Category Archives: The West

NEW (UPDATED 3/25/025): SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto

Anti-Semitism, GAZA, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Judaism & Jews, Middle East, Military, Palestinians, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, The West, War

The IDF’s ‘Aktion’ in northern Gaza resembles nothing short of the ‘liquidation’ of the ghettos of East Europe ~ilana

1/5/025: Speech restrictions stateside in the form of the Antisemitism Awareness Act mirror the worst of British and western Europe’s anti-speech tribunals. Tabled by a Republican and a Democrat and passed by the Upper Chamber, S. 4127 would embed Israeli agitprop throughout American education. For posterity.

Aside being in violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Antisemitism Awareness Act would utterly enervate discourse in our country, and would actually criminalize tracts like my last:

SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto

12/29/024: Emanations from the collective that is the Israeli mind continue to be as septic as an open sewer. The Church of Satan, IDF, sets up a spa-like facility on the northern coast of Gaza, stolen land. Breakfast, BBQ, mani-pedi and massages are on offer to the killing squads in the killing fields of Gaza.

There’s a lounge for treats, Belgian waffles and pretzels, there are also popcorn and cotton candy machines, as well as a barber and a pedicurist for the fighters.

Surrounded by synthetic grass, and the putrefying bodies of murdered Palestinians.

12/17/024: Yet even the solidarity camp has to keep intoning that Jews oppose the vampiric Zionists. Not quite.  

According to a 2024 Pew Research survey, which misleadingly labels the genocide in Gaza a “military operation,” “Opinion about Israel’s current military operation against Hamas,” reveal that, “Jewish Americans… are quite divided on this question:

28% say Israel’s military operation is going too far.
24% say it has not gone far enough.
32% say it is taking the right approach.
13% are unsure.

The Manhattan Institute polls Jews about a variety of anodyne issues, and buries this tidbit deep down:

“Across all of American Jewry, support for Israel is strong, consistent, and bipartisan (83% of Democratic Jews, 86% of Independents, and 94% of Republicans)”

A disgrace.

“A new ‘non-partisan’ survey by the Jewish Electorate Institute (JEI) released [before the election] shows very high levels of Jewish voters backing Kamala Harris and Democrats in the 2024 elections.”

Kamala Harris had never repudiated Genocide-Joe’s genocide, and had promised to continue doing what was in Israel’s interests. It is fair to deduce then, that genocide was not an overriding issue for Democrat-supporting Jews.

12/11/024: Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians.

So I compare. Read. You’ll learn some history:

Newest round-ups for death marches toward the south, the Sinai desert:

NEW COLUMN IS “SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto.” It was, on November 27, a main feature on The Unz Review. It was also featured on antiwar, anti-empire And on the Mises Institute’s Power & Market.

You can read “SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto,” now at


Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. So here goes:

The northern part of the Gaza Ghetto is being “liquidated” (as remarked on October 31).  Israel’s methodology there is that of the Nazi death squads, who were said to have “liquidated” the ghettos of Eastern Europe before transporting their involuntarily confined Jewish occupants to the extermination camps, in cattle cars.

Going up against ghettoized civilians were the soldiers of the Nazi Party, the SS, the toughest in the Wehrmacht. Like the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the SS presided over a Kafkaesque apparatus of propaganda, intelligence, police and military bureaucracies.

Plainly put, the purpose of liquidation was deportation to the death camps for extermination. Israel, of course, has further streamlined and industrialized mass eviction and murder by collapsing liquidation and extermination into one. Duly, the IDF is currently attempting to shoo about 400,000 broken and starving human beings in the Strip’s northern most section toward a “safe zone,” the narrow midsection that is the Netzarim Corridor.

