Category Archives: Media

Under Kamala’s Administration, ‘The Process Of Trump’ Will Continue Apace

Democrats, Donald Trump, Federalism, Journalism, libertarianism, Liberty, Media, Political Philosophy, Race, Racism, Secession

Under Kamala’s administration, we’ll have parallel countries and presidencies. The divisions will deepen. Donald Trump will continue holding rallies, undermining the Kamala Administration. Low-grade upheaval against the Deep State will continue apace, all good things.

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere [secession] is loosed upon the world,” to borrow from William Butler Yeats’ “The Second Coming” (1865-1939).

In this context, a must read is “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” the endorsement over whose pages is not necessarily for the policies of Trump, but for The Process of Trump.

Correctly, Richard Spencer reminds me that, “One Pope will [still] have access to the bureaucracy and the military. So it won’t quite be like the Great Schism of old.”

Paul Craig Roberts, over at the Unz Review, is certainly well-attuned to what’s underway. In “Evidence Mounts of a Stolen Election,” he writes:

“The media speaks with one voice. The print, TV, NPR, social media, and the anti-Trump Internet sites exercise censorship and control the explanations. We are experiencing a well- designed and successful coup against … red-state America.”

The Democrat Party is now in the hands of indoctrinated leftists who despise the working class and champion “oppressed minorities.” Immigration floodgates will be thrown open. Red states will be cut out of the federal budget. Gutsy Republicans such as Devin Nunes and Jim Jorden will be falsely investigated, and Trump will be falsely prosecuted. The rest of us will be silenced in one way or the other.

Media election coverage has certainly been defined by the gloating smirks of demented distaff and their domesticated male cohort.

In this context, one realizes just how deep the institutional rot runs when one watches the genius of CNN’s John King, “The Machine,” who, on his feet, provided a county-by-county election analysis, doing the math as the numbers came in. King was also respectful of President Trump (an archaic, bit of journalistic professionalism, for which he had to keep apologizing, obsequiously).

Why do the low IQ Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper occupy an anchor’s chair at CNN, when the network has John King, a veteran news man and analyst, who also had the good sense to divorce Dana Bash, one of CNN’s Democrat groupies, who is way too visible, given her limited journo talents and fast-deteriorating looks (to mirror the inside).

Here the couple is in worse times (namely, when King was still smitten, before he got some sense):

What else? In Seattle, the voters voted for more life à la Portland; surrounding white people’s residences, berating their “old, white asses,” and terrifying them. It’s hard not despise one’s neighbors in liberal states.

I can never let go of Virginia, beloved home of James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, on and on, going commie. The Associated Press had called Virginia for Sleepy Joe Biden. The state has 13 electoral votes.

Third-World Election (in a country aspiring to become a more virtuous “Shithole Country“).

Only the media and a few favored factions cleave to the race narrative.

What’s new among toddler, lite libertarians? A non-thinker calls himself a thinker.

If The Federalist, a pretty mainstream magazine, says “the steal is on” …

Ben-Shap squeaked:

Tucker Carlson delivered. Poor Bill Hemmer not so much.

UPDATE III (11/10): What About Deep Tech’s Infractions Will Change If We Vote Republican?

Business, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Law, Media, Outsourcing, Republicans, Technology

UPDATED (11/1): In their weak case against Deep Tech, conservatives are still defending only some speech on the “merits,” rather than all speech, no matter how meritless. Libertarians: Deep Tech is not private property. It really isn’t, okay?

Richard Spencer makes a good case for a “free-speech zone”: “Instead, by focusing on S230 of the Decency Act—by threatening Twitter that it will be treated like a publisher—Republicans are encouraging Twitter to act more like a publisher: fact checking relevant information, censoring bad opinions, etc.” AND: “Republicans care deeply about free speech when it comes to posting Hunter Biden dick pics—not so much when it involves speech that is anti-Zionist or ‘racist.'”

Or, when Candace Owens’ boilerplate speech is compromised.

UPDATED: OCTOBER 12, 2020: When President Trump talks, one can’t help but be impressed by his unbounded force, energy and excellent command of details, down to a Bill’s public law number. In this case, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act:

Bartiromo … asked Trump about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects social media companies from being legally liable for content on their networks published by users. Trump called it “a disgrace.”

