Category Archives: Democracy

Update II: The ANC “Slipping”? (& On What Raw Democracy Has Wrought)

Africa, Colonialism, Communism, Democracy, South-Africa, The West

The consistently moronic mainstream media’s angle on the forthcoming elections in the One-Party state that is South Africa: The ANC “is finally starting to slip.”

Let’s correct this bit of remedial revisionism. That my homeland is only now collapsing irretrievably into a black hole is a testament to the strength of the institutions and infrastructure—economic and civil society—planted there by the founders of South Africa, Boer and British.

Zimbabwe also took time to crumble; and that was not because Mugabe “started to slip,” although the same morons who castigate him now, cheered him on initially, and looked surprised when another African Big Man shifted into savage mode.

A strong economy and institutions take time to collapse. Zimbabwe was once an oasis in the desert that is Africa because of the phantom Ian Smith, prime minister of Rhodesia, RIP.

The ANC has not “slipped”; they’ve always been a scourge on the face of the earth.

As to what’s afoot, here’s an excerpt from my upcoming book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa:

“Having spent most of his adult life abroad in exile, Mbeki’s mannerisms are those of an English gent, not a man of the people. But the baton has been passed from the pukka proper Mbeki to the populist polygamist Jacob Zuma, who dances half naked in tribal dress. In one of his Noble-Savage moments, Zuma promised, disarmingly, after forcing sex on an HIV-positive acquaintance, that he took a shower as a prophylactic against AIDS.”

Our friend, Dr. Dan Roodt, founder of the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group (PRAAG), has a different angle. It’s interesting and certainly congruent with his perspective on the destructive role the Anglo axis–American and British—played in his country.

I’m skeptical.

Update I (April 22): Election day has arrived. Or as Dan Roodt calls it, Racial Census Day. The CSM is chirpy:

High turnout could favor the ANC, since the vast majority of South Africa’s population are poor and black, and while voters criticize the ANC for failing to deliver on its election promises, they see the ANC as the strongest voice for their demands.

The higher turnout seems to be driven as much by public enthusiasm for (or revulsion toward) the ANC’s new populist leader, Jacob Zuma, as it is by a palpable desire for dramatic change, a sentiment expressed by all social and economic levels here.

Update II (April 23): What raw democracy has wrought. A one-party state it is with no protection for minorities; this is raw, ripe, rank democracy.

From the SABC:

As general election results keep trickling in, the ANC has passed the two-thirds mark, which, if sustained, will enable it to change the South Africa’s Constitution. However the ruling party has said it has no desire to do so.

With 74% of the voting districts declared, the ANC has captured 66.85% of the vote. The Democratic Alliance is a distant second [at] 16%.

Third-placed Congress of the People has so far managed to get only 7.7% of the vote.

Meanwhile, ANC President Jacob Zuma has thanked party supporters for helping them win the general election by a landslide. He was addressing supporters during a victory celebration outside Luthuli House in Johannesburg. Zuma says credit must go to volunteers and others who ensured the ANC was returned to power.

Updated: The Bow

Barack Obama, Britain, Democracy, EU, Europe, Feminism, Foreign Policy, Gender, Ilana Mercer, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Middle East

Barack bows a little too deeply to the king of Saud, and people go ballistic. (Don’t be nasty; neoconservatives are people too.) I don’t get it, but I’ll try and deconstruct it—as well as explain why I don’t give a tinker’s damn what gestures Barry makes, so long as he keeps his mitts off my wallet and doesn’t destroy my neighborhood (fat chance for both) .

The same people were mum when Bush and King Abdullah skipped through a field of delphinium (that’s what the romantic setting looked like) holding hands and smiling adoringly at one another. Puzzling to me is the inability of some to apply the same rules to all their leaders.

Their leader“: therein lies the rub. I think people are upset because they identify with Barry; they vest in him all kinds of symbolism; they see in him a representative.

I don’t.

Maybe I’m just a hopeless individualist, but I don’t identify with any politician; I consider them all corrupt and tainted by virtue of having chosen to make a living through the predatory, political, coercive means, rather than on the voluntary market.