The IDF’s “safe zones” bafflegab is reminiscent of the upbeat postcards which deported Jews were urged to mail to their associates: From these condemned Jews, the Nazis, clever and coldhearted, had coerced messages of good cheer: reassuring postcards to folks back home from those who were never coming home. Don’t worry. We’re safe. We’re being ‘resettled’ in a wonderful place. (“Dear wife, I am healthy and I work as a tailor…”)

Since the Palestinians know all too well what is meant by “safe zones”; they are mostly standing their ground. Consequently, the SS IDF is slowly exterminating the residents of northern Gaza in-situ.

As the field monitors of Euro-Med Monitor reported, in the waning days of October, 2024, “Israel is systematically and extensively working to drive out the Palestinian population and forcibly displace them from their residential areas in the northern Gaza Strip.” To that end, they are “using massacres, mass killings, bombings of hospitals and shelters, and the destruction of [the little that remains of the] basic necessities of life.” ……

… Grossaktion Gaza is how the Nazis would have dubbed the SS IDF’s actions.

Aktion or Grossaktion is the term the Nazis used for their assorted ghetto-liquidation operations. Grossaktion Warsaw was the Nazi code name for the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto—again, deportation for the purpose of extermination.

The IDF’s Grossaktion Gaza resembles nothing short of the “liquidation” of the ghettos, as detailed by the National WWII Museum (carpeting your victims with bombs is Israel’s contribution to the annals of genocide):

“The liquidation of ghettos involved rounding up all Jewish inhabitants, shooting any resisters, deporting Jews to killing centers, and the physical destruction of the ghetto. Blanka Rothschild describes her memory of the liquidation of the Lodz Ghetto: ‘[When] came our time, we had to be taken out. The entire population of our [building] was walked to the place where the cattle cars were, and we were loaded. It was a horrible thing because people had to stand. There was no place to sit or squat. If somebody was sick or even dying, he died on his feet standing up. It was just unbearable.’ While some were able to escape or were transferred to forced labor camps, the vast majority of Jews who lived in ghettos in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe perished either from horrid conditions or mass deportations to extermination centers.”

Images are everywhere in Gaza, the north especially, of large groups of naked Palestinian men sitting amid the ruins. CNN had finally deigned to report and depict, on October 30, men old, frail and infirm, wilting out on Gaza’s ruined streets. These images had been uploaded by Satan’s army on earth, by the IDF itself. The separation of the men from the women on arrival: This, too, was a feature of the Nazi death camps. Stripping was the lot of all the condemned. …

…These days, Gaza looks worse than the Polish Kutno Ghetto of yesteryear, for example, depicted in Hugo Jaeger’s photography, curated by Time & Life. On the one hand are the heartbreaking images of the Polish shantytown, its many makeshift shelters, and its hopeless inmates amid the collapsing ruins. On the other are the nylon tents that have come to typify Gaza, set against a Hiroshima-like hellscape, from which all signs of collective Palestinian life have been erased. The similarities are too conspicuous to ignore. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto,” was, on November 27, a main feature on The Unz Review. It was also featured on antiwar, anti-empire, and on the Mises Institute’s Power & Market.

You can read “SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto,” now at

UPDATE VII (7/25): Essay On Israel’s Performative Contradictions+NEWS: Ethnocide In The West Bank

Anti-Semitism, Argument, Crime, Ethics, Foreign Policy, GAZA, Individual Rights, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Justice, libertarianism, Logic, Middle East, Military, Morality, Natural Law, Political Philosophy, Terrorism, The West

THE NEW ESSAY appeared on and The Unz Review, where it was the main feature, as well as at my home on The New American.  And on Power & Market at the Mises Institute, July 4.

You can now read Defending Gaza (II): Israel Engaged In The Mother Of All Performative Contradictions: Denying Genocide, While Committing Genocide, Effectively Asserting A Right To Genocideon

This new essay is Part II, and follows on, “Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism,” June 9, 2024

The essay was variously titled:

Defending Gaza (II): “‘Synagogue of Satan’ Denies Genocide While Committing Genocide, Effectively Asserting A Right To Genocide

Defending Gaza (II): “Israel Engaged In The Mother Of All Performative Contradictions: Denying Genocide, While Committing Genocide

Defending Gaza (II): “Israel Indicted, Palestinians Validated In Fact, Law & Hoppean Argumentation”

Explained in Part II, first, using Hoppean Argumentation, is why Israel is engaged in the mother of all performative contradictions: denying genocide, while committing genocide, all the while demanding the right to genocide. These tactics amount to ISRAEL, EFFECTIVELY, CLAIMING AUTHORITY TO COMMIT GENOCIDE.