Still, questioned he must be. Voters handed POTUS both legislative Chambers and the presidency for two years. Yet he and the GOP failed to strip Deep Tech of Section 230, …  which, to repeat, “protects social media companies from being legally liable for content on their networks published by users.”

(I use the Deep Tech coinage to better capture the power and reach of the high-tech monopolists in politics.)

What’ll change this time around, if we elect Republicans?

Moreover, small, independent entitles who suffer banning by social media (“MERCER DOMAINS BANNED BY DEEP TECH FACEBOOK“) cannot afford to sue conglomerates whose revenues are greater than “the GDP of four of the G20 nations.”

So what is the remedy for the powerless (check) who’ve been thrown off social media, for no good reason?

Speaking of one of the Five Big crooked Tech companies; Microsoft’s Bill Gates recently told Chris Wallace “that Trump’s travel ban may have worsened the coronavirus pandemic.”

Those who live a lie usually spout, at best, only half-truths. Trump’s travel ban after the unleashing of COVID was indeed worse than useless. Chinese were merely rerouted and their temperatures taken. But that’s because Mr. Gates “seeded the disease here,” by replacing American with Chinese workers and making these Chinese citizens who travel to-and-from Wuhan.

UPDATE II (11/9): Tucker Carlson Calling Out Deep Tech For Protecting Joe Biden

UPDATE III (11/10):

On Tucker Carlson, Allum Bokhari was very clear about the massive failure of the people we had sent to D.C. to prevent the Orwellian nightmare developing. On the line is dissidents’ ability to speak, publish, sell books, transact financially.

Trump Won: He Floated Like A Butterfly And Stung Like A Bee

Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Media, Populism, Race, Racism

The first presidential debate, Tuesday, was also the first bit of fun we’ve had in a while. A real hoot. While President Trump failed to float his theory about that “big injection” Biden’s handlers administer in the Democrat’s behind to prop and pep him up, as POTUS did during a recent rally—Mr. Trump provided plenty energy and entertainment.

“If you didn’t enjoy that debate, you are a soy-boy, beta cuck,” a fun fella tweeted out .

Don’t get all sanctimonious. When I wrote The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed, I stipulated that “we inhabit what broadcaster Mark Levin has termed a post-constitutional America, a post-constitutional jungle, where the law of the jungle prevails.

In the age of unconstitutional government, contended The Trump Revolution, the best liberty lovers can look to is “action and counteraction, force and counterforce in the service of liberty.” Until such time when the individual is king again, and a decentralized constitution that guarantees regional and individual autonomy has been restored—the process of creative destruction begun by Mr. Trump is likely the best Americans can hope for.

Things have worsened since then. Civilized debate was not to be had, the Trump agenda having long since been discredited by the smart set. What remains is to win by brute force. The best one can hope for in country riven by irreconcilable conflict and driven to distraction by Trump Derangement Syndrome is to win a debate and score a few laughs. Those the president delivered in spades.  He blattered Joe Biden and was funny in the process.

As predicted, the first presidential debate, Tuesday, September 29, was also the first bit of fun we’ve had for a long time. POTUS circulated Biden like Cassius Clay, aka Muhammad Ali: he floated like a butterfly and certainly stung like a bee. However, in Biden’s defense one must concede that the poor thing was not on the ropes. He held on for all he was worth.

Judging by the rabid frothing and foaming on CNN, Trump did indeed win the Tuesday debate. Anderson Cooper whinged to Republican Rick Santorum: “It’s not even funny. Are you proud of the president?? Santorum could not conceal a smirk: “He came out HOT.”

Van Jones: “Three things happened: The president refused to condemn White Supremacy. The president refused to condemn White Supremacy. The president refused to condemn White Supremacy. Gloria Borger, also of CNN, required sedation.?

What did I tell you? All the indicators of a successful evening for the president.

To top is all, Trump refused to call Gavin McInnes and his Proud Boys white supremacists. How stunningly good was that? Roared POTUS: “Proud Boys standback and standby. This is not a right-wing problem; it’s the Left. Somebody has to do something about Antifa.”

The Proud Boys are anti-Antifa street brawlers (although whites fighting back is racist by default).

