Category Archives: Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

UPDATED (5/23/021): DC, Sewer-Rat Briefs: And They Say We Deplorables Are The Jerks


He’s eloquent, dour, ruthless; the embodiment of the Yankee, Radical Republicanism of the Reconstruction era. Lincoln Project founder Steve Schmidt is a GOPer establishmentarian who led a coalition to help elect Joe Biden!! Here he is, a DC sewer rat if ever there was one,  reaching out on Twitter to AOC, to show her his empathy for working-class men and women. Neither AOC or he has ever belonged to that class of Americans.

Schmidt, who has since defected to the Democrat Party, the Other Party of Treason, is the face of zeal. He even looks as fanatical as the Republicans pictured in “The Radical Republicans:  The ANTIFA of 1865.”

Former McCain aide Steve Schmidt: Trump's 'impairment is chilling' | TheHill
The thread that runs through TV debates among Schmidt and his ilk is the failure of the Grand Old Party (GOP) to stand up to Donald Trump. Unmentioned are the 74 million people, the Depolrables, who empower President Trump. These solipsistic, TV degenerates have simply disappeared or cancelled 74 million voters.

Bush-era operative Nicolle Wallace, now an anchor on MSNBC—thanks to the revolving door that is the DC-media-industrial complex—has not stopped castigating the GOP for standing by Trump. She seems oblivious to the fact that Trump is a conduit—he represents tens of millions of voting Americans, many of whom are to the right of him politically.

Another MSNBC regular, Donny Deutsch, a lefty business-cum-media man, hollered that “there are 50 million jerks in this country. We’re just going to have to accept it,” he yelled. Deutsch had found a way to dismiss Trump voters, having, at least, acknowledged we exist.

Ana Navaro (who’s had a dossier on my blog for years) is a deeply stupid woman and a former shill for Jeb Bush. Known for siring (see picture)—and

surrounding himself with—stupid women, John McCain had once employed the gaseous Navaro as his consultant. In addition to being a plain idiot, Navarro is a Republican identity politics activist (read anti-white activist), whose one line during the tumultuous Trump presidency and, in particular, in the lame-duck phase, has been to repeat that GOPers are afraid of the Trump tweets. That’s what goes for “analysis” on the American idiot’s lantern.

Trump’s base of supporters does not exist to the haughty bitch, Navarro.

Margaret Hoover’s media and political jobs have been a function of her cute looks and John Avlon [CNN] Salary, Wife, Children, Height, Education
her family name (she’s the great-granddaughter of the 31st U.S. President). Hoover’s only other merit is that she’s not at all a bad interviewer on PBS’s “Firing Line.”

Appearing on CNN alone or with her Democrat sidekick, husband John Avlon, this progressive Republican has also been disgorging the same single line of “thought” for months, if not years:

“This ends not well for the GOP.  There will be a backlash for the GOP [for standing by Trump and his base and denying the election result.]” A backlash with who, Ms. Hoover? The intellectual and moral sink hole to which you and your friends belong? Funny thing: I thought a leader was supposed to listen to his constituents.

Avlon chimed in at the same time with this banality:

“Republicans should be moved by the national interest, not the party’s interests.” Like the Democrats, presumably.

Hoover at least did hint at the mammoth, not mere elephant, that’s in the room: that angry, 74-million strong base. So far, the Republicans are nervous about The Base. But for how long?

UPDATED (5/23/021):

Today, at CNN, Margaret Hoover mocked Andrew Giuliani’s sense of familial entitlement. Pot. Kettle, Black. Margaret’s main talent is that she’s great-granddaughter of Herbert Hoover, 31st U.S. President. While she’s a good interviewer, she’s banal at her job as opinionator.

The Urban-Rural Split: More Divided Today Than In 2016


“Decision Desk HQ, a data-provider,” courtesy of the Economist, suggests that the partisan divide between America’s cities and open spaces is greater than ever:

voters in the least urbanised counties voted for Mr Trump by a margin of 33 points, up from 32 points in 2016. (Specifically these are the bottom 20% of counties by population density. Counties which are more than 10% Hispanics, which shifted right for reasons unrelated to density, have been excluded.) Meanwhile, voters in the most urbanised counties—the top 20%—plumped for Mr Biden by 29 points, up from Hillary Clinton’s 25-point margin in 2016. More broadly, the greater the population density, the bigger the swing to the Democratic candidate (see chart). Even after controlling for other relevant demographic factors, such as the proportion of whites without college degrees or Hispanics in each county, the data suggest that urban and rural voters are more divided today than they were in 2016.

MORE in “American politics is even more split along urban-rural lines than it was four years ago.

After they destroy the cities, urban liberals often migrate to rural areas, where they proceed to transform the politics in their new abodes in a similar direction, not to mention spike property prices to render real estate beyond the reach of the native born.

It takes a special kind of stupid to leave, say, New York City for Idaho Falls, and, once there, work diligently to make Idaho Falls more like New York City.

How low an IQ  must you have to escape a place due to x, y, z, only to work to replicate x, y, z in your new home!

Even Tucker, commiserating with fleeing Californians, failed to mention that they pollute every other locality at which they arrive. Idaho, apparently, is getting so toxic that in 2019, Boise, Idaho’s Wayne Richey, a mayoral candidate, “ran on a very simple platform: Stop the California invasion.”


