Category Archives: Donald Trump


America, Canada, Democracy, Donald Trump, Racism, Republicans

NEW ON HARD TRUTH With David Vance and myself: ‘Truck You Trudeau!’

Conservatives persist in pretending the Canadian Convoy for Freedom, which has served as a lodestar for liberty across the West, was purely class based. The anti-white impetus convulsing the Anglosphere continues to be a blind-spot papered-over by our conservative side. But it is an unspoken reality; white-hot hatred of whites colors almost every crisis in the Anglosphere. We believe that the crackdown in Canada is anti-white and that such an assertion is axiomatically true.

It was self-evidently clear every time the camera panned out. Put it this way: Do you think Trudeau would have boiled over with such bile as he has done, bringing the full weight of the Security and Surveillance State down upon these good, hard-working, praying trucker families if this protest were brown and black in sizeable numbers? Please!…

SUBSCRIBE TO “HARD TRUTH” With David Vance & myself HERE. WATCH.

The Do-Nothing Republicans’ Reliable Impotence And Inaction

Argument, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Republicans, South-Africa, The Establishment

A previous blog post, “In Praise Of The Whip: To Whip Or To Rein Is Not The Question,” highlighted the anatomy of a typical Republican retort to the perennial winners, the Democrats.

It is always the Democrats that set the terms of the debate. Republicans simply internalize the rules of the game set by their masters, the Democrats,  and then play a reactive, rather than a proactive, game. Panting hard. Mentally unfit and flaccid.

Before Trump, those who crashed the Southern border conducted themselves as they are doing now.

During the Trump presidency, a “bureaucratic wall was erected, “expelling every unauthorized immigrant on the southern border.” Trump had tightened eligibility criteria for asylum-seekers at the border, as well as forcing a wait in Mexico while decisions were being made. Glacially.

The US doesn’t have borders, a fact President Trump tried hard to remedy by erecting a “bureaucratic wall.”

US laws permit anyone—other than white South Africans—to arrive at that border, do their Les Misérables act, claim to face a “credible fear” back home, get a court date, and bolt like so many rabbits, to be seen again only at the voting booth, the welfare office, the DMV and at DACA demonstrations.

Have you heard how loud the Haitians interviewed complain? Not once have I heard gracious, civilizing, polite words, such as “please” and “thank you.” Instead, it’s, “America hasn’t provided us with food, a place to sleep, to bathe; healed my baby”. Already entitled and angry, these are people who are coming here not to forge a better life, but to receive one. The incoming Haitians are the future malcontents holding up signs that read “America is racist.”

What all the veiled allusions to “catch-and-release loopholes in American immigration law” imply is this: Ostensibly, there’s no way to turn interlopers away once they plonk themselves on the US border, demand a translator and spin some yarn.

Republicans had the opportunity to change the law when, a few years back, they dominated both Congress and Senate,  the presidency and the gubernatorial field. They opted against it. The immigration tipping point has long since come and gone.

Against the impotency of the Republicans, observe the Democrats. These vampiric operatives have focused the first term of the Biden presidency on using the DOJ, the Security and the Surveillance State to destroy Trump and as many of his followers as possible. These good people have been thoroughly marginalized and demonized—their country made diverse to the point of distrust.

The best the GOP can do for you, MAGA America, is a LETTER. The World is flowing into the US, no end in sight. Instead of on-camera vigils at the Open Border, impeachment attempts, law suits, state legislation, daily pressers; Republican have been penning polite letters about the threat at our Southern border from terrorists. More recent laughable, ‘dear Democrat’ letters from the GOP have inquired whence go the Haitians once released, all via a polite letter campaign. Letters—and TV visits with Tucker to commiserate.

* Image credit

Ben Domenech: Selling Soothing, Snake-Oil Conservatism On FOX News Primetime

Argument, Conservatism, Donald Trump, Free Speech, Israel, Political Philosophy, Race, Racism, Technology, THE ELITES

With Ben Domenech’s somnambulist, soothing, well-articulated, Establishment conservatism, Fox News is lulling viewers back into a meaningless, middle-of-the-road, political impotence.

And a load of claptrap.

Last night, June 5, Big Tech censorship was obviously panned vigorously for speech oppression, but an Israeli actress ensconced in Hollywood got to make allusions on air to her preference for censoring anti-Israel comments, when those are uttered by people lacking “expertise” on Israel. More philosophical bunkum, but certainly in line with neoconservatism’s Israel First position.

