Category Archives: Multiculturalism

Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables

IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Political Economy, Political Philosophy, Populism

The NEW COLUMN, “Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables,” exposes populism-bashing elites like Kevin D. Williamson, formerly of National Review, who said this about about Deplorables: “The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die”:

An excerpt:

To say that academic elites don’t like ordinary folks is to state the obvious.

To them, Lanford, Illinois—the fictional, archetypal, working-class town, made famous by Roseanne and Dan Conner—is not to be listened to, but tamed.

A well-functioning democracy depends on it.

Taming Fishtown—Charles Murray’s version of Landford—is the thread that seems to run through  a new book, “The People vs. Democracy,” by one Yascha Mounk.

You guessed it. Mr. Mounk is not an American from the prairies; he’s a German academic, ensconced at Harvard, and sitting in judgment of American and European populism.

If only he were capable of advancing a decent argument.

“The number of countries that can plausibly be described as democracies is shrinking,” laments Mounk (“Populism and the Elites,” The Economist, March 17, 2018):

“Strongmen are in power in several countries that once looked as if they were democratizing … The United States—the engine room of democratization for most of the post-war period—has a president who taunted his opponent with chants of ‘lock her up’ and refused to say if he would accept the result of the election if it went against him.”

Elites ensconced in the academy are likely selected into these mummified institutions for a certain kind of ignorance about political theory or philosophy.

Plainly put, a chant, “lock her up,” is speech, nothing more. This Trump-rally chant might be impolite and impolitic, but on the facts, it’s not evidence of a “strongman.”

Notice how, deconstructed, nearly every utterance emitted by the technocratic and academic elites turns out to be empty assertion?

Even the subtitle of the book under discussion is sloppy political theory: “Why Our Freedom is in Danger and How to Save It” implies that democracy is the be-all and end-all of liberty. Quite the opposite.

America’s Constitution-makers did everything in their power (except, sadly, heed the Anti-Federalists) to thwart a dispensation wherein everything is up for grabs by government, in the name of the people. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “Trashing Populism: Dim-Bulb Academic Vs. Deplorables.” It’s available also on,, the Unz Review, and others.

UPDATE III (4/27): Land Confiscation? Fuhgeddaboudit! More Myth-Making About South Africa. This Time From The Economist

Africa, Crime, Individual Rights, Media, Multiculturalism, Private Property, Propaganda, Socialism, South-Africa

Here they go again. The know-nothing, groupie media.

South Africa’s President, Cyril Ramaphosa, has only just announced he’ll proceed apace with land confiscation. But no sooner than a new South African tyrant shows his true colors, than old idiots show theirs. The Economist ignores—or is unprepared to wrestle with the meaning of—the despicable promise made by the new president. Instead, they get down to the business of perpetuating the myth of a multicultural, peaceful country bequeathed by Saint Mandela, and subverted by one man alone: Jacob Zuma.

But the reality is that, “In Africa, You Oust A Tyrant, Not Tyranny”:

The seductive narrative about the ANC’s new boss, Cyril Ramaphosa, gets this much right: There is nothing new about the meaningless game of musical chairs enacted throughout Africa like clockwork. The Big Man is overthrown or demoted; another Alpha Male jockeys his way into his predecessor’s position and asserts his primacy over the people and their property.

The delusions via The Economist:

Mr Ramaphosa steps into the presidency he will be able to tap a deep well of goodwill that he earned in his previous careers, as a trade unionist and then as a businessman. In less than two months since Mr Ramaphosa became head of the party, South Africa’s currency rose to its strongest level against the dollar in almost three years. The prospect of his presidency has already inspired some of the optimism that greeted that of Nelson Mandela, who was elected president in 1994 and who had wanted Mr Ramaphosa to be his successor.

