Category Archives: Race

UPDATED (10/17/022): The Sea Has Parted: Candace Owens Gives Whites Permission To Matter

Argument, Paleoconservatism, Race, Racism, Republicans

Tucker Carlson is the only mainstream, massively popular exponent of the paleoconservative political philosophy. He is a smart thought leader. For this reason I anatomize Mr. Carlson’s thinking. It’s important. My own commentary over 22 years is distinctly analytical—I deconstruct argument for my readers—premise, conclusion, non sequitur, etc.

Today’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” (10/10/022) featured Tucker’s go-to black person, Candace Owens. This is the GOP/Fox News MO. Invite a black person on to expatiate on anti-white hatred, for this act absolves conservatives from racism. It’s in the tradition of “Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are, which is Republicans’ Main Focus.”

Duly, and “magnanimously,” Candace gave whites permission to matter.

Note that what undergirds this pigmental production—friendly, GOP-approved, blacks opposing anti-whitism—is that, first, the statement “white lives matter” is considered, if not racist, politically incorrect or insensitive. Another premise is that virtuous whites should not defend themselves, for to defend white interests is improper, even racist.

Her collaboration with Ye West to affirm that white lives aren’t forfeit Candace now depicts as nothing less than a “cultural moment.” The seas have parted.

Candace and Ye put on a T-shirt to signal that, “White American you are a part of this too” (by which Candace means that whites are part of the lives matter movement).

I don’t want to be part of the Black Lives matter movement. And I do not need permission from Candace to advocate against an endemically anti-white society, something myself and other White Lives Matter thought leaders have done thanklessly for a very long time.

“The results of black lives matter,” Owens further asserts, “is white supremacy, assuming that blacks are so stupid as to ‘riot’ their own communities to fulfill a narrative about police brutality.”

My, my, is that a stupid thing to say or what! Truly stupid. On the one hand, Owens fully concedes that society is anti-white; on the other hand, Owens positions herself as a warrior for black interests. Blacks are suffering due to BLM, says she. Nonsense, they are not. Blacks are given enormous latitude and advantages over whites and most seem to revel in and love the leverage afforded by the BLM story-line. At least Ye West admits to working for black interests.

Owens has portrayed herself before in messianic terms.  “When she and Charlie Kirk spoke for Brexit in London, circa 2018, they dubbed their visit ‘the most important American philosophical arrival to [sic] Europe since Thomas Jefferson arrived in Paris.’ That was Charlie Kirk, not Russell Kirk.” (See “Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd.)

Thus did Owens’ mental mishmash end with our leading lady as a focal point in a “farmer’s market,” where whites flock to her, as she tells it; congregate around her, thanking her for giving whites “their voice back.”


Kanye West dissed the Kushners, Ivanka included. He told Tucker that Ivanka owes everything to Trump, yet was a slick handler who messed with Trump’s mission. Very good.

Exactly what I said in all my columns on The 1st-Couple-In-Waiting.?

As I put it, “the oddly plastic-looking Kushner couple has suctioned itself to the West Wing and is blowing up the Trump agenda.”

UPDATE (10/17/022):

Great comment here on BAB by Juvenal, about Candace Owens’ “blacksplaining,” as he puts it, facilitated erroneously by Tucker Carlson.

“They never get to the heart of the matter, which is that blacks have pathologies for which they keep finding scapegoats to blame…”

Juvenal: I don’t think American conservatives have the spinal and intellectual wherewithal to get to the race-realist truth.

WATCH: Martha’s Vineyard Migrants Get Civil Rights Lawyers; January 6 Prisoners Dumped By GOP

Conservatism, Critique, Democracy, Democrats, Elections, Ilana Mercer, Individual Rights, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Populism, Propaganda, Race, Republicans, Terrorism, THE ELITES, The Establishment

WATCH THE NEW HARD TRUTH PODCAST: “Martha’s Vineyard Migrants Get Civil Rights Lawyers; January 6 Prisoners Dumped By GOP,” with David Vance and myself. 

Please Subscribe

In the latest Hard Truth, David and ilana highlight the out of control tyranny of the Democrats exemplified in Biden’s Philadelphia hate speech, 2nd September, in which he identified 80 million Trump voters as domestic terrorists. ilana highlights the supine response from the Establishment GOP which fails to confront Biden’s hate speech and in many ways colludes with it against MAGA. At a time when young white kids are being beaten to a pulp in the classroom by a core Democrat supporter base, GOP cucks wring their hands, look away, and whine about “gasoline prices and inflation.” The tragic irony is that the US is being turned into a place where criminal aliens are gifted with civil rights lawyers, as January 6th political prisoners are left to rot behind bars. And that’s a very hard truth indeed.