Americans—certainly this writer, who is pro-Israel—support unfettered speech! That used to be the American position—which includes the rights of people to express anti-Israel positions no matter the state of their expertise, which the silly sabra seemed to be demanding as a condition for speech on Israel.

Discussed too was the incitement to murder whites, expressed by a deviant at Yale, Aruna Khilanani. This, according to panelist Liz Wheeler, was best understood not as murderous anti-whitism needing to be aggressively combated, but with the aid of her unscholarly, unlearned allusions to the Frankfurt School… Wheeler’s ignorant theoretical escapism will help your life as much as voting Republican did.

In this context, Lynette Ackermann asked me, “Ilana, Have you any suggestions for a new paradigm for the 21st century?”

Reply: “What I am strongly suggesting in my commentaries about anti-whiteness is… keep it real. When it comes to anti-whiteness—a very serious, grave reality—you need a scrappy strategy, not a paradigm.” No theoretical escapism!

But the worst slot belonged to Douglas Murray, much revered for his accent and inchoate, wishy-washy positions. The segment dealt with Facebook’s verdict to ban Donald Trump for another two years. (Frankly, President Trump had not stood up for voters like myself, whose websites are banned for life, presumably, with no ability to appeal. And the former president’s response to Facebook’s Nick Clegg was, to put it charitably, puzzling: “Next time I’m in the White House there will be no more dinners, at his request, with Mark Zuckerberg and his wife. It will be all business!”)

Likewise, for his part, Domenech evinced great concern over Facebook curtailing the power of politicians; not so much about the power of the people curtailed.

But Murray is really something. The sassy, salient line he repeated again and again on the live broadcast—it doesn’t appear in the Fox News online video—was this: The Big Tech meddlers are “not fit for purpose“:

“… it is high time we make it clear that we cannot and will not live under the rules of Big Tech. They are not up to the job that they have taken upon their shoulders to perform.”

The premise of that statement is that, while Deep Tech is not up for the job;  someone is up for the job of censor and speech adjudicator. On display here is “Bic Con” deception, Tory deception, too. These establishment conservatives do not trumpet absolute free speech: Richard Spencer’s, Nick Fuentes’, Tommy Robinson’s, Michelle Malkin’s, mine. They seldom come to the defense of dissidents. For this reason, Murray is wont to make a stupid (cleverly worded) statement:

“We are dealing with kids here,” he said, adding “these companies got everything about the last year wildly wrong” and citing Big Tech’s censorship of the Wuhan lab leak theory.

Crystal clear premise once again of the Murray fatuity is this: If Deep Tech were more mature and accurate in their prediction (Murray awoke pretty late in life to most truths, too)—they might be in a position to adjudicate which speech if fit for consumption, which not.

Wrong. Absolutely wrong, but well-spoken.

Cryptocurrency’s Max Keiser Vs. Gold’s Peter Schiff

Argument, Debt, Democrats, Donald Trump, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Foreign Policy, Republicans, Russia

I’ve never known what to make of the financial expert RT has stuck by, Max Keiser of the eponymous Keiser Report.

I had been more of a Peter Schiff gold devotee. Thing is, the devotion was not returned. Most of Schiff’s clients, especially the small fry, fared poorly over time and seldom or never heard from the money maestro (who himself is very wealthy; broker fees and all).

Schiff is still calling “Bitcoin the latest iteration of fool’s gold and anybody buying it [the] ultimate fool.” Keiser, the choice on the business page of RT (Russia Today), is a Bitcoin guy. Bitcoin is holding the value of assets and then some. Gold? It has been fractionalized (spelling?)—fractional reserve banking has bad connotations!—and manipulated by the brokerages.

Speaking of RT (which once published this writer’s weekly column): Republicans, like the Democrats, speak of that TV station as an arm of the Kremlin (presumably nothing like CNN or MSNBC or WaPo which are never an arm of the Democratic Party).

In truth, Trump conservatives never defended President Trump’s conciliatory position toward Russia and Vladimir Putin. Rather, Republican defense of Trump’s correct stance toward Russia consisted of bolstering his alleged anti-Putin credentials, and boasting that he was ACTUALLY tougher on Russia than the Dems. So weak. So dumb.

It’s never about principled argument with Republicans. In their narrow little minds, the American Empire is supposed to war with Russia. That Trump came to power opposing that position was no reason to reexamine their asinine assumptions.

Since they invariably always fall in-line with neocon and neoliberal foreign-policy orthodoxy—Republicans and conservatives only ever tried to nudge Donald Trump toward America’s wrongheaded, Russia monomania.

*Image courtesy of RT.