After Mr Ramaphosa lost out to Thabo Mbeki, who was elected president in 1999, he told friends he would not be outfoxed again. His record as a negotiator, leading the ANC side in talks to end apartheid, had already marked him as patient and prudent, and he put both attributes to use in his long struggle to supplant Mr Zuma. Optimistic South Africans speculate that he may pick up Mandela’s mantle.

UPDATE I (3/12):

Right to self-defense?

Right to life?

And the carnage continues:

Socialism is the default position of the evil and the envious. And thus of most of humanity. Socialism is a secondary issue in South-African politics. It’s dumb to reduce race hatred etched on thousands of mutilated bodies to … Stalinism:

Joel Pollak:

Complete convergence of liberalism & conservatism on South Africa:

Handing over commercial farms to subsistence “farmers”:


It was on the cards. Always:

Didn’t have to “predict” land theft. The ANC was candid. They promised it.

UPDATE II (3/26):

Peter Dutton:

And always, RIP:

UPDATE III (4/5-018): Crime beloved country.

UPDATE IV (4/27): Ramaphosa is off to England, where his Highness will get the royal treatment.

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Nancy Pelosi Genuinely Overflows With Hatred For White America. It’s No Act, Or Love Of Cheap Labor

Democrats, Labor, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Race, Racism, Republicans

Botox-brain Nancy Pelosi celebrated her grand kid for wishing he were brown, black, anything but white. Did Republicans respond, as they should’ve, with non-stop mention of Pelosi’s hatred of whites? Did the GOP do the right thing morally and strategically?

Hell no. Hate on honky all you like, if it’s up to Republicans.

Laura Ingraham (not worth watching) whimpered only that Pelois was playing racial politics, or something milquetoast and mild and neutral. Pathetic.

Naturally, treason is not a concept establishment conservatives (except for Tucker Carlson) would conjure for the eight-hour performance by House Minority Leader Pelosi on the floor, all for Dreamers (non-citizen, illegal immigrants). Punching is for Winners, which is what Democrats will be when voters realize winning is on the wane.

Then there is the tired assertion or mantra repeated ad nauseum by conservatives: money. It’s money that makes Democrats like Pelosi and other “social-justice” interests betray their American constituents.

It’s not. Mere money is not the main motivator for dotty fools like Nancy Pelosi, who genuinely overflows with hatred for white America. If only conservatives quit reducing everything to labor costs.


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UPDATED (4/6/018): Israel’s African Migrants Are Nicer Than Ours. Do Harsh Policies Breed A Meeker, Nicer Migrant?

China, IMMIGRATION, Israel, Judaism & Jews, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism

Israel seems to have a better class of illegal African migrant, soon to be deported, than America’s. On the news I heard a few of them speak fluent Hebrew. Hebrew is no easy language to learn. You have to be committed to your new destination to teach yourself this tough language. Impressive.

On the other hand, America’s Third World immigrants, for whom the welcome mat is always unfurled, seldom learn the language well.  They also behave arrogantly, demandingly and in a way that makes normal folks hate them, not sympathize with their plight.

My theory: Setting standards for citizenship, being tough on law and order and making it brutal for interlopers to remain in your country uninvited creates a more dedicated, genial and patriotic immigrant. Someone who wants to please, to belong.

These signs are grammatical and well-written (image courtesy the Times of Israel):

The sign below warns against littering. On our Washington-State trails, we beg the masses of migrants traipsing through to “please smile” and “share the trail with others, critters too.” We dare not lay down our rules.

Americans are liberal pussies; they beg trespassers to look upon them kindly. Israeli authorities appear to tell trespassers how to behave, unless they want to be tossed out.

Courtesy of VOANews.

African migrants wait in line for the opening of the Population and Immigration Authority office in Bnei Brak, Israel, Feb. 4, 2018.

The Chinese also value their homeland …

UPDATED (4/6/018): Importing monstrous norms and values:

Mother Hanane Mouhib Cut Off Her 7-Year-Old Son’s Head With A Kitchen Knife, Police Say.” In New York.

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