Category Archives: Republicans

For A Fleeting Moment, Warbots On All Networks Were All Turned On


Warbots on all the cable networks were turned on, when America had bombed someone in Syria. From Fox News to CNN to MSNBC—it was all just dandy. As usual, no serious questions were asked.

According to a US official quoted by AFP and Axios, al-Qurayshi blew himself up with a suicide vest during the US raid. The blast killed him and members of his family, including women and children, the source said.

The US president’s announcement came a few hours after the Pentagon confirmed its midnight “counterterrorism operation,” which targeted a house in Atmeh. Local residents told AP that multiple helicopters were involved, and explosions and machine gun fire could be heard.

Syrian media has reported that 13 people, including six children, were killed, and that the number of victims is expected to increase since some people remain under the debris following the raid. However, there has been no word of any civilian casualties in either Biden’s or the US military’s statements.

Democrats are crashing like never before. Could they have wagged the dog? Never. It’s not like American governments have ever externalized their domestic problems, meddled in affairs not their own, murdered and waged wars for naught.

And, if and when they do, it’s always “for the children, the children; for our values, our values; for democracy, democracy.” The Sheeple stateside all know these mantras and echo them without thought.

After all, we’re the good guys. And if good guys kill and maim and wage wars — why then, those causes are just. WRONG. And by the way, reasoning backwards is an error (if B then A is wrong in logic). , we say Besides, killing is sexy. Must be awful to be an Arab or even a Russian living in Russia—knowing you could get wasted or invaded on an American whim. (Hence Putin’s resolve to not let that happen.)

According to a US official quoted by AFP and Axios, al-Qurayshi blew himself up with a suicide vest during the US raid. The blast killed him and members of his family, including women and children, the source said.

The US president’s announcement came a few hours after the Pentagon confirmed its midnight “counterterrorism operation,” which targeted a house in Atmeh. Local residents told AP that multiple helicopters were involved, and explosions and machine gun fire could be heard.

Syrian media has reported that 13 people, including six children, were killed, and that the number of victims is expected to increase since some people remain under the debris following the raid. However, there has been no word of any civilian casualties in either Biden’s or the US military’s statements.


Beware The Values Cudgel

What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets

Truman Would Have Agreed With Trump On The CIA In Syria

Lies About Putin, Syria & The Alawite Alliance

Iraq Liars And Deniers: We Knew Then What We Know Now

UPDATED (2/7/022): GoFundMe Threatens To Defraud Canadian TruckersForFreedom And Steal From Them


F-ck your promise of an inquiry (“we have questions“), Rep. Jim Jordan. When an alleged perpetrator–-GoFundMe-–operating across stateliness, is caught red-handed with private property stolen, you don’t plan on convening a congressional committee—always mere theatrics—to “question” him; you dispatch or coordinate the appropriate authorities to stop a crime in progress, liberate the funds stolen, apprehend the perps and bring them in for questioning.

The infraction under discussion is, as mentioned, courtesy of GoFundMe, which had originally promised to “withhold millions of dollars raised for Canadian truckers protesting against vaccine mandates, citing police reports of violence. The Freedom Convoy has been rallying since last weekend, and more protests are expected in Toronto and Ottawa.”

Why the use of the terms theft and fraud? Why, it ought to be obvious: The GoFundMe fucks were 1. threatening theft of private property. 2. Perpetrating fraud by initially promising donors to act as a trust-worthy fiduciary and then violating that promise.

Fraud can be a federal crime. And there’s something audaciously both criminal and lawless about an organization operating across state lines, entrusted with donations—that’s GoFundMe’s mission statement—appropriating these funds publicly.

Most Republicans see their main occupation as waiting in Fox News’ Green Room. I have to finally concede, though, that unique among them is Governor Ron De Santis. He truly gets it. De Santis is a man who’s seriously attempting to govern in accordance with first principles, and is acutely aware of the systemic rights violations against the kind of Deplorables who support him.

He tweets:

It is a fraud for Go-Fund Me to commandeer $9M in donations sent to support truckers and give it to causes of their own choosing. I will work with AG Ashley Moody to investigate these deceptive practices — these donors should be given a refund.

