Category Archives: Celebrity

UPDATED (6/28/021): NEW COLUMN: Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd

Argument, Celebrity, Crime, Critique, Democrats, Law, Media, Race, Racism

To the extent they are hip to nuanced argument, Conservative readers are often followers, and they demand the same from writers. They cannot abide withering, substantive critique of their idols. However, no thinking, conservative-minded individual should commit idolatry—especially not of TV personalities.

Certainly the idea that the Democrats are the provenance of black crime—that if not for Democrats, black crime would not be an issue—is deserving of contempt.

… But this is precisely Candace Owens’ consistent line of argument on Mr. Tucker Carlson’s TV slot: Democrats are to blame for  black crime.

Owens, who was on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to address the “terrifying rise is violent crime and crime rates,” had rattled off something about, “The Democrats using black people and racism as pawns to distract people from what’s going on,” namely a government power grab.

And, “Everything bad is coming from the United States government being controlled by Democrats.”

By Owens’ logic, the Democrats made some black residents of Oakland CA, simulate coitus and engage in an orgiastic celebration of murder and mayhem around the vans of the emergency medical technicians. Watch.

In all, “the Democrats made them riot and rut” argument is doo-doo. It doesn’t fly, and it’s pretty bad moral reductionism. …

MORE in my new column: “Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About ‘Riot And Rut’ Crowd: When a bloodbath becomes a bacchanalia.” It’s on WND.COM, The Unz Review and CNSNews.COM


The Controlled Opposition:

UPDATE (6/28/021):

I wrote a book about South Africa. It has held up quite well. There were no Democrats involved in “laying the ground” for self-generating, black-on-white murderous crime there.  The only correct etiological statement would be one which involves lack of punishment.

Not YouToo, Sharon Stone

Celebrity, Feminism, Film, Gender, Hollywood, Human Accomplishment

You can’t fake the neck, which usually shows a woman’s age. Sharon Stone is still gorgeous.

She’s a good actress, too, whose greatest role was in “Casino,” “as Ginger, the moll to Robert DeNiro’s casino mogul in Martin Scorsese’s 1995 Las Vegas crime epic.” She outperformed the leading man.

But now, Ms. Stone is threatening to spoil it all by turning on a scene she nailed so well in “Basic Instinct.”

A scene featuring Stone suggestively crossing and uncrossing her legs [sans panties] during a police interrogation garnered much attention and has even been spoofed in more than a few projects.


A woman once so powerful in her beauty expects us to believe she was helpless in that power and beauty. Nonsense. Don’t peter out like the whining MeToo fems, Sharon Stone.

*Image courtesy Hola

UPDATED (5/5): The Politicians And The Presstitute Circle Jerk

America, Celebrity, Ethics, Media, Politics, THE ELITES, The Establishment

Conflict of interest equals corruption. Yet, it is the modus operandi of major media in America, left and right. There is a “revolving door between media and successive administrations.”

Josh Hawley, a politician and friend of the Tucker Carlson Show, is on a book tour. My tongue is firmly in my cheek when I say this, because a politician should not serve any interests other than the people who pay him. Their fame or notoriety comes from the fact of their election. Using their position, paid for by the taxpayers, to aggrandize and enrich themselves is unethical and disgusting.

Writing and promoting books on the job, accepting book deals, paid lectures: These, in my opinion, should be outlawed.

Hawley’s book, I assure you, is inconsequential. Politicians are mostly inconsequential, banal minds. The book’s central, hackneyed “idea” of breaking up Big Tech, will help you NOT ONE BIT if you’ve been financially deplatformed and your speech, also the source of your income, has been throttled. Case closed. (A far better route is hinted at in my Deep Tech piece.)

As I observed in “Brian Williams: Member Of Media Circle Jerk,” America’s presstitutes are “no better than the lobbyists and the politicians they petition, they move seamlessly between their roles as activists, experts and anchors; publishers and authors; talkers and product peddlers; pinups and pontificators.”

No sooner does a politician, left or right, make a name for himself through media channels, than he starts peddling product: throw-away books, for one. Again: Any profit off a tax-payer funded office should be prohibited. It has to be.

Network friends entertain each other on their respective shows, making an even greater  mockery out of the typical canned TV “debate.” They do it all the time. The public doesn’t seem to care that their heroes are corrupt.

And family members hop on the gravy train.

Ethical practices entail keeping your (journalistic) work and friendships APART—just as you should keep your wife out of the office of the president (the late Mugabe) and your kids out of the White House (Trump). The avoidance of conflicts of interest was once grasped by people, too.

The corrupt and avaricious American media conceal these practice, because they want to partake in what is lucrative, career-advancing corruption.

What Fox News’ Howard Kurtz says below is all well and good, except listen to this:

“You know, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this game of musical chairs. It’s no secret that many high-profile people have moved back and forth between Fox News and Trump administration,” Kurtz concluded. “But it does seem that more journalists join Democratic administrations like Biden’s.”

In the car, the other day, on the radio, I heard Jason Rantz, a local radio host, enthusiastically repeating the “nothing inherently wrong” mantra to his listeners. See, Jason  and his ilk would like to flit between radio and politics; between commenting about the news to making news. They’d, moreover, like you to believe that the revolving door is ethical. It isn’t.

Via Mediaite:

Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz cited Joe Biden’s Secretary of State pick and CNN global affairs analyst Antony Blinken as the latest example of the “revolving door” between the media and presidential administrations, Tuesday.

“When Joe Biden does unveil Tony Blinken as his pick for Secretary of State today, he’ll be introducing the global affairs analyst for CNN, which Blinken joined after working at the top of the Obama State Department,” Kurtz noted in a segment on America’s Newsroom.

“This revolving door is spinning even more quickly between the media and the government,” he continued, pointing out that “there’s a mini exodus at MSNBC for Obama veterans who became cable pundits,” and who are now leaving to join Biden’s presidential transition team.

Rick Stengel, former Time Magazine editor, had joined the Obama State Department, now has left MSNBC for the Biden transition,” Kurtz went on. “Also leaving MSNBC for the transition… former Obama prosecutor Barbara McQuade and Zeke Emanuel, medical expert who worked on Covid strategy. Jen Psaki, who many may remember as Obama’s State Department spokeswoman, has left CNN for the transition.”

Kurtz explained that “sometimes, the connections are behind the scenes,” citing “former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham [who] was an NBC and MSNBC contributor, but dropped from that role for helping Biden with some of his speeches without disclosing that to viewers

This revolving door between cable media, neoliberal (CNN) or neocon (Fox), and the D.C. duopoly, notwithstanding, it’s time to switch off the game show that is the incoherent, celebrity-driven, Big Con Inc. If you haven’t; you’re part of the problem.

UPDATED (5/5): I forgot to mention that on Tucker’s show, last night (5/4), Josh Hawley also alluded to:

“…Big government run by the Left.”

The very same permanent state was run by the “Right” until January.  LOL.

Come on. The Deep State and the hydra-headed horror of a government that heads it is seamlessly unseemly.

Caitlyn Jenner’s Greatest Achievement

Aesthetics, Celebrity, Pop-Culture, Relatives, Sex

Caitlyn Jenner, as the Idiocracy in which we are mired is currently broadcasting, aims to become California’s next governor. Shrug.

What is her biggest achievement? Jenner, post gender-reassignment, still loves women.

Given the women who surrounded her—the Kardashians, in all their venom, vulgarity, vainglory and vacuity (my involuntary alliterative tic really got going there)—that is indeed a true achievement.