“The Kids” came up again, a barometer of all things silly. Only a silly society goes by the tantrums of The Kids, who’re just aping their parents. But to our joy, they, the little perspicacious brats, brought CNN’s Dana Bash to tears. Yes, Donald Trump is bad for the nation’s well-indoctrinated kids, who perform on cue.

NEW COLUMN: How Con Inc. Sells Out Dissidents To The Southern Poverty Law Center

Conservatism, Ethics, Free Speech, Media, Republicans

NEW COLUMN IS “How Con Inc. Sells Out Dissidents To The Southern Poverty Law Center.” It is currently on WND and The Unz Review.

Grubbing it with the SPLC and those conservatives who slip between the sheets with these scammers is ill-making. But, three years on, and my hand was forced by this fracas on Twitter. There was no option.

My thanks to WND, The Unz Review, American Greatness, Cassandra Fairbanks, Patrick Howley, and those who man-up.


They’re unwilling to defend true dissidents, but Beltway lite libertarians and Con Inkers are forever genuflecting to privileged legacy journalists, who can afford to voluntarily leave their rich gigs in “protest” of cancel culture.

The Right hasn’t shut up about the New Yorker’s Andrew Sullivan, who is far less banal than the New York Times’ Bari Weiss. Both belong to the “nothing new, more of the same” neoconservative tradition. Her resignation antics are a storm in a C-cup; his “defiant” departure is the fussy equivalent (just for gay men).

For a more meaningful scandal, to the Right at least, consider the farce of a Conservative news and opinion organization (founded by a dragon slayer of a broadcaster), which has published lacerating pieces condemning America’s foremost hate group, yet has proceeded to purge writers, in compliance with the demands of said shakedown hate group.

American conservatism capitulating to America-haters? Negotiating with terrorists? Hypocrisy? Yes, yes, and yes.

Prone is the natural position of the Establishment Republican, Con Inker, neoconservative, whatever his latest opportunistic, political permutation may be.

The news site is the Daily Caller. The hate group is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The ransom demands issue from the illiterati of the SPLC, who regularly publish lists of—and hit pieces against—untouchable dissidents. They then proceed against us with all the vigor of a “a money grabbing slander machine,” to quote John Stossel, a veteran investigative journalist who has exposed this corrupt syndicate that lives off destroying people.

For his part, economist Thomas DiLorenzo has skillfully pried apart the revenue-rich, “racial racketeering” of the Southern Poverty Law Center, showing it to be nothing more than a “hate group hedge fund.”

Wrote the great leftist journalist Alexander Cockburn, in the New York Press, in 2007: “I’ve long regarded Morris Dees and his Southern Poverty Law Center as collectively one of the greatest frauds in American life. The reasons: a relentless fundraising machine devoted to terrifying mostly low-income contributors into unbolting ill-spared dollars year after year to an organization that now has an endowment of more than $100 million.”

An organization that shakes down paupers and pensioners to support its “ritualized forms of defamation.”

One would expect the Daily Caller, which has written against cancel culture and the Southern Poverty law Center, not to capitulate to such rot. But one would be wrong to expect principled positions from any Con Inc. org.

Opportunistic and prone are the only principles known to the D.C. media types. For they have no philosophy to speak of. Whatever political raiment he happens to be cloaked in—defeatism, hypocrisy and betrayal are the default positions of the D.C. “conservative” swamp dweller.

And so, July 7 saw Geoffrey Ingersoll, Daily Caller’s editor in chief, assume the supine position in a Twitter exchange, which ceded the terms of debate to the Democrats and their most diabolical proxies.

The Twitter entity before which Mr. Ingersoll was kneeling metaphorically in contrition was an account called “Sleeping Giants.” “They’re the worst,” attests Steve Bannon. They appear to be attached to a shakedown hub of cancel-culture activism. Illiteracy precludes any manifesto, but the constant nattering on a Twitter account has earned these cyberthugs a Wikipedia page.

To thrive, thugs need enablers. Enter Mr. Ingersoll.

First up on my Twitter feed, July 7, was a tweet from gutsy reporter Patrick Howley, founder of Big League Politics. …

…  READ ON. There’s lots of intrigue, unfortunately.

NEW COLUMN IS “How Con Inc. Sells Out Dissidents To The Southern Poverty Law Center.” It is currently on WND and The Unz Review.