‘Woman on Fire: Passion, Liberty, and Reason’: Talking To Buck Johnson


My wide-ranging conversation with the fun and fierce Buck Johnson of the “Death To Tyrants” Podcast has been published:

Woman on Fire: Passion, Liberty, and Reason, with Ilana Mercer”:

My guest this week is the wonderful paleo-libertarian writer, thinker, and author, Ilana Mercer. Ilana is the author of several great books including “Into the Cannibals Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa”. She is here to discuss a multitude of topics with me ranging from: Paleo-libertariansism, Conservative Inc, mainstream libertarianism, her books, Donald Trump, and even some wonderful advice for my listeners. Many outlets are afraid to publish her work, including many libertarian and paleo-conservative outlets! This makes me love her even more, and as always, I welcome controversial guests who aren’t afraid to break from the mainstream and approved talking points. Ilana is a wonderful writer, a sweet person, and a great interview. I think you will enjoy this. Subscribe to Ilana’s Youtube here: Follow her and contact her on Twitter: Like her FB page here: Visit and connect with her here.

The “sweet person” designation, from one as kind-hearted and courageous as Buck: Those are the impressions one values most—just as when Erik Rush mentioned “good friend” before all else. Those personal touches that come from a place of care, kindness and appreciation are the things that mean the most in this impersonal world. A cliched sentiment, perhaps, but heartfelt.   

I never listen to myself. If I did, I would not give interviews. However, I recall this error made:

I likened the profit-motive structure in many a Deep Tech organization to that of a petro-state.

Billions flow, top down, from a Sheik-dominated org to his political fiefdoms. I erred in naming my example. I meant to point, as an example, to Microsoft’s Kin phone project (which was well-covered and critiqued in the financial press), and not the Kinect.

For the rest, do please send me any questions you have about the broadcast via the Comments Section to this blog post.

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TRUMP Erected ‘Bureaucratic Wall That Expels Every Unauthorised Immigrant On The Southern Border’


Unlike the American media, the British lefties are honest reporters. This is why the Economist’s litany of President Trump’s achievements, framed as failures, is most credible. Take it to the bank; it’s what Biden will attempt to reverse.

In “President Trump has had real achievements and a baleful effect,” the magazine writes:

… What is perhaps less appreciated is the degree to which it has succeeded. The “Muslim ban” issued in the first days of his presidency ran afoul of the courts and had to be reworked; the border wall Mr Trump promised has not been built, let alone paid for by Mexico. But eligibility criteria for asylum have been tightened, and asylum-seekers at the border must now wait in Mexico while decisions are made. “It may not be the physical wall that Trump initially touted, but there is now a bureaucratic wall that expels every unauthorised immigrant on the southern border,” says Sarah Pierce, an analyst at the Migration Policy Institute. In its revised form the Muslim ban remains in place, with little dissent.

Apprehensions at the border with Mexico have risen to their highest level in 12 years (see chart 1), and in 2019 there were 360,000 deportations. That was not a record—there were 432,000 in 2013—but it was more than there were in 2016, and the share of the deported who had no criminal records, 14% in 2016, had risen to 36%. The administration also increased the bureaucratic hurdles faced by those trying to immigrate legally. Applications for temporary visas and permanent-residency permits have both declined by 17% since 2016. The annual ceiling of refugee admissions has been slashed. The White House recently proposed just 15,000 admissions for 2021, compared with 85,000 admitted in 2016.

… Growth never quite reached the lustrous annual rate of 4% he promised, but it did do better than many had forecast, and his tax cut in 2017 turned out to be a well-timed fiscal stimulus. At the end of last year unemployment was at its lowest level for half a century. The wages of the less well paid were rising swiftly.

What was more, he had made good on other parts of his agenda. Trade deals he disliked had been abandoned or rewritten, tariffs had been slapped on countries accused of stealing jobs and immigration had fallen dramatically. He had appointed two conservative justices to the Supreme Court, a number which he has now brought up to three. …

…But on many issues he stood out as unorthodox, extreme or both—and in so doing captured voters’ imaginations in a way that his rivals did not. He pledged to deport all 11m undocumented immigrants in the country and build a wall on the border with Mexico. He derided the party’s foreign-policy and free-trade orthodoxies as failures, and held that trade deficits were purely a sign of weakness and poor negotiating—which, as the master of the deal, he could set right. He bashed Wall Street and was against making Social Security and Medicare, the pension and health-insurance programmes for the elderly, less generous. He mocked and disparaged not just his opponents, but also revered Republicans such as the late Senator John McCain (a “loser”).

…Mr Trump’s judicial appointments, too, were those that any other Republican might have made, given the chance. That he got that chance was thanks to Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, who held up the confirmation of a number of Barack Obama’s judicial nominations—most notably that of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court in March 2016. The resultant backlog allowed Mr Trump to follow the recommendations of the Federalist Society, a fraternity of conservative jurists, in appointing about 30% of the federal judiciary. Sandra Day O’Connor, Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy—the three justices whom it took Reagan two terms to put on the bench—shaped the court’s rulings for decades. It is likely that Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett will do so too. …

… On the signature issues which set the Trump campaign apart from the Republican establishment, the successes look more vulnerable to revocation. Take immigration. Xenophobia was the raison d’être for his campaign in 2016, which he launched with a speech warning that Mexico was sending rapists and drug-dealers across the border; later on, Mr Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”. His administration’s aggressive restriction of migration was therefore no surprise, even if the shock of seeing children alone in detention camps because of a policy of family separation caused an outcry

MORE: President Trump has had real achievements and a baleful effect.”