Next, lest I be accused of arguing in circles, the concept of genocide is reasonably qualified and clarified. In particular, with reference to Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. ISRAEL HAS ACED THE GENOCIDE BAR! I explained why the positive law’s definition of the systematic, methodical annihilation of a people is inoffensive to the natural-law libertarian.

The reason I then, and in most of my essays on Gaza, insist on CHRONICLING A DAY IN THE LIFE of Gaza is this: We owe it to the holocaust survivors and their families, and to the historical record, which is vulnerable to the revisionism of Zionists. However insurmountable, and to bear witness to genocide, as we must—Gaza’s dead must be counted, recited and commemorated.

Showing how Israel CO-OPTS HUMAN-RIGHTS LAWhow Israelis cloak their murderous rampages on civilians in the raiment of human-rights nomenclature is essential. Of course, no matter who has committed a crime in my neighborhood or in its vicinity; Washington State has no right to turn me out of my home, which is mine, which I own. The state certainly has no right to pulverize my home because its agents believe outlaws hide in the neighborhood.

On to ISRAEL’S LAW OF RULE IN THE WEST BANK. Did you know that,A combined ‘effort’ between IDF- and security force soldiers and settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is responsible for pogroms in which over 528 Palestinians have been murdered since October 7, among whom were 126 children“? We ought to know this.

Finally, PALESTINIANS VALIDATED VIA ARGUMENTATION: The Hoppean principle applied in this essay’s opening is used in the coda to to validate the Palestinians’ reality, as they have been telling it to a mostly unbelieving universe (myself included) over decades.

The Hoppean proposition deployed to trace the contours of Israel’s reality is this: Israel can’t deny it is engaged in genocide as it enacts genocide. Since it does, it must be seen as performing a lie for which it deserves the contempt reserved for those who are mired in and embody lies and contradictions.

Using the same meta-principle, Israel’s televised genocide has corroborated the reality of the Palestinians—their reasons for resentment and resistance—as they’ve been telling it to the world.  Excerpt from the coda:

…Palestinians under Israel are perhaps the most imperiled people in the world. If the proponents of Israel’s genocide in Gaza were to deny this; they’d be living a lie. To expose the liar’s life of lies; the denier of the Palestinian reality ought to be compelled to live his own lie. How would our holocaust denier be forced into performing or living his lie?

Like this: The denier of the Palestinian holocaust would have to be parachuted into the midst of the living ghosts of Gaza. He would be filmed as he lives the life of a Palestinian, running hither and yon as the tanks advance on him, or ducking-and-diving during bombardments from above, as if one can escape the death radius of a 2000- or 500 pound, American-made bomb.

The denier of the Palestinian holocaust would be recorded scratching for scraps, lugging jerricans of brackish, contaminated drinking water back to his nylon dwelling, clambering over kilometers of decaying structures, through ruins and twisted metal. Our camera’s viewfinder will find the denier queuing with thousands to use a single functioning toilet, plumbing having been pulverized by the Israelis. He or she would be taped up-close in the throes of dysentery, sepsis, and starvation; intubated or cannulated or amputated or C-sectioned without narcotics, writhing on a hospital floor as slippery as an abattoir, listening to the incessant whirring above of Israel’s killer-cum-spy drones.

QED. Points proven.

…THE REST was on, The Unz Review & The New American. And Power & Market at the Mises Institute, July 4.

