The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

“The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

The Clinton Media have gone from malfunctioning to mad, from “dishonest” to deranged. Their coverage of the 2016 election is no longer tinged by liberal bias, but is about moving viewers and readers into a parallel universe, an alternate reality of the media’s making.

The media monolith’s latest imbecility is to offer effusive plaudits for their candidate, Hillary, because this life-long politician whose ill-gotten gains have come via the political means, not the private productive means, has released her tax returns for 2015.

Something Donald Trump has yet to do. For the candidate is under audit and has been advised to refrain from doing anything that’ll give the most corrupt and dangerous of government agencies a lien on his assets—or liberty, for that matter.

Befitting an arm of our technocratic Managerial State—the Internal Revenue Service regularly criminalizes the actions of “non-compliant” victims, even when the alleged crime is, more often than not, unintentional. And it matters not that the “Rights of Englishmen,” bequeathed to the American Founders by their philosophical forbears, stipulated that there is to be no crime without intent. Also unconstitutional is ex post facto (or retroactive) law. Yet the rogues at the IRS routinely change laws as they go, and criminalize “actions that were legal when committed.”

Lest anyone forget, the IRS is famous for unleashing its corrupt kleptocrats—Lois Lerner is exhibit A—on innocent tea-party and 9/12 patriots in order to, very plainly, destroy them.

Lerner deployed this vast, oppressive apparatus to hound right-leaning non-profits, to threaten their mission and menace their donors. Just like Hillary Clinton does, Lerner knew she would remain untouched by the law. Post resignation, the lippy Lerner could afford to be unrepentant. “I am not sorry for anything I did,” she declared to Politico.

Compared to Trump, tea-party patriots were adored by the establishment.

This Mr. Michael Cohen, General Counsel for the Trump Organization, knows.

On no account, said Michael Cohen, Esq., would he allow his client, Mr. Trump, to reveal anything about his taxes while under audit. (Here’s hoping Cohen will replace Trump’s lightweight panelists, sitting pretty at CNN and elsewhere. The longer these regulars linger in these snake pits, the more they begin to “accommodate their talking partners on the Left-Center,” the more they labor “to smooth rough edges,” the more they move to “marginalize their own right wing,” and “distance themselves from those who seem more conservative in their principles than the goal of bridge–building might render acceptable.” …

… Read the rest. “The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality” is now on Share it too.

Is It Better To Die Than Endure ‘Police Bias’?

Crime, Law, Liberty, Race, Racism

On August 10, a Fox News correspondent reported thus about “Findings of [alleged] Police Bias in Baltimore,” and I paraphrase: Reduced homicide rates of 60 percent in Baltimore have come at a remarkable cost (to liberty).

So I ask: What are these costs to liberty of better longevity in Baltimore (and isn’t longevity the ultimate liberty to trump all)? Are these “costs” about stopping blacks disproportionately to their numbers in the community?

MORE: “Findings of Police Bias in Baltimore Validate What Many Have Long Felt.”

Taught By The Best (Bush), Obama Admin Distorts Intelligence

Barack Obama, Bush, Intelligence

George Bush had the “Lie Factory—the Office of Special Plans”—which was a central edifice of the Bush administration. The OSP, reminisces Justin Raimondo (cited in The Trump Revolution) in a retrospective about Bush’s lies, was “a parallel intelligence-gathering agency set up by the neoconservatives in the administration [to feed] Congress and the media ‘factoids’ which were later proved to be false.”

To distort intelligence, Barack Obama ushered in a “structural and management changes” in the “CENTCOM Intelligence Directorate, starting in mid-2014,” to give him “the intelligence products” that would serve his purposes.

I hope you come to this space for the unvarnished truth, because it is this: Obama comes out on top on this issue. Barack finessed the reality about ISIS to avoid going to war; Bush lied to get America into war. Ask Donald.


Intelligence reports produced by U.S. Central Command that tracked the Islamic State’s 2014-15 rise in Iraq and Syria were skewed to present a rosier picture of the situation on the ground, according to a bombshell report released Thursday by a House Republican task force.

The task force investigated a Defense Department whistleblower’s allegations that higher-ups manipulated analysts’ findings to make the campaign against ISIS appear more successful to the American public.

The report concluded that intelligence reports from Central Command were, in fact, “inconsistent with the judgments of many senior, career analysts.”

Further, the report found, “these products also consistently described U.S. actions in a more positive light than other assessments from the [intelligence community] and were typically more optimistic than actual events warranted.”

Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., who was involved in the House report, said Thursday the data was clearly “manipulated.”

“They wanted to tell a story that ISIS was the JV, that we had Al Qaeda on the run,” he told Fox News. “This is incredibly dangerous. We haven’t seen this kind of manipulation of intelligence … in an awfully long time.”

It is unclear how high up the reports in question went, though the task force found “many” Central Command press releases, statements and testimonies were “significantly more positive than actual events” as well. …


TRUMP’s Home Is Scaled; But MAD Media Fear For Hillary’s Life

Constitution, Donald Trump, English, GUNS, Hillary Clinton, Media, Republicans

Media collective has gone from malfunctioning to mad, from “dishonest” to deranged. It’s no longer about simple media bias, but about changing perceptions about reality through reporting.

The latest disgrace has seen the Trump Tower, where Donald Trump and his family reside, scaled by a man seeking merely “a meeting with Trump.” Not at all ominous or suspicious, right?! No problem. And how droll.

Conversely, Trump (who generally speaks incoherently) makes an inarticulate, but straightforward, comment about the power of the gun lobby and its backers to stop the Clinton agenda; and media and their protege holler, “He’s calling for an assassination.”

Even Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican who despises Trump (and appears borderline retarded), said she saw nothing untoward in these Trump words:

“Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know,” Trump said. “But I tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if Hillary gets to put her judges in, right now we’re tied.”

What’s “under siege” is reality. The English language has become the tool for cultural Marxists who continually manufacture a parallel universe for their viewers. These miserable media are committing not microaggression, but major aggression.

CNN has even used the manufactured controversy to segue into an assault on the 2nd Amendment. Wait a sec, isn’t that what Trump is warning about?

Turn off the tube.