A Rehearsed Rubio Goes Into Robot Mode

Conservatism, Politics, Propaganda, Republicans

The Rubio robot constructed by establishmentarians to succeed to the throne has revealed its robot circuitry. The Marco Rubio news channel, Fox News, so riddled with Rubio operatives, can’t be happy that the Rubio robot broke down.

Rubio said he would “dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing.” But once became four times, setting Chris Christie up for a zinger.
“There it is. There it is,” Christie said. “The memorized 25-second speech.”

“Consistency may be a virtue—except when you’re being criticized for going rote in a field where others go rogue.”

Rubio repetitiveness:

Rubio Sponsors:

Rubio on immigration:

On rebooting Marcobot:

(Thanks, Washington Post, for providing a transcript of the GOP debate, Feb. 6, to those of us who still favor the written word.)

Like The Left, Left-Libertarians Weaponize The ‘Nativist’ Pejorative

Constitution, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Race, South-Africa, Welfare

Et tu John Stossel? Austin Petersen? On the latest John Stossel Show (whose website seldom carries any contents-driven updates or transcripts, too unhip), the pejorative “nativist” is being bandied about to malign the concept of borders in a welfare state, where welfare is a magnet. Due to open-borders immigration central planning, America, as I’ve warned in Into the Cannibal’s Pot, is headed to dominant-party status like my native South Africa. But left-libertarians wish to do away with borders before private property has been reinstated as the governing principle in American society.

Anathema, too, to left-libertarians is the idea that liberty has a cultural and historical context—it is not a proposition or a mere idea easily assimilated by all. Hell, look at Bernie Sanders’ platform and its many American supporters! Do we need to import more Bernie voters?!

Check out my homeland South Africa, RIP, where the minority had imagined the black majority would be bound by the same political abstractions—that fellow black South Africans would relinquish race as an organizing principle, in favor of a constitutional design, because hey, that just how people are. It’s second nature.

Didn’t happen. Won’t happen.

In the left-libertarian universe, the perspective of someone like myself is discounted by fast-talking youngsters who’ve yet to be mugged by reality and human nature.


“Apartheid South Africa: Reality Vs. Libertarian Fantasy.”

“The Sequel to ‘Suicide of A Superpower.’”

The Winning Trump Ticket & Cabinet (Part I)

Bush, Crime, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Justice, libertarianism, Republicans, Ron Paul, UN

“The Winning Trump Ticket & Cabinet” (Part I) is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

If Donald J. Trump wishes to lessen the impact of his disappointing second in the Iowa caucuses and walk back the tack he’s taken with Ted Cruz—he must begin to think big and talk big.

Loud in not necessarily big.

Call it triangulation, a concept associated with Bill Clinton’s successful strategies, or call it “the art of the deal”: It’s time for Trump to DO IT.

To this end, Trump must quit the “we don’t win anymore” formulaic rhapsody, and start fleshing out substantive positions. A pragmatist does so by introducing the people he’ll be recruiting to “Make America Great Again.”

To Cruz belongs the Trump Department of Justice portfolio. Offering Justice to Cruz allows Trump to both put Ted in his place as unsuited to the presidency; while simultaneously making him part of Team Trump and repairing that relationship.

Ted is too soft to be US president in these troubled times. But he’d make a spectacular attorney general in charge of DOJ.

There’s a reason George W. Bush hates Ted Cruz. In 2008, Cruz gave America reason to cue the mariachi band and celebrate the death of detritus José Medellín.

As part of a gangbanger initiation rite, Medellín had raped (in every way possible), strangled, slashed, and stomped two young Texan girls to death.

“In Texas,” to quote another Ron from the Lone Star State, “we have the death penalty and we use it. If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back.”

Bush 43 would wrestle a crocodile for a criminal alien. Backed by Bush—and on behalf of Medellín and other killer compadres awaiting a similar fate—Mexico promptly sued the US over procedural technicalities in the International Court of Justice. The president ordered Texas to halt the execution of murderer and rapist Medellín.

Texas’ heroic solicitor general said no.

Cruz took the case to the Supreme Court. There, he bested Bush and his lickspittles. As the Conservative Review gloated, Cruz “won the case, 6-to-3.” He had sought justice for Americans against a president who subjugated them to international courts. Ted, moreover, was forever gracious about Bush; Bush and his bambino bro routinely slime Ted. (In trashing Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Trump is in bad company.) …

…Read the rest.“The Winning Trump Ticket & Cabinet” (Part I) is the current column, now on WND.

The Open-Borders Murdoch Media

IMMIGRATION, Republicans

On June 18, 2014, Rupert Murdoch, the man who own Fox News, editorialized in The Wall Street Journal for amnesty. The reason “immigration reform can’t wait,” noodled Murdoch, is that “Immigrants enrich our culture and add to our economic prosperity.”

Some do, some don’t. Murdoch argues in circles. We need more of x because to have more of x is good. Some immigrants are a blessing but most are a bane

The editorial, “Immigration Reform Can’t Wait,” also reveals that Sen. Rand Paul and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, lobbied together for immigration reform.

(Famous Ex model Jerry Hall is Murdoch’s “partner.”)