Category Archives: Free Speech

UPDATED: Warbot Wants to Kill WikiLeaker

Free Speech, Intelligence, Internet, Just War, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Military, Propaganda, Republicans, War

One warbot at least wants to kill the WikiLeaker. The military runs Jihadi protection programs which recruit and shield deficient sorts like Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Jihadi who committed fratricide at Fort Hood. Or like Private Bradley Manning, clearly not military material. He is charged with helping to leak classified military documents to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks.

Now, as HuffPo reports, “U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) says that execution would be an appropriate punishment for Manning.”

The uncritical US military-industrial-congressional-media complex is so reckless. The politicos, and now even the generals, preach the practice of left-liberalism at its most extreme in every structure of the military and the government. And then, when it appears that their affirmative recruits are crappy—they can’t abide by a code of secrecy (or by a contract); or are unable to refrain from killing their colleagues—then their bosses suddenly turn bigoted and want to kill them.

These are the same generals and politicians who campaign for free and open sex for hets and homos in the military. What do they expect? Disciplined buttoned-up soldiers?!

You can’t run a liberal organization—structurally and philosophically—and expect your members to behave themselves. Left-liberalism is about license and lenience.

It’s interesting that, and I repeat myself, that Republicans don’t give a damn about the alarming truths that have come to the fore due to the leak. All they discuss is quashing WikiLeak and killing the leaker. How they love freedom. Creeps.

The tartlet brigade on tv screams about the information endangering our troops. (Gosh they’re original!)


What whores.

Needless to say that for those who seek the truth, the leaks are very good indeed.

UPDATE (Aug. 8): “Anti-War Activists Rally in Support of Soldier Accused of Leaking Documents,” reports FoxNews.

I think it’s obvious from my post that I don’t support a lack of discipline per se. From the material that Manning, “a 22-year-old intelligence analyst,” leaked, it would appear that he was acting as a whistle blower. Perhaps this is exactly what we need in the military—courageous whistle blowers who will pull back the curtain to reveal what the military monstrosity is doing in our name (sorry, “for our freedoms,” to parrot the warbots).

Tea Party Central Caves To 'The Ministry Of Truth'

Fascism, Free Speech, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Race, Racism

The following is from “Tea Party Central Caves To ‘The Ministry Of Truth,'” now on WND.COM:

“How can you be certain that a grassroots, decentralized movement is in the process of being thoroughly co-opted by the political establishment? Here’s one telling sign: A campaign that arose to address profound issues of political philosophy begins to front spokespersons for the purpose of bowing-and-scraping to mainstream muckrakers and race-baiters. That’s one way of telling that the Tea Party is being schooled and groomed for grimy politics as usual. …

… In fiction, the Orwellian Ministry of Truth is a reified entity. In reality, there isn’t one concrete ministry that decides how the nation thinks—there are many such entities. The NAACP is one of America’s many Ministries of Truth. Like the rest of them—the education system, most churches, the ‘intellectuals,’ the ruling duopoly and their attendant bobbleheads—it issues countless edicts. ‘The dark art of rule’ required that the Tea Party bête noire be ramrodded. …

… Asked to choose between a politician who is a Philo-Semitic statist, and between one who hates Jews such as myself, African-Americans, albino pygmies, homosexuals, and women, but has a zealot’s commitment to liquidating the federal government—you know who’d be my pick.

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, free college for quasi-literates, loans for agribusiness; the Departments of Transportation, Education, Housing and Urban Development, Energy; the “secretive totalitarian security cabal,” the Commerce Clause Capos who regulate cabbage patches in backyards, the warlords who wage war in Iraq, against tokers, and on toothless Pashtun primitives in Afghanistan—on-and-on to the tune of hundreds of trillions of depreciated dollars—any man or woman able and willing to beat back this beast, even if bigoted, has my blessing.

So long as my bigot has not acted on his justly or unjustly harbored hostilities toward society’s protected species—these hostilities should matter not one whit.

Public purges are designed to shape opinion in politically pleasing ways on pain of purgatory. By participating in these staged displays of outrage, the establishment Tea Party has, inadvertently, sanctioned the illiberal persecution of unpopular thought and speech.”

The complete column is “Tea Party Central Caves To ‘The Ministry Of Truth.'”

Read my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society.

The Second Edition features bonus material and reviews. Get your copy (or copies) now!

UPDATE II: The Law Of Rule Doubles Down

Affirmative Action, Barack Obama, Energy, Free Speech, Justice, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Race, Racism

A member of the South African opposition (as I have already mentioned) characterized the effects of the ANC’s deployment of law as living under the law of rule rather than the rule of law. This characterization applies equally to Big Man Obama and his posse.

According to Fox News’ Megan Kelly, who does some fine reporting, the decree to dismiss the New-Black-Panther voter intimidation case originated with 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Recall: the thugs who received a reprieve flanked the voting location in formation shouting variations on “kill crackers and their kids.”

A note to libertarians celebrating free speech and the beauty of an exhortation to kill in a “free society”: I’m sympathetic even to the last, believe it or not. But this is not about free speech. this is about a legal apparatus under which some are better than others. Don’t get me wrong: we’ve always lived under such an apparatus; my new book, Into The Cannibal’s Pot, (completed now and being prepared for publication), records this very reality. However, it has become manifestly obvious that things have gotten way worse (albeit on the same continuum) under the racial rule of Brother Barack.

