Category Archives: Political Philosophy

‘Woman on Fire: Passion, Liberty, and Reason’: Talking To Buck Johnson

Ilana Mercer, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Paleoconservatism, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Reason, Republicans, Technology

My wide-ranging conversation with the fun and fierce Buck Johnson of the “Death To Tyrants” Podcast has been published:

Woman on Fire: Passion, Liberty, and Reason, with Ilana Mercer”:

My guest this week is the wonderful paleo-libertarian writer, thinker, and author, Ilana Mercer. Ilana is the author of several great books including “Into the Cannibals Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa”. She is here to discuss a multitude of topics with me ranging from: Paleo-libertariansism, Conservative Inc, mainstream libertarianism, her books, Donald Trump, and even some wonderful advice for my listeners. Many outlets are afraid to publish her work, including many libertarian and paleo-conservative outlets! This makes me love her even more, and as always, I welcome controversial guests who aren’t afraid to break from the mainstream and approved talking points. Ilana is a wonderful writer, a sweet person, and a great interview. I think you will enjoy this. Subscribe to Ilana’s Youtube here: Follow her and contact her on Twitter: Like her FB page here: Visit and connect with her here.

The “sweet person” designation, from one as kind-hearted and courageous as Buck: Those are the impressions one values most—just as when Erik Rush mentioned “good friend” before all else. Those personal touches that come from a place of care, kindness and appreciation are the things that mean the most in this impersonal world. A cliched sentiment, perhaps, but heartfelt.   

I never listen to myself. If I did, I would not give interviews. However, I recall this error made:

I likened the profit-motive structure in many a Deep Tech organization to that of a petro-state.

Billions flow, top down, from a Sheik-dominated org to his political fiefdoms. I erred in naming my example. I meant to point, as an example, to Microsoft’s Kin phone project (which was well-covered and critiqued in the financial press), and not the Kinect.

For the rest, do please send me any questions you have about the broadcast via the Comments Section to this blog post.

Connect with me:

UPDATED (11/23): NEW ON YOUTUBE: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency

Argument, Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Free Speech, Ilana Mercer, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Politics, Populism, Republicans, Secession

NEW ON YOUTUBE: Dissident Donald’s Parallel Presidency:

Here is my positive, anti-politics message about the 2020 elections:

“Trump is just now getting into Beast Mode. Dissident Donald will be rising now for real. The presidency was Donald J. Trump dabbling at Establishment respectability. From now on, he’ll be running a populist movement, perhaps a new party—after all, he owns the Republican Party. ”

Subscribe to the channel here.


An unkind cut leveled against me has been that my YouTube comments are a love fest of rotating, unchanging visitors.

Yes, it’s a great deal of fun when YouTube ALLOWS ME ONLY what the left calls female-objectifying comments. YouTube’s  “sensitive content-blocking,” “shadow-banning and follower-throttling” means I can’t post these comments which I have approved:

Under Kamala’s Administration, ‘The Process Of Trump’ Will Continue Apace

Democrats, Donald Trump, Federalism, Journalism, libertarianism, Liberty, Media, Political Philosophy, Race, Racism, Secession

Under Kamala’s administration, we’ll have parallel countries and presidencies. The divisions will deepen. Donald Trump will continue holding rallies, undermining the Kamala Administration. Low-grade upheaval against the Deep State will continue apace, all good things.

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere [secession] is loosed upon the world,” to borrow from William Butler Yeats’ “The Second Coming” (1865-1939).

In this context, a must read is “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed,” the endorsement over whose pages is not necessarily for the policies of Trump, but for The Process of Trump.

Correctly, Richard Spencer reminds me that, “One Pope will [still] have access to the bureaucracy and the military. So it won’t quite be like the Great Schism of old.”

Paul Craig Roberts, over at the Unz Review, is certainly well-attuned to what’s underway. In “Evidence Mounts of a Stolen Election,” he writes:

“The media speaks with one voice. The print, TV, NPR, social media, and the anti-Trump Internet sites exercise censorship and control the explanations. We are experiencing a well- designed and successful coup against … red-state America.”

The Democrat Party is now in the hands of indoctrinated leftists who despise the working class and champion “oppressed minorities.” Immigration floodgates will be thrown open. Red states will be cut out of the federal budget. Gutsy Republicans such as Devin Nunes and Jim Jorden will be falsely investigated, and Trump will be falsely prosecuted. The rest of us will be silenced in one way or the other.

Media election coverage has certainly been defined by the gloating smirks of demented distaff and their domesticated male cohort.

In this context, one realizes just how deep the institutional rot runs when one watches the genius of CNN’s John King, “The Machine,” who, on his feet, provided a county-by-county election analysis, doing the math as the numbers came in. King was also respectful of President Trump (an archaic, bit of journalistic professionalism, for which he had to keep apologizing, obsequiously).

Why do the low IQ Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper occupy an anchor’s chair at CNN, when the network has John King, a veteran news man and analyst, who also had the good sense to divorce Dana Bash, one of CNN’s Democrat groupies, who is way too visible, given her limited journo talents and fast-deteriorating looks (to mirror the inside).

Here the couple is in worse times (namely, when King was still smitten, before he got some sense):

What else? In Seattle, the voters voted for more life à la Portland; surrounding white people’s residences, berating their “old, white asses,” and terrifying them. It’s hard not despise one’s neighbors in liberal states.

I can never let go of Virginia, beloved home of James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, on and on, going commie. The Associated Press had called Virginia for Sleepy Joe Biden. The state has 13 electoral votes.

Third-World Election (in a country aspiring to become a more virtuous “Shithole Country“).

Only the media and a few favored factions cleave to the race narrative.

What’s new among toddler, lite libertarians? A non-thinker calls himself a thinker.

If The Federalist, a pretty mainstream magazine, says “the steal is on” …

Ben-Shap squeaked:

Tucker Carlson delivered. Poor Bill Hemmer not so much.

Racism Is A Thought Crime. Thought Crimes Are The Prerogative Of A Free People

Argument, Crime, Ilana Mercer, Justice, Law, Political Philosophy, Racism

This is the 2nd in the YouTube version of my series deconstructing the political construct that is “racism.”

In it, I ask and answer the question, “Was the cop’s knee on George Floyd’s neck ‘racism’? ”

READ the column.

Watch the 1st in the YouTube series:

Or, read it: “Systemic Racism Or Systemic Rubbish?

And forgive the hair tics. Talking to a camera is not my favorite thing to do.