READ IT now on

The new essay, “Defending Gaza (II): Israel Engaged In The Mother Of All Performative Contradictions: Denying Genocide, While Committing Genocide, Effectively Asserting A Right To Genocide,” is Part II.  It follows on, “Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism,” June 9, 2024

The links are legion throughout; the logic unassailable.

UPDATE VIII (7/26): Ethnocide In The West Bank. If the West Bank is increasingly looking like Gaza, it’s because it and its people are being evicted and murdered, too. The great Peter Oborne (Unscripted), on “How Israel devastated refugee camps in the West Bank since 7 October.

UPDATE VII (7/24): War Criminal In Congress. Patriot Scott Ritter, who has been fighting for his country for a lifetime: “I’d have tackled the SOB Bibi for launching a frontal assault on our people & on what makes America great: the Constitution, the 1st Amendment.” May the colluding quislings of Congress, bought and paid for by War Criminals, rot. WATCH.

UPDATE VI (July 23): LAVROV: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a UN Security Council Open Debate on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, New York, July 17, 2024:

… Israel is waging jointly with its American allies …. Over the past 10 months or 300 days, nearly 40,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed and 90,000 wounded. The majority of them are children and women. This is twice as many as the number of civilian victims on both sides of the conflict in southeastern Ukraine over the past 10 years. The number of civilian victims [in Gaza] over the past 10 months is twice as large as the number of civilian victims in Ukraine over the past 10 years since the state coup in February 2014. According to the Independent International Commission of Inquiry that examines violations of international human rights law, Palestinians aged below 18 make up approximately half of Gaza’s population. It means that they were born and grew up in conditions of a total blockade. Apart from the current escalation of violence, they have seen other Israeli military operations, namely Summer Rains and Autumn Clouds in 2006, Hot Winter and Cast Lead in 2008-2009, Pillar of Defence in 2012, Protective Edge in 2014, and Guardian of the Walls in 2021.
Gaza is in ruins today. Residential buildings, schools and hospitals have been turned into rubble, and the critical civilian infrastructure facilities have been knocked out of service. There is an epidemic of infectious diseases and mass hunger there. It is a real humanitarian disaster. There is no safe and reliable access to the victims and those in need amid the ongoing hostilities.

UPDATE V (7/23). BUSTED: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) Issues Momentous Advisory Ruling AGAINST Israel’s Occupation, including how these rulings must be operationalized:

“Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.”

Summary of the Advisory Opinion of 19 July 2024 is here.

Israel, moreover, is bound by this decision by virtue of being “party to several legal instruments containing human rights obligations, including the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 21 December 1965 (CERD), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 16 December 1966 (the ‘ICESCR’) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 19 December 1966 (the ‘ICCPR’).”

Some analysis is at Al Jazeera. I found Lamis Deek’s interview with George Galloway most excellent and compelling. WATCH.

(7/23/024): Palestinian beauty BELLA HADID has held strong against the genocidal forces of evil. Boycot Adidas, which caved to the Zionist lobby, which is responsible for throttling, banning, libeling and maligning all protest, written or enacted, against Israel’s genocide of Gazans.

UPDATE I: Funny tidbit regarding my essay on The Unz Review. I can’t post it on Twatter, or X, for you. The phrase used in the title, that of Jesus not mine, is considered hate speech on X. The X algorithm doesn’t discriminate between the naughty words of the putative Son Of God and those of other mortals. Banned.

UPDATE II (7/6): Categorically true. A philosopher, via Mondoweiss: “… if someone, after the horrific punishment meted out by Israel on Gaza, could still defend Israel, then this manifests a serious moral character flaw. … If you support Israel in the middle of a genocide, you’re an awful person.”

UPDATE III (7/8): IDF war criminals are trying to shed culpability. The English 972 article is milder, so I translate from the Hebrew version of the magazine, whose URL cannot be transposed here as it is in Hebrew: ‘We fired without discrimination. Often just for fun. We burned down homes. Every male between 16 and 50 was considered a terrorist, fair game. The bodies we bulldozed into ditches, so as to reduce visibility to service providers.’

