Category Archives: Populism

Winner (Chris Buskirk) Vs. Whiner (Matt Labash): MAGA Still Blatters The Establishment

Argument, Democracy, Donald Trump, Nationalism, Populism, Republicans, THE ELITES, The Establishment

The debate: “Is Trumpism toxic? Has the right gone wrong? Or was Trump its last chance? A debate between two Spectator writers“:

The loser, Matt Labash, a Never Trumpkin, launches with a lament, and is careful to flaunt his weird, regular-stiff credentials. Sir, you protest too much.

… Not to beat a dead horse, but in early January the President of the United States led an insurrection against his own government — with his droogs storming the Capitol, seeking to hang his vice president — which saw five people killed. …

… Driving a 16-year-old Honda. Getting paid in beef jerky by the editors of this magazine for our little exchange (did you get teriyaki-flavor, by the way?). Shopping at Walmart because there are few places elites like me can push a cart in our pajama bottoms with our ass tattoos hanging out without raising eyebrows.

Chris Buskirk for MAGA: “I sense [Trump] is not your cup of covfefe. …”

Read the debate between winner (Chris Buskirk) and whiner (Matt Labash), in which MAGA, in its righteousness, still blatters the insider establishmentarian.

Manufacturing Was Outsourced And The Working-Class Decimated, All For Cheap Goods And … Corona

COVID-19, Drug War, Economy, Labor, libertarianism, Outsourcing, Populism, Race, Welfare

Denial of white decline is to be found on the Left and Right–and certainly in the reporting of Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.

Likely following in the popular footsteps of the annoying J.D. Vance of Hillbilly Elegy fame—Kristof returns to his hometown, Yamhill, Ore., to find, I wager, exactly what he expected to find, or else he’d never have embarked on this “journey” (he follows the news and the money):

Dying white people (hush).

the kids who were on my old school bus, Bus No. 6,” recounts Kristof … “About a quarter of the kids on the No. 6 Bus have died from drugs, alcohol and suicide

Come on, Nicholas, say it: Whites. (“American White Male Misery Is Real.”)

He also won’t own up to the part his ideological ilk played in the demise of the American working class.

The exchange the likes of Kristof have plumped for: Outsourcing America’s manufacturing base, thus consigning the working class to social oblivion, all in exchange for the wonders of cheap shit and … Corona Virus.

I recall how I was mocked in 2003 for decrying outsourcing, and promoting localism while libertarian, namely daring to question (not sanction) the sacred allocation of resources by business.

MORE: “Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn shine a light on sweeping economic and social struggles across the United States in an important new book.”

NEW: A Positive, Anti-Politics Message To 74 Million Patriots

America, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Federalism, IMMIGRATION, Paleolibertarianism, Politics, Populism, Republicans, Secession

“Republicans and Democrats have tinkered with the country’s composition and character long enough to account for Biden’s America.”—ilana mercer

BUT politics isn’t life …

That’s my short, positive, Thanksgiving message to 74 million patriots on WND, Unz Review and Newsroom For American And European Based Citizens:

Look, you might just have to accept that the Tipping Point has arrived. That the abysmal Biden campaign worked because it targeted a coalition of weepy white women—including those with the Y Chromosome—and the rest of tribalized America.

Joe and Kamala won the un-American, anti-American vote, which is now a majority. Republicans and Democrats have tinkered with the country’s composition and character long enough to account for Biden’s America. You know it.

Happy Thanksgiving to 74 million patriots.
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