To those interested in the law’s position on speech, here it is stated in one of my columns:

American jurisprudence allows the regulation of speech only under very limited circumstances. .. the jury would have had to find that … [the] speech posed a “Clear and Present Danger.” While the Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment doesn’t protect words that are likely to cause violence, the required threshold is extremely high. And so it should be.

However, speech that falls under the rubric of civil and voter rights law seems to get different treatment—when uttered against the pigmentally privileged.

UPDATE I: To prove this post’s point, the White House is threatening another lawsuit against Arizona. I believe it will try, this time, to make the racial profiling fiction stick. Is this an attempt to prosecute an infraction that has yet to occur? You see what I mean by the law of rule. As I write, coverage of this is hard to come by on the Net, so please do some digging.

UPDATE II: BHO will not abide by a “no you can’t!” The Law had ruled against the Rule in the matter of a moratorium on deep-water offshore drilling.

“[J]udge, Martin L. C. Feldman of United States District Court, issued a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of a late May order halting all offshore exploratory drilling in more than 500 feet of water. A ‘blanket, generic, indeed punitive, moratorium … with no parameters, seems to assume that because one rig failed and although no one yet fully knows why, all companies and rigs drilling new wells over 500 feet also universally present an imminent danger,'” is how the judge justified smacking BHO. (Here is District Judge Feldman’s decision.)

But the law of rule wants an outcome of its own. And so, th “Obama Administration Issues New Moratorium on Offshore Oil Drilling.”

UPDATED: In Defense Of Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Free Markets, Free Speech, IMMIGRATION, libertarianism, Paleoconservatism, Political Correctness, Political Philosophy

Tom Piatak’s article, “Nazis and Other Delusions: A Response to Hoppe,” is generating a lot of heat at Chronicles Magazine, edited by the peerless Dr. Fleming. Hans Hoppe, whom I know and like, is said to have referred to some prominent paleoconservatives, Pat Buchanan and the late Sam Francis, as national socialists.

Writes Piatak, “All the paleoconservatives present at the 1996 meeting with whom I spoke confirmed my recollection of this, and I can attest that Sam Francis understood Hoppe to be calling him a Nazi as well.”

Hard-hitting, for sure, I have always understood Hoppe’s “national socialism” comments to be a condemnation of the economic thinking of his philosophical foes. Besides being an unbelievably hackneyed and meaningless label, libeling someone a Nazi usually refers to their alleged anti-Semitism or racism. Hoppe’s libertarianism is the kind that doesn’t give a hoot if someone harbors such sentiments, just as long as the so-called Nazi keeps his mitts to himself.

That’s my position as a paleolibertarian. I don’t care if you hate me for being Jewish, just stay out of my face. In fact, I will go so far as to say that I despise sanctimonious neocons (like the stupid E. Hasslebeck on “The View”) who go out of their way to hunt down and humiliate anyone who shows “prejudice.” (I want to start a “Protect the Prejudiced” movement.) I think Hoppe is pretty much like that.

More important: Hoppe has been hounded by the PC police and accused of racism, homophobia—you name it. He is pretty uncompromising on race, culture—is a defender of the natural aristocracy and the West they way it ought to be. Mr. Piatak himself quotes the uncompromising Hoppe using designations such as “human trash” and “inferior people” quite comfortably. This doesn’t sound like a person who would turn around and, self-righteously, call another a Nazi.

Why would someone with Hans’ views,then, use the “national socialism” pejorative in the way he is accused of doing against his interlocutors? It’s just not Hoppe’s style. Coming from Hoppe, I am inclined to see any use of the national socialism label as descriptive of their economics. Economics is his field, after all.

“What have Hoppe’s fellow libertarians done on immigration since 1996?” asks Piatak. Unless he has backpedalled on immigration, Hans was one of the few libertarians to oppose the mass immigration immolation.

See “TRADE GOODS, NOT PLACES.” I’ve always taken Hans to be both anarchist and immigration restrictionist, which is, some would argue, inconsistent. “TRADE GOODS, NOT PLACES” does not paper over the inconsistencies:

Matters would be simple if all libertarians agreed that a constitutional government has an obligation to repel foreign invaders. They don’t, not if they are anarchists. Both open-border and closed-border libertarian anarcho-capitalists posit that an ideal society is one where there is no entity—government—to monopolize defense and justice functions. In a society based on anarcho-capitalism, where every bit of property is privately owned, the reasoning goes, private property owners cannot object if X invites Y onto his property, so long as he keeps him there, or so long as Y obtains permission to venture onto other spaces. Despite their shared anarchism, limited-immigration anarcho-libertarians and free-immigration anarcho-libertarians arrive respectively at different conclusions when they make the transition from utopia to real life.

The latter believe the state must refrain from interfering with the free movement of people despite the danger they may pose to nationals. The former arrive at the exact opposite conclusion: So long as the modern American Welfare State stands, and so long as it owns large swaths of property, it’s permissible to expect the state to carry out its traditional defensive functions. This includes repelling incomers who may endanger the lives and livelihoods of locals. [UPDATE (June 27): This, in my understanding, is Hoppe’s position.]

The open-border libertarian will claim that his is the less porous position. He will accuse the limited-immigration libertarian of being guilty of, on the one hand, wanting the state to take action to counter immigration, but, on the other hand, because of his anarchism, being at pains to find a basis for the interventions he favors. Not being an anarchist, and hence not having to justify the limited use by government of force against invaders, I hope I have escaped these contradictions.

This essay is in my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society. Get it.

By the by, Hans, whom many people vilify as haughty, can be a lot of fun.