Category Archives: Foreign Policy

American Foreign Policy Brought The Curse Of Gadhafi On Europe; EU Rebels; Americans Retaliate

America, Conservatism, Democracy, Democrats, EU, Europe, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION

American conservatives believe they live in a country whose general sensibility is far more conservative than that of the rest of the world. As a naturalized American, I persist in telling my friends they are wrong. America is a most radical, revolutionary, Jacobin-flavored place. The Yankees have won out.

Not in dispute is that Radical America failed the Libyan state (read “Libya, A War of The Womb“)!  Failed Libya, as in supervised the removal of its leader and the ensconcing of forces of … you know the rest. Democracy.

Qaddafi kept migrants away from Europe’s shores. He, in fact, predicted that Europe’s demise would follow closely on his. (Read my “The Curse Of Col. Gadhafi“.)

European leadership has better, more conservative, instincts than America’s. The EU had adopted a ruthless system to repel migrants floating across the Mediterranean. They turn them over to “efficient and brutal” Libyan militia, euphemized as the  Libyan Coast Guard. The End.

Now that the EU must collaborate with tough Libyan militia that rose after Gadhafi’s removal, to keep migrants away—US journos and pols are furious, retaliating big time. The confluence of American interests want to pry European borders wide-open. Trust me: Most of the American Deep State and phenotypical State at the pentagon (even Republicans) are firmly behind the radicals.

READ: “Europe’s border agency under fire for aiding Libya’s brutal migrant detentions
The E.U. pays for almost every aspect of Libya’s often lethal migrant detention system, an investigation found, including the boats that fire on migrant rafts.”

There goes European immigration enforcement, courtesy of the USA.

With Friends Like Gen. Mark Benedict Milley, America Doesn’t Need Enemies

Britain, China, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Military, Republicans

NEW ON HARD TRUTH: In “With Friends Like Gen. Mark Benedict Milley, America Doesn’t Need Enemies,” David Vance and myself marvel at the institutional tolerance in the United States—among spineless Republicans, especially—for Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

In the dying days of the Trump presidency, Milley is alleged to have contacted the Chinese to promise them he’d give them plenty notice if the United States were to attack them. Azimuths and all, presumably.

Finally, pundits are using the “T” word; pundits, but not Republicans on Capitol Hill.



Sure enough—and this is so very curious—Fox News has shelved the Milley breaking-news story, on its website and in live reporting. As David and I were had predicted, the GOP and its TV appendage would back-down.

UPDATED (9/28): NEW COLUMN: No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple

Argument, Asia, Critique, Foreign Policy, Islam, Neoconservatism, Political Philosophy, War

NEW COLUMN, “No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple,” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, CNSNews and American Greatness.

And excerpt:

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson appears in thrall to Lara Logan’s political observations—to her “philosophical” meditations, too. Alas, Logan is no Roger Scruton.

You might have heard Logan claim, recently and repetitively, that everything in the world is simple. “Everything is simple,” she keeps intoning in her appearances on Fox News.

Applied to the fiasco in Afghanistan, Logan’s Theory of Simple is that, considering that America is omnipotent, whatever occurs under its watch is always and everywhere planned and preventable.

Ridiculous and wrong, yet Tucker, whom we all love to bits, giggles in delight.

“They want you to believe Afghanistan is complicated,” lectured Logan. “Because if you complicate it, it is a tactic in information warfare called ‘ambiguity increasing.’”

“So now we’re talking about all the corruption and this and that,” she further vaporized. “But at its heart, every single thing in the world… always comes down to one or two things …”

Logan likely recently discovered Occam’s Razor and is promiscuously applying this principle to anything and everything, with little evidence or geopolitical and historic understanding in support of her Theory of Simple.

Occam’s Razor posits that, “the simplest explanation is preferable to one that is more complex,” provided “simple” is “based on as much evidence as possible.”

A nifty principle—and certainly not a philosophy—Occam’s Razor was not meant to apply to everything under the sun.

Misapplied by Logan, why? Primarily because Logan’s explanation for America’s defeat in Afghanistan—that the United States threw the game—is hardly the simplest explanation, despite her assertion to the contrary.

The simplest explanation to the US defeat in Afghanistan, based on as much information as is possible to gather, is that, wait for this: America was defeated fair and square. As this columnist had argued, the US was outsmarted and outmaneuvered, in a mission impossible in the first place.

… READ ON. NEW COLUMN, “No, Lara Logan, Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple,” is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, CNSNews and American Greatness.

UPDATED (9/28): Afghans have hereditary disorders due to marriage between relatives.


UPDATED (9/10): NEW COLUMN/Video: Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys

Foreign Policy, Racism, Republicans, South-Africa, THE ELITES, War

NEW COLUMN is “Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys.” The column and accompanying video are on WND.COM and the Unz Review.


Fox News celebrity anchors and their tough-talking guests continue to trip over one another to talk up the wonders of our Afghan allies and the legions of Afghan Americans who have American citizenship, but happen to hang out a lot in Afghanistan. It’s a terrible affront, they all say, that America has failed to lift them all to safety.

Between the Republicans and the Democrats, there isn’t a country in the world that could not be a target for resettlement in America.

Wait a sec, there is: South Africa. Truth be told, I’m deeply repulsed by legions of Americans, ex-soldiers and other sentimental sniveling wrecks, rushing to bring Afghanistan to the United States.

I’m a South-African American. Who’s rescuing the people I love and left in South Africa? We South-African Americans never think to demand it, although Afghan-Americans stridently do.

Some of my people have been robbed and beaten within an inch of their lives. And others are subjected to daily racial depredations and discrimination; their white kids having no future to speak of. All are far more compatible with life here, although, to be fair, my South Africans do suffer a comorbidity: they’re white.

One of the networks interviewed one Tim Kennedy, a hardened, yet teary ex-military man, Special Forces.

On August the 26th, as he packed his bag, Kennedy waxed fat to his interviewer about dying for anyone who wanted to fight for a freer world.

And off this globalist went to fight for his people du jour, the Afghans. (On Twitter he promotes Special Visas for Afghan.) …

The rest can be read on WND.COM and the Unz Review.

Empire’s Soldiers Head To Afghanistan To Defend The Homeland And Their Homeboys

UPDATE (9/10):
The Global Military playing with the The Homeboys. How glad am I that our tax dollars are going toward this feel-good shit? Read “Empire’s Soldiers Head to Afghanistan to Defend The Homeland and Their Homeboys.

More vomitous?displays from the cosmopolitan military. Read how I feel about the tough-talking fans of—and fighters for—The World: