Category Archives: Nationhood

Joan Of Arc Or Thaïs d’Escufon Of Generation Identitaire

Europe, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Nationalism, Nationhood, Racism, The State

Joan Of Arc or Thaïs d’Escufon: If men of the West are being demonized and emasculated, then good women must step in to fight The State instead.

This young lady, so natural-looking compared to the typical American or Canadian, selfie-obsessed, painted Foxette, is fit to be the new bust of Marianne.

Here is an interview with Thaïs d’Escufon from Generation Identitaire, who belongs to an “anti-immigration lobby which seeks to defend French and European identity, facing mass immigration, Islamisation, and its consequences: sexual harassment, insecurity, anti-white racism etc.”

UPDATED (5/7/021): Prager University’s Propositional-Nation Creed

America, Conservatism, Culture, Europe, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Neoconservatism, Political Philosophy, Republicans

“Race and ethnicity have defined every nation on earth, except one: The United States of America. It is defined by values.”—PragerU

Prager U, here, articulates the propositional-nation perspective, propounded by the neoconservatives and neoliberals. It is a false creed.

So how is the US doing as a nation united by “values” upon which nobody can agree? As well as a Walmart with missiles can do. We shop and we war, with others and among ourselves.

Notice the Schadenfreude tinged with a sense of American superiority with respect to the Europeans.

To her credit, France has no institutionalized multiculturalism. Integrating individuals, not communities, is how the French have approached their émigré population. They say their republican values proscribe affirmative action. But since America’s republican values haven’t hindered racist quotas here, says our neoconservative troika, the French should get with The Program.


Oh, by the way, which “nation” has held onto its historic monuments, America or the “cheese-eating surrender monkeys”?

President Emmanuel Macron evinced the resolve the Anglo-American surrender monkeys are too feeble to feel, much less display:
Said Macron, “The [French] republic will not erase any trace, or any name, from its history … it will not take down any statue.”
Bravo, Monsieur Macron.


UPDATES (5/7/021):

Charlie Kirk swear allegiance to propositionalism.


Poland Pushing Back Against Deep State Digital Oligarchy (And A Caveat)

Europe, Free Speech, Individual Rights, Nationalism, Nationhood, Natural Law, Republicans, Technology

How pathetic is it that, outside of our country, leaders are doing more to defend their citizen’s free speech than anyone in the USA, including the Republicans, who did nothing when they had the chance.—Michelle Malkin

I am envious that the Polish government, as opposed to the American regime, including the just-departed administration, appears to be looking to force the American “Deep Tech” companies to respect the freedom of speech of its citizens. In Poland, social media will be unable to take cover behind, “Your speech violates our community standards” ploy, deployed by the tech oligarchy stateside.

However, if the Polish government simply replaces Deep Tech’s speech politburos with their own—this won’t necessarily be a triumph for speech unpoliced. What must be emphasized is a return to unfettered speech (however abhorrent) for all.

Caveat notwithstanding, Poland is streaks ahead of America.

Meanwhile, and much like Wikipedia, the repulsive “Twitter’s ‘Birdwatch’ feature embraces its self-appointed thought police, giving citizen censors stamp of approval.”

And below, fighting words from Michelle Malkin and guest Matthew Tyrmand. Bravo.

IMPORTANT READ: “Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley.”


NEW COLUMN: Is Israel Racist? A Reply To An Anti-Semitic Writer (Part 2)

America, Ethics, Israel, Justice, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Nationhood, Political Philosophy, Racism, The West

NEW COLUMN: “Is Israel Racist? A Reply To An Anti-Semitic Writer (Part 2),” also “Exclusivity is Not Racism,” on American Greatness, in which it becomes obvious that Israel is not structurally racist—and that “Jews are to be faulted only to the extent that they deny to other nations the rights they claim for the Jewish ethno-state. …

…there is a strong case to be made—based not on ethnic hate—against any Jew, left or right, who rejects the ‘Right of Return’ to Israel proper of every self-styled Palestinian refugee, yet, at the same time, champions a global right of return to the U.S. for citizens of the world. …

… Oblivious to the logical and moral contradictions inherent in their special pleading—some Jews work toward rightist political prescriptions for Israelis; but leftist prescriptions for Americans.

These Jews insist that Israel is for the Jews, but America is for the World.

Any Jew who practices this ethical contradiction must be condemned, for promoting for England, America and Europe the national incoherence and multicultural morass he rejects for Israel.

The new column is on, WND, and the Unz Review , and American Greatness.

Dedicated to my father, Rabbi Ben Isaacson, son of South Africa, who passed away on December 7, 2020, in his beloved South Africa.

READ Part 1: An Anti-Semite Asks & Is Answered: Is Israel Racist? (Part 1)