Category Archives: Media

Revolving Door Between Cable Media And DC Duopoly

America, Critique, Democrats, Ethics, Iran, Media, Morality, Republicans

The revolving door between cable media, neoliberal (CNN) or neocon (Fox), and the D.C. duopoly is sickening. Whether practiced by the Left or the Right; this revolving door between politics and the media is indisputably a moral, if not a legal, conflict of interest.

Fox News has hired warmonger Mike Pompeo. The skirts from the Trump administration, ideologically insignificant all, are on the Fox payroll. Corrupt—neither is the content smart: all day long it’s “the poor Uyghurs, invade Iran.”

Naturally, examples abound on the other side.

CNN Self-Aggrandizing Mediocrity, Brooke Baldwin, Steps Down

Celebrity, Ethics, Etiquette, Feminism, Gender, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Propaganda

Brooke Baldwin, you will never be, as you boast here, “innovative, creative, or [an agent for] change.” Never.

To deploy the idiom of the Bell Curve distribution, Brooke seems to me to be the Mode, the most common value in a set, her opinions and range of ideas falling comfortably with the most frequently occurring among her tribe.

Baldwin is an ego in an anchor’s chair. She has shown herself over the years to be indistinguishable from the condescending, arrogant cretins with whom she has worked. Now she has an announcement so important that she tells all. After all, she is not merely a cog in the CNN org …

If you doubt what I say, here is the Barely-A-Blog Brooke Baldwin dossier of dastardly positions and poses, such as when the “humorless CNN anchor berated Border Patrol for joking with sainted, separated kids.”

NEW ON YouTube: DEEP TECH’S Economic Terrorism

Capitalism, Economy, Individual Rights, Internet, libertarianism, Liberty, Media, Natural Law, Paleolibertarianism, Politics, Technology

“… I touch on financial deplatforming, which certainly verges on violating the natural right of individuals to make a living. …

… Telling people they can’t open a bank account teeters on informing your victims they might not be able to make a living, despite the fact that they are innocent; their only offense being a thought crime, namely typing or wafting words into the air.

How do you make a living if you can’t bank, or contact your clients electronically? Do you go back to a barter economy (a book for some bread)? Do you go underground? Cultivate home-based industries? Do you keep afloat by word of mouth? Go door-to-door? Go back to stamping envelopes? How can you when your client base is purely electronic? …”


A Cuck is Born: Nancy Mace, Making A Name As A ‘Single Mom,’ Doing Fake News Rounds Bashing MAGA

Conservatism, Democrats, Ethics, Feminism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Republicans, The South

A Cuck is Born: Nancy Mace, Republican representative from South Carolina, is CNN’s favorite young GOPer, bad mouthing MAGA folks (to Don Lemon, of all people) at every turn, making hay over … well, it’s not the pillaging and killings courtesy of Black Lives Matter.

There’s nothing worse than a liberal southerner (with coarse skin).

And today, miss congeniality was on Fox News with the forgiving host Martha MacCallum, where she attempted to redeem herself as a “constitutional conservative.”

“I have spoken out strongly against the president and my own colleagues … we have a Constitution as our guide. The vote to certify the Electoral College is in our Constitution,” she said of the political battle that precipitated the riot. “That was a ceremonial vote to certify all 50 states that were legally certified.”

My case against Mace and her ilk: You don’t see the Left rush forward to be SEEN condemning the looters and killers of the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet you always find the most reprehensible among Republicans—goody two-shoes, teacher’s-pet types—who rush forward to denounce a rag-tag of renegades who already have no chance in hell of receiving due process of law.

Besides, a middle-class woman who can’t shut-up about being a a single mother has adopted the language of the Left for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. Mace’s bio mentions that “she is the mom of two children aged 11 and 13.”

So, give it up, please for the man who made the Mace kids. He is her ex-husband, Curtis Jackson, whom Nancy Mace divorced in 2019.

A single mother is a term the Left adopted to glorify “families” which were fatherless from the inception. Mace is a divorced woman (or womin).