Barry doesn’t stand for me, so I don’t care whose keister he kisses. I objected over his “Gangsta Gift” to the queen, not because he disgraced me; he has nothing to do with me, but because, as a traditionalist, I believe in hierarchy and civility. The queen might be a member of the much-maligned landed aristocracy, but she has acquitted herself as a natural aristocrat would—Elizabeth II has lived a life of dedication and duty, and done so with impeccable class. (It was a sad day when she capitulated to the mob and to the cult of the Dodo Diana.)

But I digress.

The other reason I don’t invest The Leader’s every move with such significance is because I consider him to have a limited role de jure. That he has usurped it is another matter. Certainly being polite to other national leaders is a good thing.

In this context, radio host Laura Ingraham baffled me the other day (and on most days) when she too became so exercised over Barry’s civility to the Europeans. This batty bird was furious that her leader’s plan was rejected by the Europeans. I know Ingraham is incoherent on the economic front. But if she disagrees with the stimulus, surely she would not wish to see Europeans stimulating. Isn’t a principle supposed to hold steady across continents? For the life of me, I could not fathom why this broad was mad because Barry was not being tough with the Europeans and they were not prepared to stimulate as obscenely as he was.

Basically, Ingraham had succumbed to the “Our guy vs. their guys” group think. They all do.

And this is what this fury over The Bow is all about: group think. He’s our guy and he should not be appearing weak (read respectful) to their guys. Collectivists have invested in the political process and in Obama a bit of themselves.

Now, neocons hate China, Saudi Arabia and Russia more than they hate, say, Mexico. Given my foreign policy perspective—shared with our founding fathers—I want other nations to keep our overweening leaders in check. I explained how in “Thank You, Nancy Pelosi”:

Those of us who want the U.S. to stay solvent—and out of the affairs of others—recognize that sovereign nation-states that resist, not enable, our imperial impulses, are the best hindrance to hegemonic overreach. Patriots for a sane American foreign policy ought to encourage all America’s friends … to push back and do what is in their national interest, not ours.

Doug Powers, my WND colleague, has his own theory about The Bow. It’s very funny:

“The president was only somewhat stooped over because he was trying to show King Abdullah what was on the iPod he brought over for him as a present. Naturally, it ended up being little embarrassing and somewhat insulting to the Saudis due to Obama’s insistence on “keeping it real” with what was loaded into the King’s gift.” (Be sure to check out the customized iPod tunes Obama made up for Abdullah).

Speaking of the confused Laura Ingraham, a shout out to Patrick O’Hannigan of The American Spectator, for actually bothering to tease apart the difference between my thinking on the economics of “pay equity,” and that of pro-life feminists like the radio host and Sarah Palin. O’Hannigan is referring to “Barack Against the Boys“:

Columnist Ilana Mercer was not at the ceremony, but asked the kind of economically-informed question that rarely percolates up through discussions of pay equity: If women with the same skills as men were getting only 78 cents for every dollar a man earns, wouldn’t men have long-since priced themselves out of the job market? The fact that men haven’t done that might mean that different abilities and experiences are at work, Mercer guessed, “rather than a conspiracy to suppress women.”

Mercer’s glass slipper of a response to equity issues will not fit anyone in the Obama administration, but it still attracts more positive attention than Christina Hoff Summers’ argument that boys rather than girls need help, thanks to a culture that derides men as oafs, and an educational system that considers masculinity the root of intolerance.

Update (April 5): It’s time to despair of the discourse in this country when people get worked up over a man tilting his body toward another, but not about the bankrupting of the US by the man and his predecessor. Yes, columns dealing with the former routinely garner more fury than those addressing the latter.

Anyone who suggests Americans abhor signs of subservience because they are familiar with the Declaration of Independence cannot be serious, and if he is serious, should not be taken seriously. Reading so much into a tilt of the frame exemplifies a flight from reason and reality into empty symbolism–as Rome burns.

As to the notion that two men holding hands is less subservient than a fleeting bow–heavens! Two men rubbing flesh is way worse than a representative of the US showing respect to another with a quick bow. The Japanese are constantly bowing at each other. So what!