UPDATE IV (7/10): The august British medical journal, The Lancet,
has awoken to its obligation to Truth:

In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2,375,259, this would translate to 7-9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip. A report from Feb 7, 2024, at the time when the direct death toll was 28,000, estimated that without a ceasefire there would be between 58,260 deaths (without an epidemic or escalation) and 85,750 deaths (if both occurred) by Aug 6, 2024.


ONLY-FOLLOWING-ORDERS DEFENSE. I’ve heard friendlies, righteous commentators, express sadness over the fact that IDF soldiers will invariably suffer from years of assorted Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders. Not so fast. With every Tik Tok upload, the IDF have proven themselves murderous and without morals. By the numbers. Here is the latest exemplar of the “most moral military in the world”:

No shortage of shameless IDF. The Nuremberg defense is invalid: “I was only following orders. I had been brainwashed.”

ESSAY (June 9): Update II (6/25): Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism

America, Conservatism, Ethics, Foreign Policy, GAZA, History, Individual Rights, Iraq, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Judaism & Jews, libertarianism, Logic, Middle East, Morality, Natural Law, Paleoconservatism, Paleolibertarianism, Political Economy, Political Philosophy, Republicans, Sex, The State, The West, War

Let us not commit the Sin of Abstraction—the sin of escaping into theory, and in so doing, avoiding reality—the reality of Israel’s real sins, real crimes, the crime of all crimes ~ilana

LATEST ESSAY is “Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism.” You an read it on, The Unz Review, The New American and Power & Market at

Now on


… the Electronic Intifada’s director, Ali Abunimah, gets to the quick of the human experience, and I paraphrase:

If you did nothing and said nothing during the genocide of the Gazans, we know exactly what you would have done during the genocide of the Jews.

Nothing. …

Historically, Mr. Abunimah’s aphorism tracks with the manner in which most of conservatism’s celebrity pundits had comported themselves during the ramp-up to the war on Iraq, for that war’s duration, and with how most have been conducting themselves in the course of Israel’s unimpeded genocide against Gazans (the Ghazzawi?).

Kelly Conservatives (Bonus Material & Background)

I am not here speaking of unserious conservatives, like podcaster Megyn Kelly, for example, who deserves mention if only because, dear reader, you deserve some levity and laughter occasionally.

If nothing else, it is amusing to hear the Kelly vanity production call out America’s campus kids, selfless souls protesting a holocaust, for being unattractive, ugly. To an empty vessel, there is nothing worse than forgetting your facial fillers and falsies.

Myself, I think that Mohammad Khatami, a software engineer arrested at the sit-in at Google’s office in New York, is beatifically beautiful. Techie Ray Westrick, arrested in California, also in protest of Project Nimbus—some kind of killer-Cloud-AI collaboration with IsraHell—is supermodel lovely. (Roll the tape or scroll down this text to look.)

Still on the topic of the Kelly conservatives who missionize for mass-murder: I have to wonder who’s truly ugly deep down, Megyn?

How about the pampered LA Zionist thugs who took metal rods to the sculls of peaceful encampment protesters? How about those doing their evil utmost to logistically hamper “humanitarian aid deliveries at scale” to Gaza? How about the sated Jewish settlers and their doughy offspring, fat families, instructing their larded young on how to help starve other human beings? How about the observant IDF soldier, tooting, during a telephone interview, his religious platoon’s acts of murder and torture in Gaza, all in fluid, contempt-dripping, American-accented English?

Bombastic without and barren within: The IDF collective might wear fatigues, but it does nothing to camouflage its libertine, licentious, sexually depraved, pornographic culture.

The culture comes from the top:

His flesh softer than sin, Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim, the head of the military rabbinate of the Israel Defense Forces, had indicated, in 2016, that “as part of maintaining fitness for the army and the soldiers’ morale during fighting, it is permitted to …satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will… .” News of the rabbinical rape-injunction came courtesy of Israel’s

Similarly, before it discovered that the “Goyim” were repulsed—the “Most Moral Army in the World” had been operating an “exclusive-content” “channel to share the gruesome killing of Palestinians.” This IDF-run public war-porn channel, out of Israel, served up content in which murder was sauced-up or overlaid by sex talk.

