Category Archives: Media

The Sage Of Fox News

Celebrity, Media, Neoconservatism, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, Republicans

Bret Baier is keeping the flame alive for Chucky Krauthammer, who’s been ill (and should make every liberty lover ill). Everything about Chucky is “brilliant,” don’t you know? Even his baseball commentary is on the “graduate-school” level. The immoral, unconstitutional wars the neoconservative Chucky has supported and continues to indiscriminately cheer: simply sublime, too. Genius.

Bret Baier is baring his Chiclets nonstop.

As is clear from the thread on Twitter, Fox News dittoheads seem as devoted and devoid of critical faculties as Bret.

More: “The Curse of Chucky Krauthammer

Moron Media Celebrate Insignificant Change of Guard In South African

Africa, Democracy, Free Speech, Media, South-Africa

A game of musical chairs is underway in South Africa, but the American moron media is interpreting an insignificant change of the guard to mean that the new Strong Man, former union thug Cyril Ramaphosa, will save what’s now an African state, verging on failure.

It appears, moreover, that Twitter is on a purge. Under the hashtag Cyril Ramaphosa none can be found, at least as far as I can see, from users with a modicum of understanding of the African National Congress (ANC), as the entrenched head of the dominant-party state of South Africa.

It’s the ANC “FOREVA.”

Speaking of a Twitter purge: Individuals with Orwellian titles like “director of the free expression project” are advising Twitter on who to purge. These dreadful enemies of liberty are earning big-time approval from the Anti-Defamation League, another disgraceful enemy of civilization.

UPDATED (6/28/018): Another Of Judge Napolitano’s Un-Libertarian Brainstorms

Constitution, English, Government, IMMIGRATION, libertarianism, Media, The State

I have a dossier on the guy. I’m talking about “Judge Andrew Napolitano, [who] Is [absolutely] NOT A Rightist Libertarian.” Ann Coulter has also lost her legendary patience with this TV personality posing as a legal scholar. Ms. Coulter had the good sense to demolish Napolitano’s ridiculous 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

Today Napolitano declared Vladimir Putin to be “the most dangerous man on the planet,” to all inhabitants, on all continents, practically.

A couple of months back, I made a note of another of Judge Napolitano’s un-libertarian infractions. As is his wont, Napolitano was empaneled on the Bret Baier show. “The Panel” was vaporizing about Tom Price, the Health and Human Services Secretary, who used chartered flights for government business, and subsequently resigned.

The usual banalities were exchanged, when Napolitano decided to show his “originality.” The Judge ventured that he didn’t much care that Price splashed out at the expense of the taxpayer, if this got Mr. Price to his destination quickly. After all, “argued” Napolitano, we want our government to be efficient. We want them to do things in a timely manner. No delays on the way. (If readers can locate the link, I’d be most grateful.)

No we don’t!

A libertarian wants the exact opposite.

Knowing how government “works”; knowing that practically everything a government official does is harmful, we libertarians want the state to be thwarted at every turn. If Tom Price needs to get from destination A to destination B to sign some giveaway bill, I want him traveling via … camel or walking. Unless it is repealing rights-infringing legislation, I want to see inertia and inaction in government.

What makes this libertarian happy is to be told that President Trump has not filled many a position in his administration. And when, likewise, The Economist saddles Dr. Carlson (in its latest issue) with the same “sin.”

As for the Judge’s “WTF If” columns, you know, the ones in which every sentence (x 50) begins with, “What if government was …  What if government was … “: More than of his atrocious writing style, this writing is an indictment of the syndicator’s piss-poor editor.

AP Dossier:

Julie Borowski’s Wrong: Judge Andrew Napolitano Is NO Rightist Libertarian

Andrew Napolitano: Some Libertarian

Ann Coulter Offers A Corrective To Judge Andrew Napolitano

Judge Napolitano’s Left-Libertarian Confusion

Fighting Words From Left-Libertarian Egalitarians

Napolitano-Koch Connection? (Sixth Sense)

The Neoconservative & Left-Libertarian Positions: Liberty Is Universal

14th Amendment Jurisprudence For Dummies

UPDATE (6/28/2018):

Judge Napolitano, to repeat, is a left-libertarian. Always said so. Above are my many blogs about his leftist exploits. In his latest column, Napolitano is essentially arguing that if X trespasses into your home, you can’t, in natural law, remove him. Crap. Not to conflate natural law with positive law, but I hazard that were you to research this bit of Napolitano legalism, you’d find he’s hiding/finessing certain aspects of due-process jurisprudence.

Discussion on Facebook.