Updated: Poster Woman For The Dumbest ‘Republican’

America, Democracy, Intelligence, John McCain, Republicans

I thought Elizabeth Hasselback was dumb. Then came the panelists on Sean Hannity’s “Great American Panel.” And now: enter Meghan McCain.

This creature calls herself a writer. And, to be fair, America has facilitated her hubris. She has written for Newsweek, no less, and now pens a blog for the Daily Beast. McCain’s notion of an argument is, “I, like, disagree with that completely, and think that’s completely crazy.”

McCain’s prominence as a “writer,” rather than as a Paris Hilton-style reality show narcissist, is because 1) her father is famous. 2) This is the Age of the Idiot.

If you’ve read the first few lines of her Daily Beast blog, you’ve read all two rambling pages of it. I wish I had the talent these vapid women evince for saying nothing for pages on end.

The upside of this depression is that the Meghan McCain cohort will become unemployable, except perhaps as hookers (duct tape on the trap is a must).

Writes McCain: “I hope viewers understand Ann Coulter is not the woman we Republicans need representing us right now.” McCain also accused Coulter of anti-Semitism, a silliness I dispatched of here.

She’s hoping to be anointed in Coulter’s place.

The retarded McCain (with apologies to retards) doesn’t grasp that, as shallow as The Queen Bee’s message is, the one-trick Coulter is still sui generis; a master of the syllogism and quick wit.

I can’t wait for Ann to eviscerate mindless Meghan.

I give you the Republican Party’s latest, and perhaps greatest, ditz (could her gracious mother not have taught this young heifer to speak properly? Mrs. McCain is a rather refined, well-spoken, and certainly a strickingly beautiful lady, in that icy, Nordic way):

Update (March 12):MEGHA-HEAD MCCAIN. If I hear the phrase “reach out,” “moderate,” “young people,” or “I feel like,” once again… (fill in the blanks). Here is megha-head McCain again. Huffington Post calls what she does “argue.” MM “argues” that: “the GOP, a party which she ‘loves,’ needs to become more moderate and reach out more, especially to younger voters.”

Damn democracy, wherein I have to be tortured by what such idiots think and “feel,” because they reach so far into my pocket.

A COW IS BORN: Here is MM anointing herself as the Only One; as someone who’s seen “a lot.” Maddow helps establish this useful idiot as a person with a frontal lobe. MM brays: “I love being open (I bet), I’m so different, I’ve seen A LOT [said in those staccato tart tones]. I twitter. [I’m a twit.] It’s like weird. I don’t completely understand econ; I keep reading, I just don’t understand it… I only write what I know about.” [Which is why she writes so much about so little.]

Hurry up, Ann Coulter, and put us out of our misery; finish MM off already.

South Africa Heads For Another Racial Census

Anti-Semitism, Democracy, Race, Racism, South-Africa

Writes our brilliant Afrikaner friend (and I never use the word “brilliant” in vain), Dan Roodt: “South Africa is today an insane society, modeled upon an Ayn Rand nightmare where the looters govern and the producers, entrepreneurs and taxpayers are constantly harassed for handing over more of their wealth. Out of a total population of 46 million people, 12 million South Africans now receive so-called government ‘grants.’ They and their dependents – who amount to probably more than 20 million people or half the population – survive on these government handouts. They do not work, yet receive childcare allowances, pensions, free housing, water, electricity, healthcare and schooling.” …

“South Africa is headed for another racial census, a.k.a. an ‘election’ on 22 April – with the predictable outcome of returning another ANC government to power. Given that South African blacks represent 80% of the population, there is absolutely no way in which the ANC could lose.” …

“Instead of dissipating over time amid the constant din of South African liberals who believe that the country has ‘finally transcended race’ or is on its way to doing so, race and identity remain at the core of South African politics. No less a man than Harvard political scientist Samual Huntington once observed that South Africa was one of those countries condemned to a ‘conflict of civilizations,’ with a formerly white-dominated Western country currently being Africanised by the demographically dominant black population and its Afrocentric leadership.” …

The complete column is “South Africa heads for another racial census.” Read the rest of it on PRAAG, where my column occasionally appears as well.