Category Archives: Kids

On Motherhood

Debt, Ethics, Family, Gender, Kids, Morality

Via LinkedIn (where you can join me, too):

On being a mother: A little long, but still achingly poignant. Every single mother can identify:

Related reading is “Are you My Mother?”

Emily Wilson, a classicist, offers these insights:

“There is a deeply rooted idea in our culture that mothers, far more than fathers, are responsible not just for picking up the toys and changing the nappies, but also for how the child turns out in the end, for good or ill.”

Ms. Wilson’s conclusion:

“Mothers are all different, because they are all human. The good enough mother is one who gives her child what it needs to grow up. The good enough child is one who manages to grow up, and in doing so, is able to recognize her mother’s humanity.”


Turning Point USA’s Bread-And-Circuses Conservatism

Celebrity, Communism, Conservatism, Intelligence, Kids, Political Economy, Political Philosophy, Republicans, Socialism

Faced with urban unrest, government that will never be limited again, institutionalized antiwhite hatred (it’s not identity politics, Candace Owens, it’s anti-white politics) and the attendant endemic violence, not to mention financial collapse—Turning Point USA has only a “bread and circuses” conservatism to offer conservative kids attending a Student Action Summit.

With respect to TPUSA vaporizing about socialism constantly, the kids should consider this warning  (from “Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa,” October 15, 2020):

“Dissecting and decrying communism is an ideological luxury, the province of relatively wealthy, stable, developed democracies.”—ILANA Mercer

When your society is overrun by barbarians, socialism will be the last thing you’ll be sitting down to bargain for with your captives.

UPDATE (10/24): ANTIFA IS US: Crappy, Corrupt Kids From The Burbs

Conservatism, Crime, Education, Family, Kids, Private Property

I have long-since maintained (in this interview and in this column, for example) that “looting is local.”

We refuse to accept that the little snots vandalizing lives and livelihoods are America’s sons and daughters; these vandals are the products of longstanding institutional rot—helped by progressive parents and pedagogues.

From “Critical Racist Theory Robs And Rapes Reality,” September 17, 2020:

By now, the Critical Race rot is institutional; it is the handiwork of progressive—regressive, rather—parents, pedagogues and politicians.

Indeed, the youth rioting on our streets are not outsiders and interlopers; they are us. It is not insignificant that the whiter the city, the worse the riots have been. The protests that have engulfed more than 2,000 American cities have been the worst in “Minneapolis (64 percent white), Seattle (66 percent), Portland (77 percent), and Kenosha, Wisconsin (67 percent).”

Via “Looting Is Local — Courtesy Of Leroy & Lakisha

Another of our deformed society’s Big Lies kicked in when, like locusts, rioters and looters descended on America’s cities—from Minneapolis to Miami, from Los Angles to Louisville.

The specter of looting and rioting is another case of, “Who are you going to believe, me or your own lyin’ eyes?

Fake Newsers, Fox News Included, then began energetically, sans evidence—other than some bricks in a trash can—to promote a fake conspiratorial narrative:

Looters were never local, but always mysterious outside agitators; well-organized “Antifa.” The fiction was promoted as enthusiastically by Fox News as it was by CNN and MSNB.

Anything to avoid the reality of crime, while signaling your own virtue.

Even John Robert Lewis, a black civil right leader, got fed up and told MSNBC that looting was local.

Seattle’s Komo New, at one point, divulged that 82 people had been arrested, after the city center was destroyed. All were homeboys.

If rioters everywhere are from somewhere not here, what’s the logic?

If so-called organized, George Soros-activated ANTIFA terrorists intend to ignite the country and operate networks and chapters across it—why would they need to migrate, to lob rocks at a Macy’s in a town away from home? Why not riot in your home town if so organized?

Indeed, the little shits might just be more white than they are black:

This AP report confirms that,

Very few of those charged appear to be affiliated with highly organized extremist groups, and many are young suburban adults from the very neighborhoods Trump vows to protect from the violence in his reelection push to win support from the suburbs.

Attorney General William Barr has urged his prosecutors to bring federal charges on protesters who cause violence and has suggested that rarely used sedition charges could apply. And the Department of Justice has pushed for detention even as prisons across the U.S. were releasing high-risk inmates because of COVID-19 and prosecutors had been told to consider the risks of incarceration during a pandemic when seeking detention.



UPDATED (12/4): BBC Education Editor Botches English In Misleading Article About Estonian Education

Education, English, EU, Kids, Multiculturalism

Here is a botched sentence that caps a BBC News article on the superiority of Estonian education. (Or, is it the superiority of Estonian kids?)

“In a system that values its teachers highly, [a shortage of teachers] is the biggest risk to maintaining the remarkable progress its made.”

Should be “… it’s made.” Or, “it has made.”

In case the  writer who penned  the piece corrects it, here is a screen pic of what Branwen Jeffreys, BBC education editor, originally wrote:

(“Levelling up” pupils: what an ugly, if understandable, expression. Oh for well-written news in the Queen’s English.

Estonia, originally a Nordic nation, is still a sparsely populated European country. Of the 1,324,820 people who inhabit the country, 907,628 are Estonians, 328,299 are Russian, and 23,665 are Ukrainian. You’d think the ill-educated individual who wrote this reductionist article would have considered more than one factor (teaching methods) in deducing the secret to the smarts shown by Estonian kids.

Put it this way, I doubt that the latest Wacky Progressive Teaching Method explains Estonian achievement on international tests.

UPDATED (12/4): “Slip-shot”! WTF!


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