UPDATED: Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s 1st Press Conference 1/23/17

Donald Trump, English, Media, Trade

The chummy tweet Press Secretary Sean Spicer shot to his awful predecessor, Josh Earnest, is the only bad thing in an otherwise spectacular first press conference. With his vigor, energy and focus, Spicer’s boss, POTUS Trump, puts 20-year-olds to shame.

TPP to be fazed out:

Downsizing the behemoth:

English Only:

UPDATE: DRUDGE  Headlines:
Warns China: No more taking territory...
Set to battle Republicans on spending cuts...
Wants to slash regs by 75% ...
Discusses terror fight in call with Sisi...
Wins The Unions...
Will meet with Detroit Three automakers...
White House English-only website...

Inauguration And The Aftermath (Women’s Math)

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Gender, Islam, Media, Neoconservatism

American Woman, Stay Away From Me:

Neocon kingpins:

Sometimes Muslims have a point:

Can you articulate the problem?

Let me guess: Is it something down there?


Someone, Piers Morgan, has recovered his sanity:

CNN: Fake News in operation:

Moron Madonna, Aging ho:

Then there’s Melania:

To contrast with Mrs. Obama:

America First! What a concept.

From ‘I Obama” to ‘We The People’:

The supple liberal mind:

He spoke about people, not identity groups:

Dana Bash remains true to herself:

A very American show (down to the bikers):

Why The Face, Michelle Obama?

Barack Obama, Donald Trump

President Donald Trump doffed a hat to the Obamas in his magnificent inaugural speech:

And we are grateful to President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition.

They have been magnificent.

Thank you.

So why the face, Michelle Obama? It’s more than you deserve.


Upgrades: “There are many ways to show your respect for people and events, and one is to present yourself with elegance and dignity”:

RELATED: “I’m With Her, Against Hillary’s Malevolent Matriarchy.”

Fake News Doesn’t Want You To Know, But MLK Spared A Thought For Poor Whites

Democrats, Donald Trump, Race, Racism

I think my father would be very concerned about the fact that we have 50 [million or] 60 million people living in poverty, and somehow [we’ve] got to create the climate for all boats to be lifted.

So said Martin Luther King III, son of civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., after meeting with President-elect Donald Trump.

I watched King say this, but I could not find the quote in the Fake News media. (I eventually found it in the Washington Times.)  It’s obvious why. What Martin Luther King III says suggests that, for all his faults, senior was, nevertheless, nothing like the black community’s current, corrupt race hustlers. For he gave some thought to the non-black poor.

The Fake News media don’t want to promote inclusive world views; they believe in the practice of identity politics by minorities, and in submission to identity politics for whites.

But it is true that MLK did spare a thought for poor whites.

“It is a simple matter of justice,” said the senior Rev. King,” that America, “in dealing creatively with the task of raising the Negro [MLK’s words] from backwardness [MLK’s words], should also be rescuing a large stratum of the forgotten white poor.”

Here is Bernie Goldberg, on Bill O’Reilly’s The Factor, exculpating the disgusting conduct of Rep. John Lewis now and over the years. No! Goldberg bends over backward to make excuses for this  individual.  Goldberg doesn’t hold Lewis accountable, although Bill tries, but not hard enough.