Such patterns of arousal—the commingling of serial killing and sex—are associated with psychopathy. The psychopathic fusion of lust and murder appears endemic among IDF soldiers. The channel, which catered to Israeli audiences, was called “72 Virgins – Uncensored.” How cruel. The revelation comes via Ha’aretz, an august Israeli news source.

National-Interest Pragmatism

Back to the point:  To the extent they oppose the genocide in Gaza; conservatives, some with enormous populist and political sway, have confined themselves to disinterested mumblings about the national interest: Gaza is of no national interest to the United States of America. Bye-bye. Off to distract the masses with prattle about the wokerati. …

… THE REST OF PART I of Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-Law Principles Vs. National-Interest Statism” is now on, The Unz Review and The New American and Power & Market at

Now on


UPDATE I (6/10): The Beauty of Gazans:

“Where are you going, my dear,” a tiny, determined Ghazzawi child is asked. She is striding along purposefully, holding her dad’s hand. She is very busy. No time to dawdle: Stray cats are starving.

Juxtapose this precious child with this poisonous cabal: Settlers, in collaboration with IDF soldiers, reports ABC’s Matt Gutman, blocking with boulders the aid trucks from reaching Gaza’s starving.

Update II (6/25): “Synagogue of Satan” did this: Starve the children: Middle East Eye, one of my favorite news sources, reports: “… caused by the ongoing Israeli siege blocking the delivery of basic life-saving food and medical items.”

Read: MEE, Electronic Intifada, Al Jazeera, Democracy Now, Mondoweiss for real news.

GAZA CITY IS GONE: Yes, Ha’aretz; Americans See It. The World Sees It.

Criminal Injustice, Ethics, GAZA, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Just War, Middle East, Terrorism, The West, War

An Israeli op-ed scribbler asks readers to ponder the heft of an ‘insight,’ in plain sight, at which he alone has arrived ~ilana

Anshel Pfeffer, at a Ha’aretz—a national Israeli newspaper—appears to have stumbled upon a scoop.  Or, so he thinks.

“Somehow,” writes Pfeffer (on Nov 15, 2023 6:58 pm IST), “despite all the eyes of the world being on Gaza, this has … been missed.”

What is it that Pfeffer’s gimlet eye alone has spied? What is this big thing that we dull dolts of America and the World have missed? A truly Homeric “D’oh!” is here in order.

Wide swaths of the city [Gaza] and its surroundings have already been destroyed, and it’s only a matter of weeks before the largest Palestinian city is rendered totally uninhabitable. … The IDF now sits on top of a mound of ruins that was once Gaza City. … Cities have been destroyed before, in the Middle East and across the world, in both ancient and recent history. But when this happens, it is a seismic event for nations…

An Israeli op-ed scribbler tells readers to ponder the heft of an ‘insight’—it’s in plain sight—at which he alone has arrived! Have you ever such solipsistic, self-important pomposity?

“We may be very near the point where there are more Israeli soldiers in Gaza City than Gazans, and the issue of trying to avoid more civilian casualties will no longer exist because all those who can will have left,” writes this obtuse individual.

Since Anshel believes he alone has stumbled on the ruins of Gaza City, circa November 2023; he wonders: “What will it mean to the world when it sees what happened?”

Gaza City is gone. And yes, Ha’aretz; the world has noticed. Americans have noticed. We see. You can’t gussy up what’s going on in Gaza

To wit, “U.S. support for Israel has declined in the month since Hamas’s incursion into Israel on October 7. The percentage of respondents who said that ‘the U.S. should support Israel’ when asked what role Washington should play in the war dropped from 41% in mid-October to 32% percent this week.” (Via Reuters/Ipsos)

*Screen pic courtesy Ha’artez