Go-Fund Me Thieves won’t be fucking with De Santis.

Oh, and Maybe multi-billionaire Elon Musk will do more than tweet? He got rich off an industry wholly subsidized by taxpayers, the Commie Car racket. Would that he’d  show some noblesse obligé to his working-class benefactors.


NEW From Ottawa: Canada’s Truckers Are Sheer Unmasked Goodness

Will Justine Ape Pappy Trudeau, And Use The Military Against Canadian Truckers?

“Tucker And The Trucker: Condescending About Canada; Wrong About American South”

Dispatch From Ottawa, Canada: ‘FUCK YOU, TRUDEAU’

UPDATED (2/7/022):   THEFT’S THE THEME: Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson orders his goons to STEAL the private property of Truckers For Freedom. Shameful armed police officers and firefighters have STOLEN so far 3,200 litres of fuel from peaceful heroes struggling to keep from freezing in arctic temps. READ.

UPDATE II (2/3/022): Will Justine Ape Pappy Trudeau, And Use The Military Against Canadian Truckers?


Q: “How far would you go …? [Would you] reduce civil liberties?”
Pierre Trudeau: “Just watch me”

I don’t expect any edified reference to history from our plodder, mainstream moron media. But it can hardly escape those of us who’re familiar with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s gleeful invocation of the War Measures Act, in Quebec, that Justine, his weak, simpleton, low-intelligence son, might repeat his father’s feat, this time against the Truckers Freedom Convoy, now stationed in Ottawa.  Justine has always wanted to best his father, who, although an arrogant bastard, was never plain stupid like the son.

On Oct. 13, 1970, Prime Minister Trudeau “[called] in army tanks and men in full gear… his aim was to boost national security. But the military’s presence made some Canadians feel a whole lot less secure.”

Eight days earlier, a Quebec separatist group, the FLQ (Front de libération du Québec), had kidnapped British Trade Commissioner James Cross and Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte.

“What is it with all these men and guns around here?” CBC reporter Tim Ralfe had asked Trudeau, amid a crowd of journalists waiting for him outside Parliament, in raw CBC footage showing Trudeau’s discussion with reporters that day.

Back in the good old days, the national Canadian broadcaster, CBC, was aware of civil and constitutional liberties. Today, the CBC would be cheering Justine.

UPDATE: There you have it. Protest is only for the groups that the retarded Trudeau named, of of which Black Lives Matter is one. Go home, predominantly white Truckers, or else Justine, like his dad, will sic the military on you.

UPDATE II (2/3/022):Military will not be sent to deal with protesters, Canadian govt says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has dismissed suggestions to use the armed forces to disperse demonstrators.

TRUTH: Ukrainian Lobbying Is To Blame For Overheated Atmosphere; Not Biden


Breitbart: “After Destroying America’s Economy Biden Now Destroying Foreign Economies.

That bit of Breitbart reporting attests to the fact that conservatives would rather score political points against the opposition, Joe Biden, in the tit-for-tat manner that typifies our impoverished political discourse, than TELL THE TRUTH.

THE TRUTH: Ukrainians are tireless and wily lobbyists in Washington and way more cunning than their American counterparts. Like lobbyists for wars in the Middle East; they play Americans for the fools they are. Biden is not responsible for the overheated atmosphere in Ukraine, the one Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky now wishes he could dial back; Ukrainian activists and politicians have brought us this far. Ukrainians energetically lobby the EU, too.

ONE-SIDED NONSENSE via Breitbart: After Destroying America’s Economy Biden Now Destroying Foreign Economies.” This idiotic advocacy from Breitbart is as sub-intelligent as anything that CNN emits. Ukraine agitated for foreign intervention. It almost got it. Now the corrupt enterprise that is Ukraine is regretting the exercise. Biden has actually said, “There is not going to be any American forces moving into Ukraine.

MORE. AND HERE & “Ukraine’s Relentless Lobbyists Take to Congress: How a few Washington firms are seeking to put the U.S. on collision course with Russia.”

Except the Ukrainian lobbyists beat the Russian lobbyists, since America has settled into propagandized hatred of Russia.