Category Archives: America

JAPAN’S Medical Authorities Understand And Honor Individual Rights

America, COVID-19, Culture, Democracy, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Logic, Paleolibertarianism, Private Property

Our bodies are our prime real estate: all rights, property rights especially, ensue from the title one has in one’s body.–ilana

The website of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare displays the government’s COVID-19 vaccination policy.

Consent to vaccination
Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided. Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. No vaccination will be given without consent. Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.

In the land of the free, Japan, the government rejects compulsory vaccination, demands CONSENT on vaccination, and forbids forcing vaccination or discriminating against those who make a legitimate choice against being vaccinated. In the West it is the opposite.

These Japanese policy makers clearly understand that they are dealing with the ultimate human right, the dominion over one’s body. Alongside a policy statement evincing respect for the people’s bodily autonomy is a link to “Human Rights Counseling in foreign languages.” In other words, correct actions regarding Covid policy follow from the use of the correct language, the language of individual right.

And that language is the language of self-ownership. Our bodies are our prime real estate: all rights, property rights especially, ensue from the title one has in one’s body.

Conversely, the pied pipers at the helm of the American Covid cartel are as malevolent and they are mediocre.

Then again, the people get the leaders they deserve. That Americans are led by self-serving degenerates—morally and intellectually, left and right—is because majorities, sometimes slim, sometimes overwhelming, have ensconced them there.

UPDATED (12/20): America: Aphorisms On Conformity

America, Critique, Culture, Economy, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Intellectualism, Pseudo-intellectualism, The Establishment

Fred Reed, former Barely a Blog columnist, offers this insight:

“America has always had a strong economic back and weak cultural mind, being anti-intellectual and given to envy and resentment of the smart and cultivated.”

De Tocqueville, Mencken and others made similar observations. “Certainly Tocqueville in the 19th century, and Solzhenitsyn in the 20th, noted that conformity of thought is powerfully prevalent among Americans,” noted the inimical Clyde Wilson, political thinker and foremost scholar of the South.

“A glorious commonwealth of morons,” Mencken called America. “The American moron’s mind”—this “mob-man’s” mentality—is that of a “violent nationalist and patriot,” to whom ideas are a menace, and who would always opt “to keep his Ford, even at the cost of losing the Bill of Rights.”

These are all Mencken’s words, not mine. See: “H.L. Mencken: Misfit In 21st-Century America.”

UPDATED (12/20):  This Facebook reader has the right approach. Relax and enjoy The Difference. Don’t be an Enforcer.

* Image courtesy of Picture Quotes.

WATCH: Extradited! Why Assange Fears Being ‘Epsteined’

America, Argument, China, Criminal Injustice, Free Speech, Globalism, Ilana On Radio & TV, Journalism, Neoconservatism

WATCH (AND SUBSCRIBE) HARD TRUTH with David Vance and yours truly. The episode is “Extradited! Why Assange Fears Being ‘Epsteined’”:

If America’s so free and fair why is Julian Assange, innocent in natural law, terrified of being extradited to the United States? And why is journalist Glenn Greenwald safer living abroad after helping Edward Snowden, now in Russia, expose Surveillance State USA? Heroes living abroad for fear of America? Time perhaps to shut up about China?

Extradited! Why Assange Fears Being ‘Epsteined’”

LISTEN ON THE-GO: Download The Podcast App To Listen On-The-Go:

China Is ‘Decoupling’ From Decadent Western Culture For Fear Of Being Infected

America, Capitalism, China, Communism, Foreign Policy, Nationalism, The West

Fareed Zakaria is a CNN serial plagiarizer. (Read “Fareed Zakaria Plagiarizer.”) Like another CNN offender, online onanist Jeffrey Toobin, Zakaria is always forgiven and brought back from literary purgatory, to inflict mediocrity and derivative insights on viewers who’re none the wiser.

The neoliberal Zakaria recently broadcasted a “television special, China’s Iron Fist.” He joined neoconservatives in calling China “The most serious competition the United States has ever faced. The Chinese are doing AI, biotech, hi-speed rail – the industries of the future.”

I watched the broadcast. It was the simplistic, angels-and-demons story-line, that proceeds from the premise that America is an oasis of freedom and happiness, whereas in China, which has become quite the middle-class, materialistic, consumerist society, all yearn to breathe free … in America, naturally.

Well, the Han Chinese, who constitute 94% of China, rather like their nationalistic, monolithic  (at least compared to the US) country.

What I most hate about the Chinese culture is its contempt and abuse of the natural world, critters included. But I couldn’t be bothered with the American foreign-policy elite’s sinophobia, which seems to be a distraction from the fact that the Chinese ruling class generally acts in the national interest; whereas American ruling elites act in ways so antagonistic to the people’s welfare as to constitute treason.

In any event, China, warned Zakaria, is becoming less western. The West being the best, such a trend is condemned. Well, the always low-key observations of The Economist make more sense:

“China’s leaders still want investment and technology from the West, but they think it is in decadent decline and are decoupling from Western norms and ideas.”

They have a point, no?

* Image courtesy The Economist