Category Archives: Political Correctness

Those State-Manufactured Millennials

Education, Liberty, Political Correctness, Propaganda, The State

Comedian Chris Rock avoids doing his routine in front of Millennial audiences—although he dissembles by identifying them as excessively “conservative,” when in fact he means to say Millennials are politically correct to a fault.

I’ve long said that of the segment of readers who’ve contacted me over the years—and with a few wonderful exceptions—the Millennials are the most ignorant, arrogant, politically correct, mindless, monolithic and brainwashed cohort. In their suitability to conformity, Millennials are probably the first state-manufactured generation; a product of government indoctrination K-12 and beyond. From Kindergarten through 12th Grade, on to tertiary and graduate schools, they’re groomed as obedient left-liberals bereft of a funny bone in their bodies, much less an original thought.

Millennials have acquired an education but are profoundly uneducated: they don’t know history, literature, great music, etc. And they seem to think that piercing their noses and bellybuttons and preaching global warming is tantamount to individualism, when in fact they run with the herd.

As readers of this space, Millennials don’t linger for long.

Likewise, Robby Soave at finds “Rock’s remarks about why he no longer performs at college campuses most illuminating”:

What do you make of the attempt to bar Bill Maher from speaking at Berkeley for his riff on Muslims?

Well, I love Bill, but I stopped playing colleges, and the reason is because they’re way too conservative.

In their political views?

Not in their political views — not like they’re voting Republican — but in their social views and their willingness not to offend anybody. Kids raised on a culture of “We’re not going to keep score in the game because we don’t want anybody to lose.” Or just ignoring race to a fault. You can’t say “the black kid over there.” No, it’s “the guy with the red shoes.” You can’t even be offensive on your way to being inoffensive.

When did you start to notice this?

About eight years ago. Probably a couple of tours ago. It was just like, This is not as much fun as it used to be. I remember talking to George Carlin before he died and him saying the exact same thing.

Provocative comedians avoiding the college scene?


Tyranny Strives For Uniformity: The Onslaught Against Steve Hofmeyr

Free Speech, Media, Natural Law, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, South-Africa

South African media (even more illiberal than America’s) have almost nothing positive to say about Steve Hofmeyr, an immensely popular singer, songwriter, actor and Afrikaner activist. (In the new multicultural South Africa, Afrikaner identity is tantamount to a “racist” identity, naturally.) For speaking out of turn, the forces of tyranny have converged on Hofmeyr with the intent to silence him, and worse. Note the sovietized nomenclature used to bring one man to heel and to induce conformity: Hofmeyr is said to go against “nation-building,” to be “extremely abnormal,” to express a “startling sentiment.”


A fellow named Brad Cibane, in training at the American Ivy League (which, increasingly, does not stand for true intellectual excellence) to excel as Conformity Enforcer in South Africa, illustrates his terrifying notion of allowable speech. Deploying somewhat specious distinctions such as the “vertical right to free speech vs. horizontal right to free speech”— Cibane does, however, make a valid point with respect to Hofmeyr’s court injunction against a clown called Conrad Koch. Both have a natural right to speak out of turn. Nevertheless, I do understand Hofmeyr wanting to use all arrows in his quiver because the deck—the state included—is stacked against him and his cause.

The libertarian imperative here is to deal with the meta-issues, leaving out the substance of the offending words: They are irrelevant. As this column has explained, policing what people say for political propriety is not a dance in which libertarians should partake—it is “a dance adopted by the political establishment to cow contrarians into submission. By going on the defensive—allowing themselves to be drawn into these exchanges—libertarians are, inadvertently, conceding that speech should be policed for propriety, and that those who violate standards set by the PC set are somehow defective on those grounds alone, and deserve to be purged from “polite” company.”

UPDATED: FBI: The Face of Treason

Government, Justice, Law, libertarianism, Natural Law, Political Correctness, Terrorism, The State

FBI Director James Comey believes that “unless [his] passport is revoked,” an American citizen who holds an American passport and who has fought for ISIS—maybe even decapitated a dhimmi or two—“is entitled to come back” to the US.

Comey was discussing American exported fighters for ISIS on “60 Minutes.” This traitor to the people who pay for his keep promised to “track them very carefully.”

That makes me feel much better. How about you?

Judge Andrew Napolitano’s retort, on “The Kelly File,” was to praise this FBI director’s mettle, in general, while disputing the legal grounds for Comey’s odd position:

“He forgot there’s a statute called providing material assistance to a terrorist organization,” Napolitano said of Comey. “So if he knows that Americans have been fighting with ISIS and he also knows that the secretary of state has declared ISIS a terrorist organization, that is more than enough evidence for him to arrest them upon their re-entry to the U.S. It is crazy to let them back in and wait and see what they do.”

“Is this treason,” Kelly wanted to know. She was referring, of course, to the returning ISIS terrorists, and their position vis-a-vis the US.

What about the clear-cut case of Comey?

UPDATE: “Lite libertarians” or “thin libertarians” live in la-la land and don’t much care about the rights to property and life of innocent friends, family and neighbors. Let me make this simple: Individuals who want to behead Americans: yes, the nightwatchman state has a case of limiting their access to heads. To limit their access to American heads is not aggression. To say, “No, you creep, you can’t come in,” is not aggression. OK, leave “creep” off if it offends left-libertarians.

Mirth From Maher, For A Change

Islam, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness

In the left’s peanut gallery, comedian Bill Maher is considered a philosopher-king. The host of HBO’s “Real Time” seldom tickles my funny bone, because he’s both … politically predictable and PC. But this week, Maher killed it:

BILL MAHER: “President Obama keeps insisting that ISIS is not Islamic. Well, maybe they don’t practice the Muslim faith the same way he does. But if vast numbers of Muslims across the world believe, and they do, that humans deserve to die for merely holding a different idea or drawing a cartoon or writing a book or eloping with the wrong person, not only does the Muslim world have something in common with ISIS, it has too much in common with ISIS.”


Maher, for heaven’s sake, is a comedian. Scholar of religion Reza Aslan makes a fair point or two against Maher’s generalizations, although Aslan would be too PC himself to openly discuss, say, the monstrous morals that permit so many Hindus to practice “fetal sex selection.”


In case you’re unfamiliar with his political “thought,” Maher is the intellectual pigmy who once told TV Talker Joe Scarborough he wanted Bush impeached—but not for anything meaningful, such as, say, prosecuting an illegal and unjust war (all of which Bush did). Rather, Maher argued quite seriously that impeachment proceedings ought to be initiated on no other grounds than that, on 9/11, after Bush had been told by Andrew Card that America had been attacked, he sat put for seven minutes at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School. Maher’s motivation for impeachment was as frivolous as the impetus for Bill Clinton’s.