Category Archives: Ilana Mercer

‘Democrats Are The Real Racists’: An Original, 2013 Mercer Meme

Argument, Communism, Democrats, Ethics, Ilana Mercer,, Morality, Old Right, Race

In my experience over two decades, our side, the Right, often flouts the traditional, honor system of citing sources and crediting originators. Especially when it comes to marginalized, utterly-independent originators: Who’s gonna defend Mercer if I borrow those shiny ideas of hers?

Well, as the great sage Rabbi Hillel said,

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
And if not now, then when?

There are ways less elegant to express how I feel about weak men without honor or a backbone. But do yourself a favor: Don’t mess with me. I’m done with those who do.

In any event, this tendency was documented in painful, but necessary, detail in “The Moral Writer’s First Commandment: Cite Your Sources!“, and in “Citing Sources: Jewish Morality (‘Mussar & Middot’) Demands Acknowledging Those Who Went Before, Intellectually.”

When every other American commentator was kibitzing about Critical Race Theory as Marxism—including the voluble writers on Darren Beattie’s site, Revolver News—yours truly, as is her wont, had dug in her heels since 2019, insisting that CRT was ALL anti-whiteness, and nothing more, not Marxism. But the anti-whiteness of American politics has been a theme that has informed my work  since 2011.

In the latter post, I chronicle Darren Beattie’s contempt-oozing snark of a tweet about myself—this woman, as he put it—daring to assert that she was an originator of the anti-white impetus of Critical race Theory; that I was indeed first to this take on Critical Race Theory as unadulterated anti-whiteness, and that any other claims were lies.

But in our immoral politics and anti-intellectual life, Beattie, a popular young cub (who worked for Trump) trumps an unaffiliated, tenured paleolibertarian thinker and theorist with little influence. (That’s why I will no longer vote for these envenomed, disrespectful assholes. When all is said and done, they don’t give a damn about us little guys and gals.)

2. “Democrats Are The Real Racists” is a meme that originated in Mercer and is now popular across the Internet.

In “GOP Tit-For-Tat Twits,” (08.02.13 @ 10:52 pm) I wrote:

But Republicans are as dazed and confused as the rival gang, reducing wrong-doing to these PC “isms,” and partaking in the silly tit-for-tat: “No, you’re a sexist, I’m not. No, Democrats are racists; we’re the party of Lincoln.” Blah-blah. Pathetic.

The meme or idea was further fleshed out in a column, “Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist” (May 16, 2014):

Why have serious libertarians succumbed to a tit-for-tat spat? Are libertarians as dazed and confused as Republicans? The latter have certainly dignified the rival gang’s Stalinist show-trial tactics, with more holier-than-thou racial one-upmanship: “Democrats are the real racists; Republicans are the party of Lincoln, the liberator of blacks. We’re against abortion and welfare because we love blacks. … Blah, blah, blah.”


The Moral Writer’s First Commandment: Cite Your Sources!

Citing Sources: Jewish Morality (‘Mussar & Middot’) Demands Acknowledging Those Who Went Before, Intellectually

“GOP Tit-For-Tat Twits”

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem, I Smell The Blood Of A Racist



Argument, Classical Liberalism, Conservatism, Culture, Ilana Mercer, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy

NEW: Welcome to HARD TRUTH with DAVID VANCE and ILANA MERCER. In addition to our YouTube, David and I  are on podcast in the app stores. Get our dulcet tones in your car or on the go.

Axeman Sean Mercer blasts the Intro and the Outro to our podcast and YouTube conversation. It’s worth it just for my husband’s superb skills as an instrumentalist and composer. Yep, we have our own music and it’s hardcore.  Listen. Subscribe.

There is an introduction:


Our first podcast is:

Real Riots In South Africa; Phony ‘Racial Abuse’ Of Pampered Millionaire Footballers In The UK


An inkling of what our conversations are like you you can get from my Media Page, where these have been archived prior to the creation of the podcast.

UPDATED (7/13/021): America As Architect Of The South-African Catastrophe Is Truly Minority Opinion

America, History, Ilana Mercer, Morality, Race, South-Africa

Americans as architects of The South-African catastrophe” is part of the analysis I effect in my 2011 book, Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa.

This perspective is highly unusual. It is far from acceptable narrative or received wisdom among historians, certainly not in the United States—or by any historian that I know to be writing today.

My good friend, the brilliant Dan Roodt, whom I long to see on Tucker Carlson, shares this perspective. None of the sorts Tucker ordinarily has on would take this tack.

Yet, Tucker Carlson hinted today that he might be taking this tack in covering the riots and the collapse in South Africa.  Really? UPDATE (7/13/021): I’ll just say it: If it’s not Dan Roodt, PhD, or me—it’s likely worth shit.

Here are a couple spin-off articles, excerpted from my book, expounding the theme aforementioned, and published widely, to their great credit, in familiar conservative outlets:

*  “America’s Radical, Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa!” Ilana Mercer, March 25, 2021

* “The American Architects of The South-African Catastrophe” Ilana Mercer, June 9, 2017, published widely, including at the Mises Institute.

30 Years Since F. W. de Klerk’s Great Betrayal,” Ilana Mercer, February 6, 2020

* Image: President F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela shake hands during negotiations between the South African government and the ANC (Getty Images).

UPDATES (7/13/021):



Good of VDARE to share:

NEW: A Woman Of The Right: The Person Vs. The Polemicist

America, Argument, Ilana Mercer, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Politics

A Woman Of The Right: The Person Vs. The Polemicist” is on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

Or, as my editor puts it (he’s wry funny): “Ilana Mercer explains why some claim she ‘eats nails for breakfast.’” I explain why I don’t, of course.

Today’s offering, at WND, includes “On First Principles, The Person Vs. The Polemicist, And Life After Politics,” and other in-depth conversations with my colleague and partner from across the pond, David Vance. The first is a brief introduction to my YouTube channel. Here: