NEW COLUMN, “A Whiteout Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room,” is on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, and American Greatness.
… unlike Critical Race Theory, Marxism offers a class-based analysis—it fingers social class as the primary source of conflict in society.
Critical Race Theory, conversely, focuses exclusively on race as the source of all oppression. Not on any race, mind you, but on the white race, or on “white supremacy.”
Honest demons that they are, Critical Race Theory sophisticates generally reject the term racism in favor of “white supremacy as a conceptual framework for understanding race-based oppression,” as Charles W. Mills, a CRT “scholar,” readily concedes.
It is conservatives who cling to the comfortable “racism” generality to describe the thrust of Critical Race Theory. They’re the only dazed and confused sorts to bewail CRT’s un-American, diffuse, generic racism. (The folks at Prager U, for example.)
Strictly speaking, Critical Race Theory is not even traditionally racist; it’s exclusively anti-white. It is pro all races other than white.
Unlike their feeble conservative adversaries, critical race theorists admit as much. These odious individuals use “white supremacy” to describe white existence. Irrespective of lives well-lived, to the critical race critters, whites are on the wrong side of creation.
As opposed to Marxists, then, critical race theorists identify race, the white race specifically, as the “primary contradiction in society.”
It’s Dhimmitude, Dummy
Socialism is most certainly not central in the BLM list of values; socialism hardly rates a mention in the larger scheme of priming whites for dhimmitude—reeducating, intimidating and subjugating whites qua whites.
That truth, very plainly, is the albino elephant in the room.
Critical Race Theory’s central project is to make whites accept dhimmitude, not socialism. (If the practitioners of anti-whiteness, who already practice capitalism as consumers and producers in a market economy, were converted to theoretical capitalism—would their anti-whiteness dissipate? Naturally not.)…
… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “A Whiteout Of Whites: Ignoring The Albino, Dhimmi Elephant In The Room,” is on WND.COM, The Unz Review,, and American Greatness.
UPDATED (5/29):
“Thank God for Ilana Mercer, one of the only clear-thinking intellectuals that really understands the point of Critical Race Theory.”
“Ignoring the Albino, Dhimmi Elephant in the Room”: Critical race theory’s central project is to make whites accept subservience, not #socialism
Thank God for ?@IlanaMercer?, one of the only clear-thinking intellectuals that really understands the point of Critical Race Theory.
“Ignoring the Albino, Dhimmi Elephant in the Room”
— Couldn't B. Righter (@CouldntBRighter) May 30, 2021