NEW COLUMN: Mourning The Queen— But Did Elizabeth II Drop The Ball?

Africa, Britain, Colonialism, Communism, Constitution, Democracy, Etiquette, Nationalism, Nationhood, Race, Socialism

NEW COLUMN is “Mourning The Queen— But Did Elizabeth II Drop The Ball?” It is now on WND.COM and The Unz Review.


It cannot be denied that Queen Elizabeth II of blessed memory partook in the decision to support the unchecked majority rule of the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa, my homeland.

Like her Majesty at the time, most politicians and public intellectuals thought nothing of delivering South Africa into the hands of professed radical Marxist terrorists. Yet any one suggesting such folly to the wise Margaret Thatcher risked taking a hand-bagging.

The Iron Lady had ventured that grooming the ANC as South Africa’s government-in-waiting was tantamount to “living in cloud-cuckoo land.” (Into The Cannibal’s Post: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, p. 147.)

But what do you know? Queen Elizabeth did just that! Over Mrs. Thatcher’s objections, in 1987 the queen had bullied Prime Minister Thatcher to sanction South Africa.

And in 1979, noted British paleolibertarian Sean Gabb, the queen also muscled Mrs. Thatcher to go back on her election promise not to hand Rhodesia over to another bunch of white-hating black Marxists.

Most disquieting to decency: Although search engines are energetically scrubbing this fact from the Internet—the Queen had knighted Robert Mugabe. Mugabe was chief warlord of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia (may that country rest in peace).   

To quote Into the Cannibal’s Pot, the book aforementioned:

“By the time the megalomaniac Robert Mugabe was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II (1994)—and given honorary doctorates from the Universities of Edinburgh (1984), Massachusetts (1986), and Michigan (1990)—he had already done his “best” work: slaughtering some 20,000 innocent Ndebele in Matabeleland (1983). Western conventional wisdom was no wiser. (And the United Nations responded invariably by … condemning Israel.)” P. 134.


Mugabe was nothing if not consistent in his contempt for all life.

Question: What do you call a “person” who butchers and barbeques baby elephant?

Answer: A motherf–ker. Lowbrow Robert Mugabe, as Foreign Policy magazine had reported in 2015, “celebrated his 91st birthday followed by a lavish party with an exotic menu, reportedly including barbequed baby elephant.”

Is it any wonder Dr. Gabb took a different measure of her Majesty in 2012, dubbing her “Elizabeth the Useless“? Gabb’s “Sixty Years a Rubber Stamp” unfurls a list of her Majesty’s acts of constitutional omission, if not unconstitutional commission. …

…THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “Mourning The Queen— But Did Elizabeth II Drop The Ball?,” is now on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

* Screen picture via Daily Mail

Rufo’s Rule Will, One Day, Legitimize The Return Of Critical Race Theory To The Curricula

Argument, Classical Liberalism, Conservatism, Critical Race Theory, Critique, Democracy, Education, Race, Racism

It gives me no joy to rip apart Chris Rufo’s case for a fairer education system, made on the Rumble podcast of the talented Glenn Greenwald.

Education, Rufo says approximately 22 minutes into the June 29, 2022 broadcast, should reflect broadly the values of “the public, the voters, the parents,” as opposed to the mythical ideal of classical-liberal neutrality. At once, Rufo is revealed to be a crass, lower-case democrat. More crucially, a reductio ad absurdum of Rufo’s thinking is this:

When America becomes a majority-minority country—blacks and browns all indubitably piling on honky—this anti-white majority will, by Rufo’s reasoning, have a right to have its preferred values reflected in education.

Doesn’t that risk bringing it full-circle back to Critical Race Theory? I’m afraid so. The reductio ad absurdum of Rufo’s majoritarianism is that, when anti-white interests come to dominate, and they will, Rufo’s Rule will legitimize the placing of antiwhite interests in the dominant controlling position, locally and nationally.

It is Rufo’s majoritarianism that’ll be detrimental to freedom, not this writer’s traditional, conservative idea of canon and curriculum. The latter is what American schools followed in decades past.

Taking Rufo’s Rule even further than we have—one can reasonably deduce that what Mr. Rufo is keen to avoid in the course of battling CRT is an assertion of the immutable superiority of Western canon and curriculum, no matter who controls the locality. That’s why he tinkers, pussyfoots, on the margins.