfettered access to the US and its generous welfare programs?

* By the way, the Muslim world that attacked Israel, back in those good old days, was much more secular. If anything, it has regressed.

UPDATE (2/2):

Linda Sarsour: