No To Rehabilitating Genghis Bush, Not On The Old Right’s Watch

Bush, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Neoconservatism, Old Right

The brilliant Paul Gottfried, a great paleoconservative scholar, never censors himself. He writes this about the mention of war criminal George Bush in “ICE Agents Prefer Deporting Illegals To Changing Their Diapers”:

In your latest column, I like best the vicious dig at “W.” He was a hideous president, who kissed up compulsively to the leftist Mainstream Media, and who was properly rewarded by being smeared as a “racist.” I would enjoy seeing this entire loathsome family of outreaching WASP patrician liberals vanish overnight.—Paul

Perfection, Paul.

What Good Is Jeff Sessions If He CAN’T STOP GROVELLING for NOTHING

Democrats, Donald Trump, English, Russia

Why is it so hard for Jeff Sessions to say this: “Senators meet foreign diplomats all the the time. Establishment members are lying when they say they don’t meet with Russian diplomats. (And that includes Republican sleeper cells like Jason Chaffetz, Kevin McCarthy, Rob Portman and Barbara Comstock.)

These diplomats will try to curry favor with an erratic super power with nukes: the United States of America. Are you suggesting I’d betray America? Get out of my way. I have work to do.”

I know nothing about Jeff Sessions, except that he appears very frightened and not terribly sharp. He could be the opposite of those. The sharks smell fear. Like President Trump, moreover, Sessions’ pronouns are often missing a subject. His jumbled speech did nothing to bolster a weak, apologetic stance on the Russophobia gripping the DC complex.

ICE Agents Prefer Deporting Illegals To Changing Their Diapers

Donald Trump, Gender, IMMIGRATION, Neoconservatism

“Let Milo design The Wall. If conservatives can rehabilitate the unrepentant Bush; they can forgive Milo for saying stupid stuff.” The suggestion is from “ICE Agents Prefer Deporting Illegals To Changing Their Diapers,” now on Another excerpt:

… Judging by the mirth among good people and the misery among the bad, the president has already made progress. It’s just over a month into his presidency and the deportations of illegal immigrants are proceeding swimmingly. The morale among Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has never been higher. Their jobs are becoming “fun, again,” lamented a New York Times reporter, whose job has become a living hell. Joy!

Some anonymous informants for the newspaper of record within ICE say they miss the days of doing diaper duty. In 2012, following Barack Obama’s reelection, the men of ICE were forced to babysit Central American minors who rushed the South-Western border, “for the DREAM Act.” (All you need to know about the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act is that it culminates in Green Cards and citizenship for millions of Democrats.) ICE was charged with minding the minors before escorting them in style to their destinations in the interior.

Most agents are, however, over the moon about enforcement. ICE agents “are predominantly male, and have often served in the military, with a police department or both.” While working without women could predispose them to happiness, the agents are likely just overjoyed because President Trump has let them do their job! …

… READ THE REST. “ICE Agents Prefer Deporting Illegals To Changing Their Diapers” is now on

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Honest Highlights Of President Trump’s Address To The Joint Session

Canada, Crime, Donald Trump, Economy, IMMIGRATION

Prior to the Address to the Joint Session, all networks had reported the hereunder. Was it FakeNews (btw, Fox New is mostly fake, other than Tucker Carlson. Bush is being rehabilitated. Bimbos and boobs, new ones, proliferate daily. Intellectual content: mostly zero.)? Let’s hope so.

On immigration,

This was what emerged: A promise of a wall and a HUGE admission that immigrants from certain spots CANNOT EVER BE VETTED:

I always cry some when I see these ordinary American victims.

There were some politically correct optics. Americans expect that. What a shame.

“America First” was mentioned, this as plans are purportedly being made to expand meddling into sandpits like Syria and Yemen.


Want a brutally honest watchwoman, you’ve got one. I won’t ever lull you into conformity:

More brutal honesty: those kids