Category Archives: Etiquette

Human Waste (BHO) Wastes Our Lifeblood, Blabbers About ‘Shared Sacrifice’

Barack Obama, Britain, Celebrity, Democracy, Ethics, Etiquette, Morality

“In a free society, the ‘vision thing’ is left to private individuals; civil servants are kept on a tight leash, because a free people understands that a ‘visionary’ bureaucrat is a voracious one and that the grander the government the poorer and less free the people” (October 6, 2006).

From the fleshpots of Washington DC, the visionary top bureaucrat—the ponce in chief whose family’s tax-funded spending dwarfs that of the independently wealthy Windsors, making the British Royals appear frugal by comparison—has called on you for “shared sacrifice.” This fresh from a brief family vacation in Hawaii that cost his ungiving subjects $4 million.

More from Karen De Coster, who for once has gone soft on Slime, calling BHO a “repulsive piece of presidential sludge.”

The Pornography of Public Grief

Crime, Ethics, Etiquette, Free Will Vs. Determinism, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry, Reason

The following is from “The Pornography of Public Grief,” the current column, now on WND.COM:

“A headline on the Huffington Post blared: ‘Comfort Dogs Sent To Newtown From Chicago Area To Help Community After Sandy Hook Shooting.’ CNN’s top dog Anderson Cooper followed—or led the pack; who cares?—with a similar segment about insourcing dogs to comfort the afflicted community of Newtown, Conn.

One day after the massacre of 20 children and seven adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, ‘a group of golden retrievers from the Chicago area made a cross-country journey to … Newtown.’

Woof, woof, or barf, barf?

Are there no companion dogs in Newtown, Conn.? Must expert dogs be brought in to properly minister to the mourners? Apparently so. Even the neighborhood dog is now unqualified for the big time.

The pornography of public grief in our country is almost as warped as the evil (not ill), mother-slaying, mass murderer responsible for the Sandy Hook carnage. There is very little dignity in the freaky spectacle of mass contagion—where members of the public turn professional mourners, flock to memorial happenings for victims they never knew, and mill about for hours in the hope of being discovered by the master of ceremonies, the journalist.

These ritualistic displays are symptomatic of our festering cultural commons.

At the center of this festering culture that turns victims into a backdrop and prop to the state’s army of experts is the journalist. …”

Read the complete column, “The Pornography of Public Grief,” now on WND.COM.

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Republican Attack Dogs Go For Mitt Romney, Again

Elections, Ethics, Etiquette, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Economy, Politics, Race, Republicans

A good gauge of Republican treachery is the manner in which these drag queens of politics (no offense to drag queens) have beaten up on Mitt Romney whenever he spoke the truth.

They still do.

Romeny’s latest manifestly true words were these, via the New York Times:

In explaining his overwhelming electoral college defeat last week, Romney said Obama followed what he called the “old playbook” of seeking votes from specific interest groups, “especially the African-American community, the Hispanic community and young people,” the New York Times said. “In each case they were very generous in what they gave to those groups,” he added, according to the paper.
The question of how to appeal to the nation’s changing demographics is sensitive for Republicans, especially because Romney lost the non-white vote so badly to Obama, the nation’s first African American president.

Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Fat Man Newt Gingrich, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez (deemed another GOP rising star), MSNBC token conservative, and “Morning Joe” co-host, Joe Scarborough: All these deeply stupid Republicans can’t quite say why Mitt Romney’s analysis of the role of the give-me constituency in his electoral loss is incorrect. All they can do is malign the man because their jobs as electable parasites hinge on maligning Mitt Romney.

Establishment Republicans make me sick: lead me to the vomitorium, please.

Joining the cobra head that rose to spit at Romney was Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. But leading the pack in puke factor was Obama’s New BFF (Best Friend Forever), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R). No one beats that bit of human waste when it comes to political back stabbing.

As the Republican doctrine has it, it is impermissible to observe that America is riven by race and gender.

UPDATE II: A Statistic That Tells A Lot About America’s Youth (Deifying Kids)

Economy, Education, Etiquette, Family, Labor, Technology

I’ve said it often: “The millennial generation will be another nail in the coffin of flailing American productivity.”

Via the senior producer at Varney & Co (Jake Novak) comes this startling statistic: “70 percent of all the jobs filled since Jan. 2010 have been filled by people 55 and older.”

Imparted in “Your Kids: Dumb, Difficult And Dispensable,” what I’ve gleaned from my sources in the high-tech industry, by way of an example, is that this “workforce—comprised as it is of local and outsourced talent—is manned, generally, by older people with advanced engineering degrees. The hi-tech endeavor is all about (older) Americans and Asians uniting to supply young, twittering twits with the playthings that keep their brainwaves from flatlining.”

UPDATE I (9/27): Deifying Kids. Excellent point is made by Tim Malone, on the Facebook thread. How often does one meet upstanding middle-aged parents, and in waltzes The Kid, who bears no resemblance to the parents in terms of manners, work ethic, alertness, etc. Malone makes the best point ever, and that what must be implicated is liberal (and I include most conservatives here, other than hardcore homeschoolers) progressive, child-centered upbringing, in which the parent cowers before the deity, The Child. Moreover, I so often see hardworking parents who seem to think that making the child learn what they do (be it bird-keeping or working on car engines) is below the miserable child’s dignity. Why do you think “your teenager can’t use a hammer”?

UPDATE II: Thanks to his old-school dad, who insisted that he hang out in the garage, doing every single thing the old man did there—from fine wood-work to fixing plumbing and installing window frames—my old man does everything in the house. Saves tons of money; is done to perfection, but it does mean that renovations take years. So what? Check out “the shower that Sean built,” his first tiling job ever: