Category Archives: Individual Rights

NEW PODCAST: Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason

Ethics, Foreign Policy, Individual Rights, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Jihad, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Terrorism, War

HARD TRUTH’s Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason,” with David Vance and ilana mercer deconstructs Hamas’s low-tech invasion into southern Israel and the massacre of hundreds of its civilians. Witnessed in Israel on October 7 was the forsaking by the State of its most elementary—and only—obligations to the citizenry: Defend their natural rights to life, liberty and property.

In a perspective like no other; HARD TRUTH—the episode titled Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason“—examines the complete failure of the Israeli State apparatus, the IDF and intelligence community being the face of the State. We anatomize the backdrop to Hamas’ pogrom, including the geopolitical and domestic forces at play, as well as the fraught history of the Gaza strip. Ilana lived through the 1967 and 1973 wars in Israel; David through the IRA terrorist onslaughts in Ireland. Our hearts ache for victims of barbarians wherever they are. Nevertheless, examine we must the “ethics” of collective punishment by the State.

To receive ilana’s essay on this topic and others, please add your email to ilana’s newsletter .


NEWS On A LOOP: Same Old Same. Police Forsakes Victims Mid-Crime. GOP Loses Over Abortion

Abortion, Argument, Crime, Democrats, Elections, Individual Rights, Law, Republicans, Taxation, Terrorism

WHEN THE WRONG ISSUES ARE FOCAL, more wrong is enabled.

The scandal, Tucker Carlson, is not that swimming champion Riley Gaines was terrorized by trans terrorists. A is A. Terrorists terrorize.

THE REAL STORY is that law enforcement is AWOL in protecting the public from domestic terrorism caught mid-action.

A CRIME IS IN PROGRESS. An event that is paid for by a host has been disrupted, invaded, a guest chased and assaulted. In a country that is not crime and thug-friendly—high-pressure water cannons would be used to disperse violent crowds; protestors who are fighting and visiting bodily harm on peaceful others are packed into police vans and booked for related offenses.

Astoundingly, law enforcement has few qualms about forsaking the victims of crime mid-crime.

The scandal missed or glossed over in this Tucker Carlson Tonight segment is that law enforcement stands down. ALWAYS. They did so—betrayed the public—during the Summer of Love in 2020 (See “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America” & “Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism“). And have continued to do so.

We regular taxpayers pay for law enforcement’s upkeep. But they consistently refuse to uphold their oath of office and DO THEIR JOB. Police are beholden to the public, not to the man or woman in office.

Another topic I revisit wearily: Wisconsin voters poll conservative on major positions, YET voted for a progressive supreme court judge, Janet Protasiewicz, over the Republican Justice Dan Kelly, because:

“Amid the collapse of the American civilization, Republicans are most concerned with preserving the enemy’s embryos.”

ABORTION: Nobody except busybodies cares if Democrat distaff scrape their wombs. (See “Should Deranged, Moronic Females Really Be Procreating?“) Even if one cared—and at some point one does care, as abortion is a very sad affair—there is no point. As the columns linked here argue cogently, the body over which busybodies wish to exercise dominion IS JUST NOT YOURS TO CONTROL. It’s the property of someone else.

UPDATED (1/28): Democrats’ Biden Classified-Doc Breech: Republican Political Eunuchs Swallow The Bait

COVID-19, Democrats, Donald Trump, Free Speech, IMMIGRATION, Individual Rights, Race, Racism, Republicans, Technology, The State

The Republican orgy over the orchestrated ouster of Biden in the matter of classified, “highly sensitive” state-documents, demonstrates how this lot, the GOP, is unseriousness about first-principle obligations to the voters. These are:

* Impeaching Biden for the country invaded and consequently permanently altered. From here on in, America will be what I term in my book, Into the Cannibal’s Pot, a dominant-party state.

* Demanding day-in, day-out that the 4-5 million outlaws invited into out country illegally be rounded up and deported, and not one more penny be stolen from taxpayers to pay for their keep and safe passage into American communities.

* Repealing all manner of Covid tyranny, including the ban on white, unvaccinated non-citizens from vising the US. Why do I assert that the travel ban on the unvaccinated is anti-white ? Because the reg says that foreigners from “countries with limited COVID-19 vaccine availability” may stream into the USA unvaccinated! This rule is a proxy for race, engineered to privilege brown and black Third Worlders and oust whites.

*Besides, why is the Administrative State—the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) legislating around our right of freedom of movement, and that of our friends and trading partners? Is it not an opportune time for the fucking GOP castrati to challenge the Managerial State’s usurpation of constitutional rights?

*Beating back crime and lawlessness: Clearing cities of homeless encampments, allowing cops to stop crime and for citizens to defend person and property against it.

*Defunding all institutions that practice woke anti-whiteness: schools, tertiary, secondary, primary.

*Launching Civil Rights action against any financial institution engaged in financial deplatforming based on thought crimes and impolite speech.

* Ceasing to bait the Russian bear, forcing a diplomatic solution on that kept man, Zelensky.

Or, given how dumb the GOP (RIP) is, just do what the good Governor Ron DeSantis is doing, but amplified.

UPDATE (1/28): The Mar-a-Lago Vs. Delaware distinction.

Other strictly partisan, less-philosophical conservatives, like Victor Davis Hansen, will try and draw distinctions around classified documents between their guy’s infractions, Biden’s, and our guy’s transgressions. This “Trump did it right” vs. “Biden did it wrong” case is an extension of the original distraction.

In fact, you don’t have to read such an undignified argument—I don’t—to know that it is NOT and argument from first principles.

*Screen picture credit



US Extends Vaccine Passport Requirement To Enter Country, As The World Drops Requirement

Canada, Constitution, COVID-19, Criminal Injustice, Democracy, Democrats, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Individual Rights, Israel, Law, Propaganda, Regulation, Republicans, The State

Naturally, if you are among the millions crossing the Rio Grande illegally into the United States, are of a swarthy complexion and can produce a current, up-to-date rap-sheet, as well as valid, reliably low IQ and literacy scores—you may enter the US no questions asked, all expenses covered

…Nobody expects our representatives to work for their pay, as in make a difference in the lives of their constituents. Politics being an extension of the cellphone Selfie; a good TV appearance or a ‘feisty’ tweet is considered as good as work

Unvaccinated non-citizens are still barred from entering the Evil Empire’s territory, despite the fact that it has been widely accepted by the criminally negligent Covid cartel that the vaccines—issued under and Emergency Use Authorizations, absent longitudinal clinical studies and while exempting vaccine makers from product liability—are ineffectual and might be dangerous.

As of November 2022,

eligible international visitors must [still] have a current Covid-19 vaccination to enter the country.

As of Thursday, April 21, 2022, DHS will extend COVID-19-related land border entry requirements. Non-U.S. travelers seeking to enter the United States via land ports of entry and ferry terminals at the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination upon request.

Defund and abolish TSA and DHS (established by Genghis Bush Republicans, if memory serves).

The human detritus known as the US president had, originally, On October 25, 2021, … issued a Proclamation requiring that non-U.S. citizen show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before traveling by air to the United States from a foreign country.

The famed CDC—so institutionally rotten that it now is regularly usurped by Israeli research— (“Israeli study: Natural immunity gives better protection than COVID shot” 8/2021) has extended that restriction to 2023.

Naturally, if you are among the millions crossing the Rio Grande illegally into the United States, are of a swarthy complexion and can produce a current, up-to-date rap-sheet, as well low scores on IQ and literacy tests—you may enter the US no questions asked, all expenses covered.

The Evil Empire is among the last countries to persist in extending the Covid tyranny. And don’t be fooled by Republican campaign foreplay. They looked the other way during the commission of Covid-related constitutional infractions and they continue to do nothing.

I’ve come to believe that our US elected representatives think their role is to tweet their outrage (we’ve got that covered, @laurenboebert). Or, rant flamboyantly on the Tucker Carlson show.

Notice that no TV bobble-head EVER asks these people, “What are you doing about said urgent matter? Tell us how you mean to work for the people to repeal Covid tyranny,” for instance.

Why? Because nobody expects our representatives to work for their pay, as in make a difference in the lives of the constituents. Politics being an extension of the cellphone Selfie; a good TV appearance or a ‘feisty’ tweet is considered as good as work.

I suspect that the intellectual quality of our representatives and the voters has so degraded—that both voters and candidates know not the channels and ropes through which to act on our behalf. The American federal scheme is no longer straightforward.

Note how Boeberts speaks like an outsider to power, like one of us, when she is an insider. A tweet by an elected representative like herself should go something as follows:

“X is an outrage, in violation of … and flouting all the scientific evidence. I intend to call on … and make sure the Republican caucus does … ”

But no. Colorado Representative Boebert, and many of her colleagues, conducts herself as though she’s just a girl tweeting out to her followers on twatter.  American democracy is an idiocracy.


*Image screen shot credit